Changeset - eb45f0698192
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-02-13 20:22:40
Note GSoC and Phase 1 details.
1 file changed with 11 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -2,24 +2,33 @@ NPO Accounting Software Project

[Software Freedom Conservancy]( is leading an
[effort to create accounting software for non-profit organizations](

Conservancy welcomes the help of anyone who is interested in this issue to
design and develop this software.  Initially, during Phase 0 of this project,
design and develop this software.

BTW, we're [[hoping to participate in GSoC 2014|GSoC2014Ideas]].  We think
there are enough ideas for probably only one, maybe two, students.

## Phase 0

Initially, during Phase 0 of this project,
Conservancy is doing the following things:

- [Writing a tutorial on a Ledger-CLI setup for fiscal sponsor 501(c)3 organizations](
- [[Finding and evaluating existing Free Software accounting systems|ExistingProjects]].
- [[Writing use cases for non-profit accounting|UseCases]].

## Phase 1

Phase 0 is nearly complete, and in Phase 1, we plan to:

- [Create an REST API for basic double-entry accounting, currently using Ledger-CLI as a backend](
- Add functionality to that API that already exists in the [documented Ledger-CLI setup for NPO's](
- Create various reports.
- Create various reports using that API, to flush out improvements that are needed.

Learning more about this project

You can learn more about what we done so far on this project by:

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