Changeset - 494e759f7a05
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-18 16:19:13
Note how this relates to (1).
1 file changed with 9 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -91,15 +91,21 @@ fits your skills and background best when submitting your application.
   Right now, Ledger-CLI has a rather incomplete Python interface, based on
   However, the right approach is probably to use
   [SWIG]( or some other similar mechanism to build a
   proper Python API.  Perhaps Ledger-CLI could stick with Boost.Python, but
   what's there clearly needs an overhaul.  The upside of using SWIG will be
   that we can get APIs for other languages too. 

   While this project is of primary interest to this project, it will require
   careful coordination with Ledger-CLI as an upstream, and we'll help mentor
   the student in that.

5. Add a JSON/RESTful API to [Hledger]('s [hledger-web]( app, mirroring the C++/python API.
    This would provide an alternate implementation useful for testing, validation and future-proofing.

5. Add a JSON/RESTful API to [Hledger]('s
    [hledger-web]( app,
    mirroring the C++/python API (improvement for which is described in (1)
    above, as part of another task).  This would provide an alternate
    implementation useful for testing, validation and future-proofing.

    The ideal here would be that the NPO Accounting Project could use
    *either* Ledger-CLI *or* hledger as a back-end.  This work may require
    coordination with other students who might be working on (1).
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