Changeset - 9818c70a48e6
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 Joar@web - 10 years ago 2013-11-20 20:20:45

1 file changed with 5 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -66,24 +66,24 @@ restricted asset type?
- Does it have a [[the ability to explore transactions via documentation linkage|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation#document-link-explore]]? Yes, you can e.g. filter "Journal Vouchers" by "Bill No".

### Evaluation of [[Handling multiple currencies|UseCases/MultiCurrency]] UseCases

- Does it support the concept of
  [[a single functional currency|UseCases/MultiCurrency]], while still
  permitting multi-currency entries?
  permitting multi-currency entries? I have a good faith belief that it does.

### Evaluation of [[draft transaction|UseCases/DraftTransactions]] UseCases

- Does the system allow
  [[generally for draft transactions|UseCases/DraftTransactions#draft-general]]
  that can be later approved before officially being posted to the books? 
  that can be later approved before officially being posted to the books? No

### Evaluation of WorkFlow UseCases
- Is a [[specific workflow dictated by the system|UseCases/WorkFlow#workflow-dictated]] ?
- Is a [[the workflow configurable|UseCases/WorkFlow#workflow-configurable]] ?
- [[Unaccrued Invoice|UseCases/WorkFlow#unaccrued-invioice]] ?
- Is a [[specific workflow dictated by the system|UseCases/WorkFlow#workflow-dictated]] ? Yes
- Is a [[the workflow configurable|UseCases/WorkFlow#workflow-configurable]] ? No
- [[Unaccrued Invoice|UseCases/WorkFlow#unaccrued-invioice]] ? No

### Evaluation of the [[Reading and Reporting API|UseCases/ReadingAPI]]

See below.

### Evaluation of the [[Storage API|UseCases/StorageAPI]]
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