Changeset - 9d7e61885047
[Not reviewed]
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2013-11-19 20:37:36
Link to post on the mailing list that I just made.
2 files changed with 5 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ resolved at a later date and will remove the blocker of looking more closely
at the project.

* [[ExistingProjects/ERPNext#final-eval]]
   * [The policy is problematic]( for various reasons.
   * [ERPNext's strange would-be copyright assignment policy is problematic](
     for various reasons; bkuhn has
[raised the issue on the ERPNext Developers' Forum](!msg/erpnext-developer-forum/jfsURU8Ew9A/HVDX1z3vvkgJ).
## Projects Rejected
<a id="rejected"></a>
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@@ -85,4 +85,5 @@ Unfortunately, we discovered
and decided that until this policy can be corrected to something more fitting
with actual copyright law and that will allow us to contribute under the
stated license of the project, it's not worth further evaluation of the codebase,
since this policy is just not acceptable.
since this policy is just not acceptable.  bkuhn has
[raised the issue on the ERPNext Developers' Forum](!msg/erpnext-developer-forum/jfsURU8Ew9A/HVDX1z3vvkgJ).
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