File diff 642a4ed7b9f2 → 41574bb563f1
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@@ -289,96 +289,99 @@ company, person, or legal entity that is the external party for the

Note that there is no database of these monikers, so typos can cause
trouble.  However, you could implement checks in
`accounts/config/config-tags.ledger` using a regular expression to verify no
typos have occurred.  This would be somewhat cumbersome, since Ledger CLI
would likely require that the monikers be encoded into a regular expression.
Barring that, the
[integrity of your data should be periodically checked](checking-integrity-of-tag).

#### IncomeType Tag

The `IncomeType:` tag is used for all `Income:` accounts.  This refers to the
type of income.  The value of the `IncomeType:` tag is always a string.
Since this particular system is designed for USA non-profit entities who file
USA Form 990, the following `IncomeType` values are supported:

* `Donations`, which refers to standard charitable donations.

* `RBI`, which refers to "related business income".

* `UBTI`, which refers to "unrelated business taxable income.

Not that donor-advised funds and government grants don't currently have their
own `IncomeType`.  It's possible this might be necessary; the authors aren't
familiar with how to handle those items on the Form 990.  It would be a
relatively simple change to `config-tags.ledger`, though, to support other
income types, or to change it entirely to handle use-cases other than USA
Form 990 filing.

#### TaxImplication Tag

The `TaxImplication:` tag is used for all `Asset:` accounts when the
transaction includes a payment of $10.00 or more leaving the account.  This
tag catalogs any tax implications that might occur on outgoing funds.

The most important USA-related issue tracked by this tag are contractors who
must have annual 1099 and/or W2 issued.  An [`Entity:` tag](entity-tag) should always
go along with a TaxImplication tag.

The possible values for this field are:

* `1099`, indicating the amount paid requires issuance of a USA Federal Form
  1099 for the `Entity` involved.

* `W2`, indicating the amount paid will be part of a USA Federal income, as
  reported on Form W2 report for the `Entity` involved.

* `Retirement-Pretax`, indicating the amount paid was made to a W2 employee
  as part of pre-tax retirement plan, such as a 401(k) or 403(b) plan.

* `Accountant-Advises-No-1099`, indicating that the circumstances and rules
  seem to indicate a USA Federal Form 1099 should be issued for the `Entity`
  involved, but an outside accountant advised that no 1099 need be issues for
  this `Entity`.

* `Bank-Transfer`, indicating that the amount is a transfer between two
  banking accounts under the control of the NPO itself.

* `Foreign-Individual-Contractor`, indicating that the NPO has established
  that the `Entity` is a contractor residing outside the USA who is not a USA
  citizen and does not for any reason pay taxes in the USA.

* `Foreign-Corporation`, indicating that the NPO has established
  that the `Entity` is a corporation outside the USA.

* `USA-Corporation`, indicating that the NPO has established that the
  `Entity` is an incorporated entity the USA (i.e., "Inc."), and therefore no
  1099 is required.

* `USA-501c3`, indicating that the NPO has established that the `Entity`
  has federal 501(c)(3) status in the USA, and therefore no 1099 is required.

* `Refund`, indicating that the amount is a refund owed to the `Entity` from
  an amount previously paid to the NPO.

* `Reimbursement`, indicating that the amount is a reimbursement of expenses
  incurred by the `Entity` and thus it is not income to the `Entity`.

* `Tax-Payment`, indicating this is a tax payment to a taxing authority (such
  as the state or federal government) (e.g., a unrelated business income tax

* `USA-LLC-No-1099`, indicating that the `Entity` is an LLC, but not the type
  of LLC for which the USA requires issuing a 1099.

* `Loan`, indicating that the `Entity` is receiving these funds as a loan
  that is expected to be paid back.

#### Program Tag

The `Program` tag is used primarily to track program activity for `Income:`
and `Expenses:` accounts.  This allows for knowing what particular initiative
initiated the income (e.g., a specific fundraising campaign) and/or what
particular program activity an expense is toward (e.g., funding travel to
some specific conference).

The Program tag is always a string with the same format as a Ledger CLI
account (primarily for use with Ledger CLI's `--pivot` and `--group-by`,