Changeset - f2a5bf6e27aa
[Not reviewed]
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2013-11-13 16:14:37
Massive changes to the index page of the Wiki,
in hopes to make it more friendly.
1 file changed with 40 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -2,8 +2,34 @@ NPO Accounting Software Project

- [The fundraising campaign](
- <> - A tutorial on a ledger setup for fiscal sponsor 501(c)3 organizations
- [[ExistingProjects]] - Existing open souce accounting projects
- [[UseCases]] - Use cases for an NPO accounting system
[Software Freedom Conservancy]( is leading an
[effort to create accounting software for non-profit organizations](

Conservancy welcomes the help of anyone who is interested in this issue to
design and develop this software.  Initially, during Phase 0 of this project,
Conservancy is doing the following things:

- [Writing a tutorial on a ledger setup for fiscal sponsor 501(c)3 organizations](
- [[Finding and evaluating existing Free Software accounting systems|ExistingProjects]],
- [[Writing use cases for non-profit accounting|UseCases]]


Learning more about this project

You can learn more about what we done so far on this project by:

- Reading this Wiki!
- Reading the [mailing list archives for this project](
- Reading the [the IRC logs of the #npoacct channel](/irclogs/).

Collaborating on the Project

You can collaborate with us on this project by:

  * Editing this Wiki!
  * Joining the discussion on [the mailing list for this projecdt](
  * Joining the discussion on
    [the IRC channel, #npoacct on](

@@ -13,5 +39,13 @@ About This Wiki
This wiki is powered by [[ikiwiki]], which allows for the Wiki contents to be stored in Git.

There is a [mirror on Gitorious as well](, but [due to a bug in Gitorious](, this mirror isn't up to date.
There is a
[mirror on Gitorious as well](,
but [due to a bug in Gitorious](,
this mirror isn't up to date.  We push to that repository on a regular basis,

In the meantime, if you'd like write access via Git to this wiki, please just
[ask for it on the mailing list](
or ping joar or bkuhn on [#npoaccount on](

This Wiki also has a [[SandBox]].
@@ -21,3 +55,3 @@ This Wiki also has a [[SandBox]].
## IRC logs

You can find the IRC logs at [/irclogs/](/irclogs/).

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