File diff 78e68f0bd97a → 620278d2205d
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@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
; terms of CC0-1.0, as published by Creative Commons, Inc.  A copy of CC0-1.0
; can be found in the same repository as this file under the
; filename CC0-1.0.txt.  If this document has been separated from the
; repository, a [copy of CC0-1.0 can be found on Creative Commons' website at
; repository, a copy of CC0-1.0 can be found on Creative Commons' website at

; ##############################  GENERAL/SHARED ACCOUNTS #######################
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ account Accrued:Accounts Payable:Main Org
; Organizational Expense Accounts

; NOTE: the payee =~ test is *not* included herein and must be cut-and-pasted
;       to the assert in ever Expense account because of the following bug:
;       to the assert in every Expense account because of the following bug:

define expenseChecker() = (tag("Receipt") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Invoice") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Statement") !~ /^\s*$/) and tag("Program") !~ /^\s*$/