Changeset - f7a57ded868c
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Brett Smith - 7 years ago 2017-07-06 14:17:08
historical: Add comments to explain the precision-finding code.
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@@ -100,28 +100,33 @@ class LedgerFormatter(Formatter):
            return default
        elif self.denomination == currency:
            return None
            return self.denomination

    def format_denominated_rate(self, amount, currency, default_denomination):
        denomination = self._denomination_for(currency, default_denomination)
        amt_s = self.format_currency(amount, currency)
        if denomination is None:
            return amt_s
        full_rate = self.rate.convert(1, currency, denomination)
        # Starting from self.rate_prec, find the least amount of precision to
        # make sure the `from` amount converts exactly to the `to` amount.
        to_amt = self.currency_decimal(amount * full_rate, denomination)
        for prec in itertools.count(self.rate_prec):
            rate = self.normalize_rate(full_rate, prec)
            got_amt = self.currency_decimal(amount * rate, denomination)
            # If got_amt == to_amt, this is enough precision to do the
            # conversion exactly, so we're done.
            # If rate == full_rate, there's no more precision available, so stop.
            if (got_amt == to_amt) or (rate == full_rate):
        return "{} {}".format(amt_s, self.format_ledger_rate_raw(rate, denomination))

    def format_conversion(self, from_amt, from_curr, to_curr):
        to_amt = self.rate.convert(from_amt, from_curr, to_curr)
        return "{}\n{}".format(
            self.format_denominated_rate(from_amt, from_curr, to_curr),
            self.format_denominated_rate(to_amt, to_curr, None),


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