Changeset - b270db02e8d7
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Brett Smith - 7 years ago 2017-06-29 20:54:16
historical: Ledger conversions show enough rate precision to stay balanced.
3 files changed with 36 insertions and 9 deletions:
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@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ class Formatter:
            fmt = fmt + ' ¤¤'
        return babel.numbers.format_currency(amount, code, fmt, currency_digits=currency_digits)

    def currency_decimal(self, amount, currency):
        amt_s = babel.numbers.format_currency(amount, currency, '###0.###')
        return decimal.Decimal(amt_s)

    def format_rate(self, rate):
        return "{:g}".format(rate)

@@ -61,10 +65,12 @@ class LedgerFormatter(Formatter):
        self.rate_prec = rate_precision
        self.denomination = denomination

    def normalize_rate(self, rate):
    def normalize_rate(self, rate, prec=None):
        if prec is None:
            prec = self.rate_prec
        _, digits, exponent = rate.normalize().as_tuple()
        # Return ``self.rate_prec`` nonzero digits of precision, if available.
        prec = self.rate_prec - min(0, exponent + len(digits))
        # Return ``prec`` nonzero digits of precision, if available.
        prec -= min(0, exponent + len(digits))
        quant_to = '1.{}'.format('0' * prec)
            qrate = rate.quantize(decimal.Decimal(quant_to))
@@ -76,11 +82,13 @@ class LedgerFormatter(Formatter):
    def format_rate(self, rate):
        return str(self.normalize_rate(rate))

    def format_ledger_rate(self, rate, curr):
        nrate = self.normalize_rate(rate)
        rate_s = self.format_currency(nrate, curr, currency_digits=False)
    def format_ledger_rate_raw(self, rate, curr):
        rate_s = self.format_currency(rate, curr, currency_digits=False)
        return "{{={0}}} @ {0}".format(rate_s)

    def format_ledger_rate(self, rate, curr):
        return self.format_ledger_rate_raw(self.normalize_rate(rate), curr)

    def format_rate_pair(self, from_curr, to_curr):
        from_amt = 1
        to_amt = self.rate.convert(from_amt, from_curr, to_curr)
@@ -100,9 +108,14 @@ class LedgerFormatter(Formatter):
        amt_s = self.format_currency(amount, currency)
        if denomination is None:
            return amt_s
            rate = self.rate.convert(1, currency, denomination)
            return "{} {}".format(amt_s, self.format_ledger_rate(rate, denomination))
        full_rate = self.rate.convert(1, currency, denomination)
        to_amt = self.currency_decimal(amount * full_rate, denomination)
        for prec in itertools.count(self.rate_prec):
            rate = self.normalize_rate(full_rate, prec)
            got_amt = self.currency_decimal(amount * rate, denomination)
            if (got_amt == to_amt) or (rate == full_rate):
        return "{} {}".format(amt_s, self.format_ledger_rate_raw(rate, denomination))

    def format_conversion(self, from_amt, from_curr, to_curr):
        to_amt = self.rate.convert(from_amt, from_curr, to_curr)
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@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
        "AED": 3.67246,
        "ALL": 144.529793,
        "ANG": 1.79,
        "RUB": 57.0763,
        "USD": 1
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@@ -146,3 +146,16 @@ def test_from_denomination(historical1_responder, output):
    assert next(lines) == '$10.00\n'
    assert next(lines) == '1,445 ALL {=$0.006919} @ $0.006919\n'
    assert next(lines, None) is None

def test_rate_precision_added_as_needed(historical1_responder, output):
    config = build_config(historical1_responder, from_currency='RUB',
                          to_currency='USD', amount=63805,
                          ledger=True, denomination='USD')
    lines = lines_from_run(config, output)
    # 63,805 / 57.0763 (the RUB rate) == $1,117.89
    # But using the truncated rate: 63,805 * .01752 == $1,117.86
    # Make sure the rate is specified with enough precision to get the
    # correct conversion amount.
    assert next(lines) == '63,805.00 RUB {=$0.0175204} @ $0.0175204\n'
    assert next(lines) == '$1,117.89\n'
    assert next(lines, None) is None
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