Changeset - 68d036aa0292
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 11 years ago 2013-04-29 20:27:45
Documentation of Receipt: tag and its appropriate uses.
1 file changed with 29 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -141,17 +141,45 @@ run `ledger` commands against it, separately and without access to the other
`.ledger` files of the NPO.


Proper Documentation For Accounts

Ledger CLI offers a flexible structure of tagging any entry, including
separate tags for parts of a split transaction.  This system uses those tags
to ensure proper entry is included.
to ensure proper documentation is included for each financial transaction
that occurs for the organization.

### Tags Used In This System

A list of tags can be found in the file `accounts/config/config-tags.ledger`
in this project.

#### Receipt Tag

The `Receipt:` tag refers to receipt of some sort.  Typically, this is a
document that shows clear confirmation that the transaction has already
occurred.  The value of the `Receipt:` tag is always a valid pathname in the
repository to the document.

Some examples of appropriate uses of the `Receipt:` are:

* a point-of-sale credit card receipt from a purchase, given by a cashier or
  sent via email after the purchase has occurred.

* a deposit slip given at the bank upon making an over-the-counter deposit of
  paper checks.

* a confirmation document showing an outgoing wire transfer made by a bank.

* a confirmation document showing transfer of funds between two bank

* A pay advice document generated upon payment of an invoice.

### Expense Account Documentation

Each Expense account entries need to be tagged with an `Invoice`, `Receipt`,
or `Statement` tag.  The value of the tag is a relative path name of a file
elsewhere in the same repository that documents the specific expense.  For
example, an entry like this:

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