Changeset - 858efef97e4d
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 Timotheus@web - 10 years ago 2013-11-15 08:29:37

positive: using fixed point arithmetic
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@ Links
- Supports server-client deployments as well as standalone deployment.
- [Actively developed](
- [35 contributors](
- [Well-commented source code](
- [Extensibility is core](
- Ledger-specific access control, three access levels.
- using fixed point arithmetic: System.Decimal data type for all money related variables (changed from Double to Decimal in end of 2010:

### Negative

- In BETA state, presently used by at least two organizations, one for accounting, one for contact management.
- [Decreasing Y-O-Y commits]( <pre>2013-11-13 16:10:00     christiank      joar: I have checked for the source of increased commits in January 2011: It is a mixture of a huge bug-fixing spree and the result of a merge-into-trunk of a Sideline Branch, which then still needed more development</pre>

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