Changeset - dcbef28844d4
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 Joar@web - 10 years ago 2013-11-20 19:51:46

1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -25,25 +25,25 @@ In those places I have seen, no input sanitation was performed, although they we
- [[Trial Balance Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#trial-balance]]: [Yes](
- [[Bank Reconciliation Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#bank-reconcilation]]: [Yes](
- [[Chart of Accounts|UseCases/GeneratingReports#chart-of-accounts]]: [Yes](
- [[Cash Disbursements Journal|UseCases/GeneratingReports#cash-disbursements]]: FIXME
- [[Income Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#income-report]]: [Kind of](
- [[Expense Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#expense-report]]: Yes, shown together with "Income Report" and a graph.

### Evaluation of [[Reporting|UseCases/GeneratingReports]] UseCases for Fund Accounting

Can each of these reports be generated, confined to a specific temporarily
restricted asset type?

**It does not seem like it***. There are 'Cost Centers', but they do not seem to be usable in fund accounting.
**It does not seem like it**. There are 'Cost Centers', but they do not seem to be usable in fund accounting.
- [[Trial Balance Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#trial-balance]]: FIXME
- [[Bank Reconciliation Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#bank-reconcilation]]: FIXME
- [[Chart of Accounts|UseCases/GeneratingReports#chart-of-accounts]]: FIXME
- [[Cash Disbursements Journal|UseCases/GeneratingReports#cash-disbursements]]: FIXME
- [[Income Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#income-report]]: FIXME
- [[Expense Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#expense-report]]: FIXME

### Evaluation of [[Fund Accounting|UseCases/FundAccounting]] UseCases

**No**. It does not seem like 'Cost Centers' can be used this way.

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