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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 11 years ago 2013-11-13 15:57:50
Reimbursement and travel request use case.
2 files changed with 43 insertions and 0 deletions:
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> “As a \<type of user>, I want \<some goal> so that \<some reason>.”

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## Use cases

- [[GeneratingReports]]
- [[Collaborating]]
- [[Fund Accounting|UseCases/FundAccounting]]
- [[Double-entry Accounting|UseCases/DoubleEntryAccounting]]
- [[API|UseCases/API]]
- [[TrackingIncomeType|UseCases/TrackingIncomeType]]
- [[TrackingDocumentation|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation]]
- [[Handling expense reports and reimbursement requests|UseCases/ReimbursementRequests]]
- [[Handling contractors and contracts|UseCases/ContractorsAndContracts]]
- [[Handling multiple currencies|UseCases/MultiCurrency]]
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# Handling Requests for Reimbursements

Most non-profit organizations have to reimburse employees, contractors and
volunteers for expenses, such as travel expenses.  There are two sides to the
reimbursement process that must be adequately handled by a non-profit
accounting system.

## Reimbursement: The Organization's View

The organization has to be able to easily:

    * Receive and store receipts.
      [[Track those receipts|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation]] in the context
      of the
      [[double entry accounting entries|UseCases/DoubleEntryAccounting]] that
      relate to those receipts.
    * Track the reimbursement request as an invoice.
    * Handle any [[currency conversion|UseCases/MultiCurrency]] related to
      the receipts, both from the point of view of international travel, and
      also considering the fact that the person reimbursed may seek
      reimbursement in a different currency than the native currency of the
    * Track approvals of the expenses by multiple parties.  (For example,
      perhaps a volunteer project leader must approve, and then later by with
      fiduciary duty to the organization itself).
    * Ideally, the system would auto-detect any places where a travel and/or
      reimbursement policy for the organization is violated (or mandates
      additional approvals).
    * Ideally, the system could "set up" accounting entries for "merger" into
      the accounts, based on an expense report submitted.
## Reimbursement: The Traveler's View

From traveler's/reimbursement-requester's view, they'll need:

    * An easy, outward-facing web interface for submitting receipts.
    * Ideally, flagging them when additional approval is needed before
      submitting their expense report, so that they can seek additional
      approval before submitting.
    * Updates on the external web interface system about status when the
      expense is moving through the internal system at the organization. 
    * Automatic calculation of any per-diem allowances.
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