File diff 3f2f76019bc3 → 332234832919
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@@ -153,18 +153,29 @@ be extended to address the case of "other question isn't answered"
* Additional exporters:
  * Export to SQLedger
  * [Certainly many more, feel free to add them here]
* Richer lifecycle management: A leader may need to approve a request before
  it's added to the books, like an employee's manager or a program director

* Automatic currency conversion for validation (e.g., validate that an amount
  in an aribtrary currency is within a limit in USD)

* Validate currency amounts from outside data sources: The main case for this
  is per diem, where many organizations use rates that are determined by
  another party (e.g., US GSA) and updated periodically.
* Various currency improvements:
   * Automatic currency conversion for validation (e.g., validate that an amount
     in an aribtrary currency is within a limit in USD)

   * Validate currency amounts from outside data sources: The main case for
     this is per diem, where many organizations use rates that are determined
     by another party (e.g., US GSA) and updated periodically.

   * Handle totaling the request based on currency (e.g., expenses can are in
     USD, EUR, CHR but the traveler may want payment in INR.)  Unclear what
     interface for this would look like, but real-time data about past
     currency rates might be available via an API somewhere, and we can use
     that to have the requestor give us "preferred currency for payment" so
     all changes happen in real time in the interface (even allowing the
     requestor to be able to decide *while filling out the report*: "ugh,
     these exchange rates to INR are horrible; I'll have them pay my USD
     account instead").
* Data import: Apps like [Tricky Tripper](
  let users track expenses for a trip as they go.  The system could import
  this data to prepopulate answers to questions about the request and
  expenses in it.  Probably there would be an import API that can map
  different import formats to a common format, and then administrators can