Changeset - a08541d6d730
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Martin Michlmayr (tbm) - 5 years ago 2019-03-28 15:26:38
Fix internal links
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ example, in this entry:
        Accrued:Accounts Receivable:Conservancy  $100,000.00
        Income:Main Org:Donations               $-100,000.00
            ;IncomeType: Donations

The portion of the transaction that credits the `Income:Main Org:Donations`
has three tags: [`Entity`](#entity-tag), [`Invoice`](#invoice-tag) and
[`IncomeType`](#income-type).  The `Entity` and `Invoice` tags, since they're
[`IncomeType`](#incometype-tag).  The `Entity` and `Invoice` tags, since they're
listed at the top of the transaction, propagate through and apply to both
sides.  But, the `IncomeType` tag, which has no meaning for `Accrued:`
accounts, is applied only to the `Income:Main Org:Donations` part of
the transaction.

Below you'll find detailed descriptions of all the possible tags that are
@@ -321,13 +321,13 @@ Form 990 filing.

The `TaxImplication` tag is used for all `Asset:` accounts when the
transaction includes a payment of $10.00 or more leaving the account.  This
tag catalogs any tax implications that might occur on outgoing funds.

The most important USA-related issue tracked by this tag are contractors who
must have annual 1099 and/or W2 issued.  An [`Entity` tag](entity-tag) should always
must have annual 1099 and/or W2 issued.  An [`Entity` tag](#entity-tag) should always
go along with a TaxImplication tag.

The possible values for this field are:

* `1099`, indicating the amount paid requires issuance of a USA Federal Form
  1099 for the `Entity` involved.
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