Changeset - 6256f0b305aa
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 11 years ago 2013-11-15 00:22:21
I keep forgetting <a /> doesn't work.
3 files changed with 3 insertions and 3 deletions:
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# Generating Draft Transactions

<a id="draft-general"/>
<a id="draft-general"></a>

As a manager at a nonprofit, I need the ability to have staff propose draft
transactions that are not added to the books official until approved.

As a bookkeeper, I'd like the ability to set up and review draft transactions
before officially adding them to the books, so I can see if they were entered

It should be possible to view any [[reports|GeneratingReports]] or other
system information as if the draft transactions have been applied, via some
configurable option.
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# Supporting Multiple Currencies

Most modern accounting systems offer some sort of support for multiple
currencies, but the details of how it is done matter greatly, as lack of
flexibility in how multiple currencies are supported can render the feature
useless to some organizations.

There are roughly two operating modes that I've observed in use by non-profit

## A "One Native Currency" Organization
<a id="functional-currency"/>
<a id="functional-currency"></a>
In the USA at least, and perhaps elsewhere, the native currency to the
location of the entity is treated as the "one true currency" (which the USA
IRS calls your "functional currency") of the organization.  Specifically in
the USA, the IRS makes
[the following recommendation regarding currency conversion](

> Make all &hellip; determinations in your functional currency.  If your
> functional currency is the U.S. dollar, you must immediately translate into
> dollars all items of income, expense, etc. (including taxes), that you
> receive, pay, or accrue in a foreign currency and that will affect
> computation of your income tax.

(While this advice is specifically in the "small businesses" section of the
IRS website, it can be reasonably assumed that the IRS would apply a similar
rule to non-profits.)

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@@ -3,30 +3,30 @@
While [[double entry accounting|UseCases/DoubleEntryAccounting]] transactions
are the heart of any accounting system, auditors and managers need the
ability to dig down and determine what contracts, invoices, receipts or other
backup documentation relate to a given accounting document.

<a id="document-link-up"></a>
An adequate accounting system should provide easy link-up between
double-entry accounting transactions and the documentation that relates to
the transactions.  For example,
[[expense reports and reimbursement requests|UseCases/ReimbursementRequest]]
often have a myriad of receipts and invoices associated with them.
[[Handling contractors|UseCases/ContractorsAndContracts]] has similar types
of backup documentation.

Ideally, the system should allow the exploration of and linkage to
documentation in both directions.  It should be trivial to answer questions
such as:<a id="document-link-explore"/>
such as:<a id="document-link-explore"></a>

   * I have this receipt/invoice from our document repository.  Which
     accounting transactions relate to this receipt?  Has the transaction
     been [[reimbursed|UseCases/ReimbursementRequest]]?

   * Looking at this invoice, can I see the transaction where it was accrued
     and paid?

   * Show me a list of invoices that haven't been paid, with links to those

   * Who approved this expense or payment?  Show me the email where they
     approved it.
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