File diff 992c91fc90de → 55f5833aa071
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@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ def currency_list(s):
class Configuration:
    DATE_SEPS = frozenset('.-/ ')
    DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = pathlib.Path(HOME_PATH, '.config', 'oxrlib.ini')
    NO_DENOMINATION = object()
    PREPOSITIONS = frozenset(['in', 'to', 'into'])
    TODAY =

@@ -97,6 +98,17 @@ class Configuration:
            action='store_false', dest='ledger',
            help="Turn off an earlier --ledger setting",
            metavar='CODE', type=currency_code,
            help="In Ledger conversion output, always show rates to convert "
            "to this currency",
            dest='denomination', action='store_const', const=self.NO_DENOMINATION,
            help="Turn off an earlier --denomination setting",
            '--signed-currency', '--sign-currency',
            type=currency_code, action='append', dest='signed_currencies',
@@ -132,14 +144,16 @@ class Configuration:
        return configparser.ConfigParser()

    def _read_from_conffile(self, argname, sectionname, fallback, convert_to=None,
                            confname=None, getter='get', unset=None):
                            confname=None, getter='get', unset=None,
                            *, convert_fallback=False):
        if getattr(self.args, argname) is not unset:
        elif confname is None:
            confname = argname
        get_method = getattr(self.conffile, getter)
        value = get_method(sectionname, confname, fallback=fallback)
        if convert_to is not None:
        if (convert_to is not None
            and (value is not fallback or convert_fallback)):
            value = self._convert_or_error(convert_to, value, confname)
        setattr(self.args, argname, value)

@@ -162,7 +176,12 @@ class Configuration:
            # Don't let the user specify ambiguous dates.
            self.error("historical data not available from year {}".format(year))
        self._read_from_conffile('base', 'Historical', 'USD', currency_code)
        self._read_from_conffile('signed_currencies', 'Historical', self.args.base, currency_list)
        if self.args.denomination is self.NO_DENOMINATION:
            self.args.denomination = None
            self._read_from_conffile('denomination', 'Historical', None, currency_code)
        self._read_from_conffile('signed_currencies', 'Historical', self.args.base,
                                 currency_list, convert_fallback=True)
        self._read_from_conffile('ledger', 'Historical', False, getter='getboolean')
        self.args.to_currency = self.args.base
        if self.args.word4 and (self.args.word3.lower() in self.PREPOSITIONS):