Changeset - 88d9568553c1
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2013-11-15 00:29:42
Note the importance the EvaluationTemplate and keeping it in sync.
2 files changed with 9 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ There are a number of existing accounting projects. Some of these are listed und

These projects will be evaluated for suitability and/or adaptability.
These projects will be evaluated for suitability and/or adaptability.  We
have an [[template you can use|ExistingProjects/EvaluationTemplate]] to
evaluate these projects to the UseCases we've collected so far.

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@@ -15,2 +15,8 @@ You should add your use case as a subpage of the [[UseCases]] page, to create a

If you add or edit UseCases here, please also keep the
[[evaluation template|ExistingProjects/EvaluationTemplate]] in sync with the
use cases.  In other words, if you add a UseCase important enough to be a
criteria in evaluating ExistingProjects, then please make sure to update the
[[evaluation template|ExistingProjects/EvaluationTemplate]].

### Non-Technical-User-Centric Use Cases
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