Changeset - 3569620d0f5e
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 11 years ago 2013-05-10 20:54:44
Require and Entity and TaxImplication tag for outgoing payments over $10.

This now enforces what was said in the documentation in the previous commit:

The `TaxImplication:` tag is used for all `Asset:` accounts when the
transaction includes a payment of $10.00 or more leaving the
account. .... An [`Entity:` tag](entity-tag) should always go along with a
TaxImplication tag.
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; -*- ledger -*-
; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
; config-accounts.ledger: The Ledger CLI accounts declarations for NPO use-case.
; Copyright © 2013, Bradley M. Kuhn.
; The copyright holders wish that this document could be placed into the
; public domain.  However, should such a public domain dedication not be
; possible, the copyright holders grant a waiver and/or license under the
; terms of CC0-1.0, as published by Creative Commons, Inc.  A copy of CC0-1.0
; can be found in the same repository as this file under the
; filename CC0-1.0.txt.  If this document has been separated from the
; repository, a [copy of CC0-1.0 can be found on Creative Commons' website at

; ##############################  GENERAL/SHARED ACCOUNTS #######################

; Shared Asset Accounts

define assetChecker(amt) = (amt > -10.00 or (tag("TaxImplication") !~ /^\s*$/ and tag("Entity") !~ /^\s*$/))

account Asset:Checking
   assert assetChecker(amount)
   note Checking account for entire organization
   assert commodity == "$"

; Shared Liabilities Accounts

account Liabilities:Credit Card:Visa
    note Visa Credit Card account for entire organization
    assert commodity == "$"


; Organizational accrual accounts

account Accrued:Accounts Receivable:Main Org
    note Accrued receivables for Main Org
    assert commodity == "$"

; Organizational Expense Accounts

; NOTE: the payee =~ test is *not* included herein and must be cut-and-pasted
;       to the assert in ever Expense account because of the following bug:

define expenseChecker() = (tag("Receipt") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Invoice") !~ /^\s*$/ or tag("Statement") !~ /^\s*$/) and tag("Program") !~ /^\s*$/
; or payee =~ /NEVER CHARGED/
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