Changeset - f9c045a63efc
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Brett Smith - 7 years ago 2017-05-17 16:36:04
historical: Switch to relative import.
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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import oxrlib.rate
from .. import rate as oxrrate

def format_one_rate(rate, from_amt, from_curr, to_curr):
    return "{:g} {} = {:g} {}".format(
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def format_rate_pair(rate, from_curr, to_curr):
def run(config, stdout, stderr):
    loaders = config.get_loaders()
    with loaders.historical(, config.args.base) as rate_json:
        rate = oxrlib.rate.Rate.from_json_file(rate_json)
        rate = oxrrate.Rate.from_json_file(rate_json)
    if not config.args.from_currency:
        for from_curr in sorted(rate.rates):
            print(*format_rate_pair(rate, from_curr, config.args.to_currency),
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