Changeset - 25a4833b4cfb
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 11 years ago 2013-11-15 18:55:19
How many developers?
2 files changed with 13 insertions and 1 deletions:
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### Evaluation of [[Reporting|UseCases/GeneratingReports]] UseCases
- [[Trial Balance Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#trial-balance]]: FIXME
- [[Bank Reconciliation Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#bank-reconcilation]]: FIXME
- [[Chart of Accounts|UseCases/GeneratingReports#chart-of-accounts]]: FIXME
- [[Cash Disbursements Journal|UseCases/GeneratingReports#cash-disbursements]]: FIXME
- [[Income Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#income-report]]: FIXME
- [[Expense Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#expense-report]]: FIXME

### Evaluation of [[Reporting|UseCases/GeneratingReports]] UseCases for Fund Accounting

Can each of these reports be generated, confined to a specific temporarily
restricted asset type?
- [[Trial Balance Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#trial-balance]]: FIXME
- [[Bank Reconciliation Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#bank-reconcilation]]: FIXME
- [[Chart of Accounts|UseCases/GeneratingReports#chart-of-accounts]]: FIXME
- [[Cash Disbursements Journal|UseCases/GeneratingReports#cash-disbursements]]: FIXME
- [[Income Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#income-report]]: FIXME
- [[Expense Report|UseCases/GeneratingReports#expense-report]]: FIXME

### Evaluation of [[Fund Accounting|UseCases/FundAccounting]] UseCases

- [[Fund-only View|UseCases/FundAccounting#fund-view]]
- [[Funds as part of whole org View|UseCases/FundAccounting#fundless-view]]
- [[Ignore Funds for operations|UseCases/FundAccounting#fundless-view]]

### [[UseCases/Collaborating]] evaluation
- [[Simultaneous Editing of Ledger|UseCases/Collaborating#simultaneous-ledger-edits]]: FIXME
- FIXME: Other uses cases need rewrite.

### Evaluation of [[Double-entry Accounting|UseCases/DoubleEntryAccounting]] UseCases

- Does the system implement pure double-entry accounting?

### Evaluation of [[TrackingDocumentation|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation]] UseCases

- Does the system [[link up to external documentation|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation#document-link-up]]?

- Does it have a [[the ability to explore transactions via documentation linkage|UseCases/TrackingDocumentation#document-link-explore]]?

### Evaluation of [[Handling multiple currencies|UseCases/MultiCurrency]] UseCases

- Does it support the concept of
  [[a single functional currency|UseCases/MultiCurrency]], while still
  permitting multi-currency entries?

### Evaluation of [[draft transaction|UseCases/DraftTransactions]] UseCases

- Does the system allow
  [[generally for draft transactions|UseCases/DraftTransactions#draft-general]]
  that can be later approved before officially being posted to the books? 

### Evaluation of WorkFlow UseCases
- Is a [[specific workflow dictated by the system|UseCases/WorkFlow#workflow-dictated]] ?
- Is a [[the workflow configurable|UseCases/WorkFlow#workflow-configurable]] ?
- [[Unaccrued Invoice|UseCases/WorkFlow#unaccrued-invioice]] ?

### Evaluation of the [[Reading and Reporting API|UseCases/ReadingAPI]]

FIXME: This is assessment of what the API for manipulating the accounting
data does, so I think it's tough to do it as a list of questions.

### Evaluation of the [[Storage API|UseCases/StorageAPI]]

FIXME: This is assessment of what the API for storing the accounting data
does, so I think it's tough to do it as a list of questions.

### Evaluation of the [[Community Health|UseCases/CommunityHealth]]
- Is the [[license both determined as Free Software by FSF and OSI-approved|USeCases/CommunityHealth#license-approved]]?
- Is the [[license GPL-compatible||UseCases/CommunityHealth#gpl-compatible]]?
- Does the project
  [[require assignment of copyright or a CLA to get code upstreamed|UseCases/CommunityHealth#no-cla-for-profit]]?
- How many
  [[active developers/companies contribute to the project||USeCases/CommunityHealth#dev-count]]?
     * If there aren't many, how hard would it be to take over the project if needed?
- Is there good [[developer documentation|UseCases/CommunityHealth#dev-docs]]?
- How easy it to [[engage as a developer with the community|UseCases/CommunityHealth#dev-welcoming]]?
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# Health of the Development Community

## Good License and Legal Requirements Choices

<a id="license-approved"></a>
Obviously, code that's not under a license that is both
[OSI approved]( and is not
[approved by FSF as a Free Software license](
is completely useless to us.

<a id="gpl-compatible"></a>
It would also be quite preferable if the code were under a
[a license that FSF has determined is GPL-compatible](,
so that code from GPL'd projects can be easily shared and GPL'd applications
can be built on top of anything we build.  Code not under a GPL-compatible
license would face a high burden (i.e., the code would really have to be
absolutely wonderful in all other respects) to dictate such a license choice.

<a id="no-cla-for-profit"></a>
If the project has a CLA other than inbound=outbound, or has copyright
assignment, the beneficiary has to be a 501(c)(3) non-profit, as non-profit
contributors may not be legally permitted to give away code assets to a
for-profit entity or an entity with a different tax status.

Even for 501(c)(3)'s requesting a CLA or copyright assignment, there would
need to be a confirmation that the missions of the orgs were sufficiently

Given that the project is going to solicit support and contributions from
501(c)(3)'s, this issue is particularly important.

## Developer Documentation
## Developer Documentation and Community

<a id="dev-docs"></a>

The right choice has to have an accessible codebase.  Since no accounting
package yet deals with the issues specific to non-profit organizations, this
project will have to focus on bringing developers *to* the new project.

<a id="dev-welcoming"></a>

As such, the codebase needs to be accessible.  Communication with the
core developers should be possible and interactive.  The project should
be willing to accept new contributors who might want to make substantial
changes to the codebase.

<a id="dev-count"></a>

A project with just one or two active developers, or where all the current
developers appear to be employed by one company, has serious community health
issues.  Building a community around such a codebase is an uphill battle.  If
we build on such a project, we should be prepared to become the maintainer of
the project if we have to, since the company or few individuals could move on
with short notice.
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