Changeset - 6316b56684eb
[Not reviewed]
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2013-11-15 19:11:08
rejected tag for in-document linking.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -28,12 +28,13 @@ evaluate these projects to the UseCases we've collected so far.
* [[ExistingProjects/SQLLedger]]
* [[ExistingProjects/Tryton]]
* [[ExistingProjects/webERP]]: <> NOTE: [[Frontaccounting|ExistingProjects/Frontaccounting]] is a fork of webERP.


## Projects Rejected
<a id="rejected"/>

These projects have been evaluated as part of this effort and rejected, both
for a basis of this project or for any code reuse.  A few of the primary
reasons are given on this page, but the whole evaluation can be read on the
linked page.

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