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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2013-11-13 14:33:23
Add tracking income type Use Case.
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Feel free to add your own usecase to this list.

Resources on writing good use cases:

- <>
- <>

A simple form of a use case is

> “As a \<type of user>, I want \<some goal> so that \<some reason>.”

You should add your use case as a subpage of the [[UseCases]] page, to create a new page, simply enter the name of the subpage in the address bar after `/UseCases/`.

## Use cases

- [[GeneratingReports]]
- [[Collaborating]]
- [[Fund Accounting|UseCases/FundAccounting]]
- [[Double-entry Accounting|UseCases/DoubleEntryAccounting]]
- [[API|UseCases/API]]
- [[TrackingIncomeType|UseCases/TrackingIncomeType]]
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# Tracking Income Type

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit manager, I need to track various income types.
Specifically, there are three types of income that can be generated:

  * Grants and donations
  * Related Business Income (RBI)
  * [Unrelated Business Taxable Income (UBTI)](

Sometimes, these income types may go to the same account.  For example, a
conference sponsorship may generate some amount of UBTI if some amount of
advertising was part of the sponsorship.  Thus, this categorization should
not be encoded into the account name, but is rather meta-data about specific
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