Changeset - 936237eceb32
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Brett Smith - 7 years ago 2017-06-09 17:22:12
config: Nicer determination of default currency for converting/signing.

base defaults to USD more as an API restriction than anything else, so avoid
using it as a default setting. Instead, use the user's books denomination
or locale setting.
3 files changed with 29 insertions and 10 deletions:
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import argparse
import configparser
import datetime
import decimal
import os.path
import pathlib

import babel
import babel.numbers

from . import cache, loaders

HOME_PATH = pathlib.Path(os.path.expanduser('~'))

def currency_code(s):
    if not ((len(s) == 3) and s.isalpha()):
        raise ValueError("bad currency code: {!r}".format(s))
    return s.upper()

def currency_list(s):
    return [currency_code(code.strip()) for code in s.split(',')]

class Configuration:
    DATE_SEPS = frozenset('.-/ ')
    DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = pathlib.Path(HOME_PATH, '.config', 'oxrlib.ini')
    NO_DENOMINATION = object()
    LOCALE = babel.core.Locale.default()
    SENTINEL = object()
    PREPOSITIONS = frozenset(['in', 'to', 'into'])
    TODAY =

    def __init__(self, arglist):
        argparser = self._build_argparser()
        self.error = argparser.error
        self.args = argparser.parse_args(arglist)

        if self.args.config_file is None:
            self.args.config_file = [self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH]
        self.conffile = self._build_conffile()
        conffile_paths = [path.as_posix() for path in self.args.config_file]
        read_files =
        for expected_path, read_path in zip(conffile_paths, read_files):
            if read_path != expected_path:
                self.error("failed to read configuration file {!r}".format(expected_path))

        if not hasattr(self.args, 'command'):
            post_hook = getattr(self, '_post_hook_' + self.args.command)
        except AttributeError:
@@ -85,145 +89,152 @@ class Configuration:
            metavar='CODE', type=currency_code,
            help="Base currency (default USD)",
            '--ledger', '-L',
            help="Output the rate or conversion in Ledger format",
            action='store_false', dest='ledger',
            help="Turn off an earlier --ledger setting",
            metavar='CODE', type=currency_code,
            help="In Ledger conversion output, always show rates to convert "
            "to this currency",
            dest='denomination', action='store_const', const=self.NO_DENOMINATION,
            dest='denomination', action='store_const', const=self.SENTINEL,
            help="Turn off an earlier --denomination setting",
            '--signed-currency', '--sign-currency',
            type=currency_code, action='append', dest='signed_currencies',
            help="In Ledger output, use a sign for this currency if known. "
            "Can be specified multiple times.",
            help="Use rates from this date, in YYYY-MM-DD format. "
            "If the year or month are not specified, defaults to today's year or month."
            'word1', nargs='?', metavar='amount',
            help="Convert this amount of currency. If not specified, show rates.",
            'word2', nargs='?', metavar='first code',
            help="Convert or show rates from this currency, in three-letter code format. "
            "If not specified, show all rates on the given date.",
            'word3', nargs='?', metavar='second code',
            help="Convert or show rates to this currency, in three-letter code format. "
            "If not specified, defaults to the base currency.",
            "If not specified, defaults to the user's preferred currency.",
        hist_parser.add_argument('word4', nargs='?', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)

        return prog_parser

    def _build_conffile(self):
        return configparser.ConfigParser()

    def _read_from_conffile(self, argname, sectionname, fallback, convert_to=None,
                            confname=None, getter='get', unset=None,
                            *, convert_fallback=False):
        if getattr(self.args, argname) is not unset:
        elif confname is None:
            confname = argname
        get_method = getattr(self.conffile, getter)
        value = get_method(sectionname, confname, fallback=fallback)
        if (convert_to is not None
            and (value is not fallback or convert_fallback)):
            value = self._convert_or_error(convert_to, value, confname)
        setattr(self.args, argname, value)

    def _convert_or_error(self, argtype, s_value, argname=None, typename=None):
            return argtype(s_value)
        except (decimal.InvalidOperation, TypeError, ValueError):
            errmsg = []
            if argname:
                errmsg.append("argument {}".format(argname))
            if typename is None:
                typename = argtype.__name__.replace('_', ' ')
            errmsg.append("invalid {} value".format(typename))
            self.error(': '.join(errmsg))

    def _user_currency(self, default=SENTINEL):
            return babel.numbers.get_territory_currencies(
                self.LOCALE.territory, start_date=self.TODAY)[0]
        except IndexError:
            return default

    def _post_hook_historical(self):
        year =
        if year < 100:
            # Don't let the user specify ambiguous dates.
            self.error("historical data not available from year {}".format(year))
        self._read_from_conffile('base', 'Historical', 'USD', currency_code)
        if self.args.denomination is self.NO_DENOMINATION:
        if self.args.denomination is self.SENTINEL:
            self.args.denomination = None
            self._read_from_conffile('denomination', 'Historical', None, currency_code)
        self._read_from_conffile('signed_currencies', 'Historical', self.args.base,
        pref_currency = self.args.denomination or self._user_currency(self.args.base)
        self._read_from_conffile('signed_currencies', 'Historical', pref_currency,
                                 currency_list, convert_fallback=True)
        self._read_from_conffile('ledger', 'Historical', False, getter='getboolean')
        self.args.to_currency = self.args.base
        raw_words = iter(getattr(self.args, 'word' + c) for c in '1234')
        words = iter(word for word in raw_words if word is not None)
            next_word = next(words)
                self.args.amount = decimal.Decimal(next_word)
            except decimal.InvalidOperation:
                # If an amount was given, a currency code must be given too.
                # If it wasn't, set a value that can't be parsed as a currency.
                next_word = next(words, 'none given')
            self.args.from_currency = self._convert_or_error(currency_code, next_word)
            next_word = next(words)
            if next_word.lower() in self.PREPOSITIONS:
                next_word = next(words, next_word)
            self.args.to_currency = self._convert_or_error(currency_code, next_word)
        except StopIteration:
            self.args.to_currency = pref_currency

    def _build_cache_loader(self):
        kwargs = dict(self.conffile.items('Cache'))
            kwargs['dir_path'] = pathlib.Path(kwargs.pop('directory'))
        except KeyError:
        self.cache = cache.CacheWriter(**kwargs)
        return loaders.FileCache(**kwargs)

    def _build_oxrapi_loader(self):
        kwargs = dict(self.conffile.items('OXR'))
        return loaders.OXRAPIRequest(**kwargs)

    def get_loaders(self):
        loader_chain = loaders.LoaderChain()
        for build_func in [
                loader = build_func()
            except (TypeError, ValueError, configparser.NoSectionError):
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@@ -14,26 +14,30 @@ directory = /home/YOU/.cache/oxrlib

# Save data from the historical API using this filename pattern.
# The pattern must include `{date}` and `{base}`, where API parameters are
# filled in.
historical = {date}_{base}_rates.json

# This optional section can specify default parameters for historical API calls.

# Set the base currency.
# Note that setting a base other than USD requires a paid OXR account.
base = USD

# Write output in Ledger format.
ledger = no

# Denominate Ledger books in this currency.
# Ledger-formatted conversions will always show a rate to convert to this
# currency, even when converting between two other currencies.
# If not specified, output will show the rate for the currency you're
# converting to.
denomination = USD

# Use signs for these currencies in Ledger output.
# If not specified, defaults to the base currency.
# If not specified, defaults to the user's preferred currency, which is
# the first setting found from:
# 1. the denomination setting above
# 2. the user's locale
# 3. the base currency (which defaults to USD)
signed_currencies = USD, EUR
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import datetime
import decimal
import os

import babel
import pytest

from . import any_date, relpath

import oxrlib.cache
import oxrlib.config
import oxrlib.loaders

INI_DIR_PATH = relpath('config_ini')

def config_from(ini_filename, arglist=None):
    if arglist is None:
        arglist = ['historical', any_date().isoformat()]
    ini_path = INI_DIR_PATH / ini_filename
    return oxrlib.config.Configuration(['--config-file', ini_path.as_posix()] + arglist)

def test_full_config():
    config = config_from('full.ini')
    loaders = config.get_loaders().loaders
    assert type(loaders[0]) is oxrlib.loaders.FileCache
    assert type(loaders[1]) is oxrlib.loaders.OXRAPIRequest
    assert len(loaders) == 2
    assert type(config.cache) is oxrlib.cache.CacheWriter

@@ -35,56 +36,59 @@ def test_empty_config():
    assert not config.get_loaders().loaders

@pytest.mark.parametrize('ini_filename,expected_currency,use_switch', [
    (os.devnull, 'USD', False),
    ('full.ini', 'INI', False),
    ('full.ini', 'EUR', True),
def test_historical_default_base(ini_filename, expected_currency, use_switch, any_date):
    arglist = ['historical']
    if use_switch:
        arglist.extend(['--base', expected_currency])
    config = config_from(ini_filename, arglist)
    assert config.args.base == expected_currency

@pytest.mark.parametrize('amount,from_curr,preposition,to_curr', [
    (None, 'JPY', None, None),
    (None, 'gbp', None, 'Aud'),
    (None, 'CHF', 'to', 'eur'),
    (decimal.Decimal('1000'), 'chf', None, None),
    (decimal.Decimal('999'), 'Eur', None, 'Chf'),
    (decimal.Decimal('12.34'), 'gbp', 'IN', 'eur'),
def test_historical_argparsing_success(amount, from_curr, preposition, to_curr, any_date):
    oxrlib.config.Configuration.TODAY =, 1, 1)
    # This locale's currency should not be used in any test cases above.
    oxrlib.config.Configuration.LOCALE = babel.core.Locale('en', 'IN')
    arglist = ['historical', any_date.isoformat()]
    arglist.extend(str(s) for s in [amount, from_curr, preposition, to_curr]
                   if s is not None)
    config = config_from(os.devnull, arglist)
    expect_to_curr = 'INR' if to_curr is None else to_curr.upper()
    assert config.args.amount == amount
    assert config.args.from_currency == from_curr.upper()
    if to_curr is not None:
        assert config.args.to_currency == to_curr.upper()
    assert config.args.to_currency == expect_to_curr

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
    ['120', 'dollars'],
    ['to', '42', 'usd'],
    ['99', 'usd', 'minus', 'jpy'],
    ['44', 'eur', 'in', 'chf', 'pronto'],
    ['eur', 'into'],
    ['50', 'jpy', 'in'],
def test_historical_argparsing_failure(arglist, any_date):
    arglist = ['historical', any_date.isoformat()] + arglist
        config = config_from(os.devnull, arglist)
    except SystemExit:
        assert not vars(config.args), "bad arglist succeeded"

@pytest.mark.parametrize('date_s,expect_year,expect_month,expect_day', [
    ('5', 1965, 4, 5),
    ('05', 1965, 4, 5),
    ('3-6', 1965, 3, 6),
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