File diff 6334d927393b → 8b5f3f7fab25
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@@ -215,16 +215,17 @@ Some examples of appropriate uses of the `Statement:` tag are:
* just about anything that is clearly not an [invoice](invoice-tag) nor a
  [receipt](receipt-tag), but definitely is valid backup documentation for
  the transaction.

### Expense Account Documentation

Each Expense account entries need to be tagged with an `Invoice`, `Receipt`,
or `Statement` tag.  The value of the tag is a relative path name of a file
elsewhere in the same repository that documents the specific expense.  For
example, an entry like this:
Each Expense account entries need to be tagged with an
[`Invoice`](#invoice-tag), [`Receipt`](#receipt-tag), or
[`Statement`](#statement-tag) tag.  The value of the tag is a relative path
name of a file elsewhere in the same repository that documents the specific
expense.  For example, an entry like this:

     2012-02-05 Office Supply Galore - Online Order
         Expense:Main Org:Office Supplies      $35.00
             ;Receipt: accounts/documentation/org/receipts/2012-02-05_office-supply-galore.txt
         Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa         -$35.00