Changeset - fa53d8700c82
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simon simon@web - 10 years ago 2014-03-18 14:08:23

fix typo
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -17,25 +17,25 @@ for a GSoC 2014 student.  Students who wish to apply to our org should pick
one specific project below, and focus their application on that project.

We'll likely select just one student, but we've provided multiple project
choices.  Students who wish to apply to our org should pick *one* of the four
projects below, and focus their application on that project.

We need all of these items below done anyway, and we want to find the best
possible student/project match.  Please pick the *single* project below that
fits your skills and background best when submitting your application.

## Possible GSoC 2014 Projects

1. Add all necessary the tag types found
1. Add all the necessary tag types found in 
   [the tutorial on the Ledger-CLI setup for fiscal sponsor 501(c)3 organizations](
   into the
   [REST API for basic double-entry accounting](,
   and then write some reports using that new API.
   This will require the student to get familiar (or already be familiar)
   with how Ledger-CLI works, how REST APIs work, and learn some basics of
   double entry accounting.

    A successful student should be able to complete that work about
    three-quarters the way through the summer, and then be able to focus on
    actually writing a few specialized NPO-style report using the API.  A
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