Changeset - a274533f0258
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 11 years ago 2013-04-29 20:09:29
Properly declare Receipt, Invoice, and Statement tags.

The Statement, Receipt, and Invoice tags' values should always a be a
relative path names. Note that we "check", but do not "assert" that the file
name match a standard Unix-like path syntax, without spaces in the file name.
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@@ -20,4 +20,22 @@ commodity $

;  ################################# TAGS ################################

; The Statement, Receipt, and Invoice tags' values should always a be a
; relative path names.  Note that we "check", but do not "assert" that the
; file name match a standard Unix-like path syntax, without spaces in the
; file name.

tag Statement
    assert value =~ /[^\/].+/
    check value =~ /[^\/][^ ]+(\/[^ ])+/

tag Receipt
    assert value =~ /[^\/].+/
    check value =~ /[^\/][^ ]+(\/[^ ])+/

tag Invoice
    assert value =~ /[^\/].+/
    check value =~ /[^\/][^ ]+(\/[^ ])+/

; ##############################  GENERAL/SHARED ACCOUNTS #######################
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