Changeset - 2890d9cba5b6
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0 1 0 Joar@web - 10 years ago 2013-12-04 21:38:32

1 file changed with 16 insertions and 8 deletions:
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@@ -18,13 +18,21 @@ Links:

- You should preferably have the discipline of a programmer to use it

<a id="evaluation"></a>
## Evaluation

**Note**: Due to the simplistic philosophy and architecture of ledger-cli, the sky, development ability and time are the limits to what ledger can achieve.

### Evaluation of [[Reporting|UseCases/GeneratingReports]] UseCases
- [[Trial Balance Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#trial-balance]]: FIXME
- [[Bank Reconciliation Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#bank-reconcilation]]: FIXME
- [[Chart of Accounts|UseCases/GeneratingReports#chart-of-accounts]]: FIXME
- [[Cash Disbursements Journal|UseCases/GeneratingReports#cash-disbursements]]: FIXME
- [[Income Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#income-report]]: FIXME
- [[Expense Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#expense-report]]: FIXME

Conservancy has contributed a few scripts regarding reporting: <>.

- [[Trial Balance Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#trial-balance]]: Yes, 
- [[Bank Reconciliation Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#bank-reconcilation]]: Yes, [if you're a hacker]( Can also be found in ledger/contrib/non-profit-audit-reports mentioned above.
- [[Chart of Accounts|UseCases/GeneratingReports#chart-of-accounts]]: The trial balance report shows the chart of accounts during the selected period.
- [[Cash Disbursements Journal|UseCases/GeneratingReports#cash-disbursements]]: Can be found in ledger/contrib/non-profit-audit-reports mentioned above.
- [[Income Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#income-report]]: Yes
- [[Expense Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#expense-report]]: Yes

### Evaluation of [[Reporting|UseCases/GeneratingReports]] UseCases for Fund Accounting

@@ -54,9 +62,9 @@ restricted asset type?

### Evaluation of [[TrackingDocumentation|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation]] UseCases

- Does the system [[link up to external documentation|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation#document-link-up]]?
- Does the system [[link up to external documentation|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation#document-link-up]]? Not by default.

- Does it have a [[the ability to explore transactions via documentation linkage|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation#document-link-explore]]?
- Does it have a [[the ability to explore transactions via documentation linkage|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation#document-link-explore]]? Not by default.

### Evaluation of [[Handling multiple currencies|UseCases/MultiCurrency]] UseCases

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