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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 11 years ago 2013-04-29 23:55:07
Initial documentation of the Program: tag.
Includes introduction of the section about making use of these tags.
4 files changed with 45 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ account Accrued:Accounts Receivable:Main Org
    assert commodity == "$"

; Organizational Expense Accounts

; NOTE: the payee =~ test is *not* included herein and must be cut-and-pasted
;       to the assert in ever Expense account because of the following bug:

define expenseChecker() = (tag("Receipt") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Invoice") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Statement") !~ /^\s*$/)
define expenseChecker() = (tag("Receipt") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Invoice") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Statement") !~ /^\s*$/) and tag("Program") !~ /^\s*$/
; or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/

account Expense:Main Org:Office Supplies
    assert expenseChecker() or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/
    note Main Organization's Office Supplies and Sundries

account Expense:Main Org:Payroll:Salary
    assert expenseChecker() or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/
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@@ -34,8 +34,16 @@ tag Invoice
    check value =~ /[^\/][^ ]+(\/[^ ])+/

; IncomeType refers to the types of income a non-profit can receive.  In this
; example, it's for the categorizations on the USA Form 990.  This could be
; changed to accomodate other jurisdictions around the world.

tag IncomeType
    assert value =~ /^(Donations|RBI|UBTI)$/

; Program tag must match the general format of a ledger account as an
; assertion, but we at least check known names of programs, so that warnings
; are produced if a new program never seen before is encountered.

tag Program
    assert value =~ /[ A-z0-9\-]+(:[ A-z0-9\-]+)*/
    check  value =~ /^(Main Org:(Overhead|Direct Fundraising))$/
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; -*- ledger -*-
; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

!include ../config/config-npo.ledger

2012-02-05 Office Supply Galore - Online Order
        ;Receipt: accounts/documentation/org/receipts/2012-02-05_office-supply-galore.txt
    Expense:Main Org:Office Supplies          $35.00
        ;Program: Main Org:Overhead
    Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa             -$35.00

2011/05/28 My Bad Billing Hosting - NEVER CHARGED
    Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa            $-100.00
    Expense:Main Org:Hosting                 $100.00
        ;Program: Main Org:Overhead

2012/01/01 My Bad Billing Hosting - REVERSAL - NEVER CHARGED
    Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa             $100.00
    Expense:Main Org:Hosting                $-100.00
        ;Program: Main Org:Overhead

2012-05-03 Sir Moneybags
        ;Entity: Sir-Moneybags
        ;Invoice: accounts/documentation/org/invoices/2012-05-30_moneybags-invoice_as-sent.txt
    Accrued:Accounts Receivable:Main Org  $100,000.00
    Income:Main Org:Donations            $-100,000.00
        ;IncomeType: Donations
        ;Program: Main Org:Direct Fundraising
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@@ -256,16 +256,28 @@ USA Form 990, the following `IncomeType` values are supported:

Not that donor-advised funds and government grants don't currently have their
own `IncomeType`.  It's possible this might be necessary; the authors aren't
familiar with how to handle those items on the Form 990.  It would be a
relatively simple change to `config-tags.ledger`, though, to support other
income types, or to change it entirely to handle use-cases other than USA
Form 990 filing.

#### Program Tag

The `Program` tag is used primarily to track program activity for `Income:`
and `Expense:` accounts.  This allows for knowing what particular initiative
initiated the income (e.g., a specific fundraising campaign) and/or what
particular program activity an expense is toward (e.g., funding travel to
some specific conference).

The Program tag is always a string with the same format as a Ledger CLI
account (primarily for use with Ledger CLI's `--pivot` and `--group-by`,
[as described later](#testing-program-success).

### Expense Account Documentation

Each Expense account entries need to be tagged with an
[`Invoice`](#invoice-tag), [`Receipt`](#receipt-tag), or
[`Statement`](#statement-tag) tag.  The value of the tag is a relative path
name of a file elsewhere in the same repository that documents the specific
expense.  For example, an entry like this:

@@ -307,16 +319,36 @@ it like this:
        Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa             $100.00
        Expenses:Conservancy:Hosting            $-100.00

However, going forward, you'd likely never enter anything the ledger
**until** you had real proof via an Invoice, Receipt or Statement that showed
the Expense did/should occur.  This use of `NEVER CHARGED` in the payee is
thus deprecated.

Analysis of the Data

If this methodology is followed, Ledger can be used to analyze the financial
data for the organization.

### Testing Program Success

If you use the [`Program`](#program-tag) tag effectively, you can easily test
the successes of various fundraising programs with a command like this:

    $ ledger -f accounts/books.ledger --pivot Program bal '/^Income/'

Meanwhile, using the  [`Program`](#program-tag) tag for Expenses can help
track what programs are costing with commands like hese:

    $ ledger -f accounts/books.ledger --group-by 'tag("Program")' reg '/^Expense/'

FIXME: example output

Copyright and License of This File

This specific document, the file for npo-ledger-cli, is copyrighted:
  Copyright © 2013, Bradley M. Kuhn

This document's license gives you freedom; you can copy, modify, convey,
propagate, and/or redistribute this software under the terms of either:
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