Changeset - 3b90ef14d197
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Brett Smith (brett) - 8 years ago 2016-09-06 15:15:25
Add payment automation as a desired reimbursements feature.
1 file changed with 13 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -237,8 +237,21 @@ base system or framework.
    it.  Probably there would be an import API that can map different import
    formats to a common format, and then administrators can define how
    questions in their system can be answered based on imported data.

* Automatically prepare payment

  * Print checks with the requestor's name and approved amount

  * Automatically submit wire transfers through standard APIs like HBCI

  [I think this is required functionality for the NPO Accounting Project in
  the long term, but there are probably other solutions if it's not
  included directly in this reimbursement system.  I think we'd be willing
  to use an existing system or framework that didn't have a good way to
  provide this functionality, as long as there could be another way to build

* Provide iCalendar feeds for request-related tasks

  We could implement any combination of the following:

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