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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 11 years ago 2013-04-29 23:55:07
Initial documentation of the Program: tag.
Includes introduction of the section about making use of these tags.
4 files changed with 45 insertions and 1 deletions:
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; -*- ledger -*-
; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
; config-accounts.ledger: The Ledger CLI accounts declarations for NPO use-case.
; Copyright © 2013, Bradley M. Kuhn.
; The copyright holders wish that this document could be placed into the
; public domain.  However, should such a public domain dedication not be
; possible, the copyright holders grant a waiver and/or license under the
; terms of CC0-1.0, as published by Creative Commons, Inc.  A copy of CC0-1.0
; can be found in the same repository as this file under the
; filename CC0-1.0.txt.  If this document has been separated from the
; repository, a [copy of CC0-1.0 can be found on Creative Commons' website at

; ##############################  GENERAL/SHARED ACCOUNTS #######################

; Shared Asset Accounts

account Asset:Checking
   note Checking account for entire organization
   assert commodity == "$"

; Shared Liabilities Accounts

account Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa
    note Visa Credit Card account for entire organization
    assert commodity == "$"


; Organizational accrual accounts

account Accrued:Accounts Receivable:Main Org
    note Accrued receivables for Main Org
    assert commodity == "$"

; Organizational Expense Accounts

; NOTE: the payee =~ test is *not* included herein and must be cut-and-pasted
;       to the assert in ever Expense account because of the following bug:

define expenseChecker() = (tag("Receipt") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Invoice") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Statement") !~ /^\s*$/)
define expenseChecker() = (tag("Receipt") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Invoice") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Statement") !~ /^\s*$/) and tag("Program") !~ /^\s*$/
; or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/

account Expense:Main Org:Office Supplies
    assert expenseChecker() or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/
    note Main Organization's Office Supplies and Sundries

account Expense:Main Org:Payroll:Salary
    assert expenseChecker() or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/
    note Main Organization's Staff Salaries

account Expense:Main Org:Payroll:Benefits
    assert expenseChecker() or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/
    note Main Organization's Staff Benefits

account Expense:Main Org:Phones
    assert expenseChecker() or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/
    note Main Organization's Phone Expenses

account Expense:Main Org:Hosting
    assert expenseChecker() or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/
    note Main Organization's Network Hosting Provider services

account Expense:Main Org:Occupancy
    assert expenseChecker() or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/
    note Main Organization's Occupancy for Office Space and the like

; Organizational Income Accounts

account Income:Main Org:Donations
    assert tag("IncomeType") =~ /^Donations$/
    note Donation income to the Main Org.
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; -*- ledger -*-
; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
; config-tags.ledger: The Ledger CLI tag declarations for NPO use-case.

; Copyright © 2013, Bradley M. Kuhn.
; The copyright holders wish that this document could be placed into the
; public domain.  However, should such a public domain dedication not be
; possible, the copyright holders grant a waiver and/or license under the
; terms of CC0-1.0, as published by Creative Commons, Inc.  A copy of CC0-1.0
; can be found in the same repository as this file under the
; filename CC0-1.0.txt.  If this document has been separated from the
; repository, a [copy of CC0-1.0 can be found on Creative Commons' website at

; ################################# TAGS ################################

; The Statement, Receipt, and Invoice tags' values should always a be a
; relative path names.  Note that we "check", but do not "assert" that the
; file name match a standard Unix-like path syntax, without spaces in the
; file name.

tag Statement
    assert value =~ /[^\/].+/
    check value =~ /[^\/][^ ]+(\/[^ ])+/

tag Receipt
    assert value =~ /[^\/].+/
    check value =~ /[^\/][^ ]+(\/[^ ])+/

tag Invoice
    assert value =~ /[^\/].+/
    check value =~ /[^\/][^ ]+(\/[^ ])+/

; IncomeType refers to the types of income a non-profit can receive.  In this
; example, it's for the categorizations on the USA Form 990.  This could be
; changed to accomodate other jurisdictions around the world.

tag IncomeType
    assert value =~ /^(Donations|RBI|UBTI)$/

; Program tag must match the general format of a ledger account as an
; assertion, but we at least check known names of programs, so that warnings
; are produced if a new program never seen before is encountered.

tag Program
    assert value =~ /[ A-z0-9\-]+(:[ A-z0-9\-]+)*/
    check  value =~ /^(Main Org:(Overhead|Direct Fundraising))$/
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; -*- ledger -*-
; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

!include ../config/config-npo.ledger

2012-02-05 Office Supply Galore - Online Order
        ;Receipt: accounts/documentation/org/receipts/2012-02-05_office-supply-galore.txt
    Expense:Main Org:Office Supplies          $35.00
        ;Program: Main Org:Overhead
    Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa             -$35.00

2011/05/28 My Bad Billing Hosting - NEVER CHARGED
    Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa            $-100.00
    Expense:Main Org:Hosting                 $100.00
        ;Program: Main Org:Overhead

2012/01/01 My Bad Billing Hosting - REVERSAL - NEVER CHARGED
    Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa             $100.00
    Expense:Main Org:Hosting                $-100.00
        ;Program: Main Org:Overhead

2012-05-03 Sir Moneybags
        ;Entity: Sir-Moneybags
        ;Invoice: accounts/documentation/org/invoices/2012-05-30_moneybags-invoice_as-sent.txt
    Accrued:Accounts Receivable:Main Org  $100,000.00
    Income:Main Org:Donations            $-100,000.00
        ;IncomeType: Donations
        ;Program: Main Org:Direct Fundraising
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@@ -136,207 +136,239 @@ the overall books of the entire NPO.

On the latter point, this system utilizes a directory structure and separate
`.ledger` files to separate out the different projects into different
structures.  This allows member/affiliated projects to take their data and
run `ledger` commands against it, separately and without access to the other
`.ledger` files of the NPO.


Proper Documentation For All Transactions

Ledger CLI offers a flexible structure of tagging any entry, including
separate tags for parts of a split transaction.  This system uses those tags
to ensure proper documentation is included for each financial transaction
that occurs for the organization.

Note that since Ledger CLI is a complete double-entry accounting system, each
transaction can correspond to multiple entries in the general ledger.  The
data entry format of Ledger CLI lists each double-entry accounting
transaction in a text file.

Documentation may in fact differ for entries within the transaction.  Ledger
CLI's tagging structure is flexible in this regard: each portion of a
double-entry transaction can carry the same tag or a different tag.  For
example, in this entry:

    2012-05-03 Sir Moneybags
            ;Entity: Sir-Moneybags
            ;Invoice: accounts/documentation/org/invoices/2012-05-30_moneybags-invoice_as-sent.txt
        Accrued:Accounts Receivable:Conservancy  $100,000.00
        Income:Main Org:Donations               $-100,000.00
            ;IncomeType: Donations

The portion of the transaction that credits the `Income:Main Org:Donations`
has three tags: [`Entity`](#entity-tag), [`Invoice`](#invoice-tag) and
[`IncomeType`](#income-type).  The `Entity` and `Invoice` tags, since they're
listed at the top of the transaction, propagate through and apply to both
sides.  But, the `IncomeType` tag, which has no meaning for `Accrued:`
accounts, so it is applied only to the `Income:Main Org:Donations` part of
the transaction.

### Tags Used In This System

A list of tags can be found in the file `accounts/config/config-tags.ledger`
in this project.

#### Receipt Tag

The `Receipt:` tag refers to receipt of some sort.  Typically, this is a
document that shows clear confirmation that the transaction has already
occurred.  The value of the `Receipt:` tag is always a valid pathname in the
repository to the document.

Some examples of appropriate uses of the `Receipt:` are:

* a point-of-sale credit card receipt from a purchase, given by a cashier or
  sent via email after the purchase has occurred.

* a deposit slip given at the bank upon making an over-the-counter deposit of
  paper checks.

* a confirmation document showing an outgoing wire transfer made by a bank.

* a confirmation document showing transfer of funds between two bank

* A pay advice document generated upon payment of an invoice.

#### Invoice Tag

The `Invoice:` tag refers to an actual invoice, either generated by the
organization or received by the organization.  Typically, this is a document
that is a request for payment, rather than documenting an actual payment that
has occurred.  The value of the `Invoice:` tag is always a valid pathname in
the repository to the document.

Some examples of appropriate uses of the `Invoice:` tag are:

* an actual invoice as sent by a vendor to the organization.

* a request for payment sent by the organization to someone else.

* a reimbursement request submitted by an employee, contractor, or volunteer
  for expenses they've already incurred and would like the organization to
  reimburse (e.g., an expense report, requesting for reimbursement of travel

#### Statement Tag

The `Statement:` tag refers to any sort of written statement received from an
external party (or even perhaps generated internally) that provides document,
insight, or other information about the transaction.  The value of the
`Statement:` tag is always a valid pathname in the repository to the document.

Some examples of appropriate uses of the `Statement:` tag are:

* bank statements, as received from the banking institution.

* written reports of travel.

* blog posts made by a contractor documenting their work.

* written organizational policies about the expense.

* just about anything that is clearly not an [invoice](#invoice-tag) nor a
  [receipt](#receipt-tag), but definitely is valid backup documentation for
  the transaction.

#### IncomeType Tag

The `IncomeType:` tag is used for all `Income:` accounts.  This refers to the
type of income.  The value of the `IncomeType:` tag is always a string.
Since this particular system is designed for USA non-profit entities who file
USA Form 990, the following `IncomeType` values are supported:

* `Donations`, which refers to standard charitable donations.

* `RBI`, which refers to "related business income".

* `UBTI`, which refers to "unrelated business taxable income.

Not that donor-advised funds and government grants don't currently have their
own `IncomeType`.  It's possible this might be necessary; the authors aren't
familiar with how to handle those items on the Form 990.  It would be a
relatively simple change to `config-tags.ledger`, though, to support other
income types, or to change it entirely to handle use-cases other than USA
Form 990 filing.

#### Program Tag

The `Program` tag is used primarily to track program activity for `Income:`
and `Expense:` accounts.  This allows for knowing what particular initiative
initiated the income (e.g., a specific fundraising campaign) and/or what
particular program activity an expense is toward (e.g., funding travel to
some specific conference).

The Program tag is always a string with the same format as a Ledger CLI
account (primarily for use with Ledger CLI's `--pivot` and `--group-by`,
[as described later](#testing-program-success).

### Expense Account Documentation

Each Expense account entries need to be tagged with an
[`Invoice`](#invoice-tag), [`Receipt`](#receipt-tag), or
[`Statement`](#statement-tag) tag.  The value of the tag is a relative path
name of a file elsewhere in the same repository that documents the specific
expense.  For example, an entry like this:

     2012-02-05 Office Supply Galore - Online Order
         Expense:Main Org:Office Supplies      $35.00
             ;Receipt: accounts/documentation/org/receipts/2012-02-05_office-supply-galore.txt
         Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa         -$35.00

shows that a purchase was made at Office Supply Galore's online store for
$35.00, and the file `accounts/documentation/org/receipts/2012-02-05_office-supply-galore.txt`
contains the receipt from that purchase.

#### payee with "NEVER CHARGED"

The only exception to the standard tagging requirement is when the payee has
been modified to indicate that the expense was `NEVER CHARGED`.  This is an
historical special-case.  The solution was originally design for the
following scenario:

Suppose an expense was expected — for example, a situation where you
gave a credit card number to charge something and the charge never came
through — but it turns out the charge never happened.

The recommended way to resolve this problem in the system is to just delete
the entry entirely from the Ledger file, and allow the VCS to log the fact
that the charge was expected, but the vendor never billed the credit card.

The reason the `NEVER CHARGED` payee text was added was to handle the
situation where the books included this charge, but the books were already
closed for the financial period (e.g., the books had already been audited).
Changing the payee was a method for documenting the expense.  You might use
it like this:

    2011/05/28 My Bad Billing Hosting - NEVER CHARGED
        Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa            $-100.00
        Expenses:Conservancy:Hosting             $100.00

    2012/01/01 My Bad Billing Hosting - REVERSAL - NEVER CHARGED
        Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa             $100.00
        Expenses:Conservancy:Hosting            $-100.00

However, going forward, you'd likely never enter anything the ledger
**until** you had real proof via an Invoice, Receipt or Statement that showed
the Expense did/should occur.  This use of `NEVER CHARGED` in the payee is
thus deprecated.

Analysis of the Data

If this methodology is followed, Ledger can be used to analyze the financial
data for the organization.

### Testing Program Success

If you use the [`Program`](#program-tag) tag effectively, you can easily test
the successes of various fundraising programs with a command like this:

    $ ledger -f accounts/books.ledger --pivot Program bal '/^Income/'

Meanwhile, using the  [`Program`](#program-tag) tag for Expenses can help
track what programs are costing with commands like hese:

    $ ledger -f accounts/books.ledger --group-by 'tag("Program")' reg '/^Expense/'

FIXME: example output

Copyright and License of This File

This specific document, the file for npo-ledger-cli, is copyrighted:
  Copyright © 2013, Bradley M. Kuhn

This document's license gives you freedom; you can copy, modify, convey,
propagate, and/or redistribute this software under the terms of either:

    * The GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
      Foundation, Inc.; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
      any later version (aka GPLv3-or-later).

    * *or* the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States
      license, as published by Creative Commons, Inc. (aka CC-By-SA-USA-3.0)

In addition, when you convey, distribute, and/or propagate this document
and/or modified versions thereof, you may also preserve this notice so that
recipients of such distributions will also have both licensing options
described above.

A copy of GPLv3 and CC-By-SA-3.0-USA can be found in the same repository as
this file under the filenames GPLv3.txt and CC-By-SA-3.0-USA.txt.  If this
document has been separated from the repository, a
[copy of GPL can be found on FSF's website](
and a
[copy of CC-By-SA-USA-3.0 can be found on Creative Commons' website](

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