File diff 17ef5fe0376e → 3edc31ba99f6
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@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ evaluate these projects to the UseCases we've collected so far.
## List of projects under evaluation

* [[ExistingProjects/ADempiere]]
* [[ApacheOFBiz]]
  * Contacted
* [[ExistingProjects/Bookyt]]
  * Contacted
* [[ExistingProjects/ERP5]]
@@ -68,3 +66,6 @@ linked page.
  * The developers have been reached, not yet replied.
* [[ExistingProjects/OpenPetra]]
  * The linux client has not been a focus of the OpenPetra developers, and as of 2013-11-25 and the client setup found in <> it crashes intermittently for various reasons.
* [[ApacheOFBiz]]
  * Contacted
  * Due to OFBiz's apparent lack of documentation, e.g., the evaluation has been discontinued.