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Additional request state: Pre-Approval

Many travel policies, for example, require that certain expenses be
approved before tickets can be purchased. An example from Conservancy's
travel policy include: hotel bookings beyond the GSA/Dept-of-State Per
Diem hotel rate, and flights that exceed the with-$100-of-cheapest rule.

As such, requestors need the ability to request preapproval.

These changes herein committed, however, do *not* account for the fact
that a request may already be "In Progress" when another expense comes
up. An example of that is a flight was booked already in policy and the
requestor, and uploaded, and the requestor then discovers later that the
hotel is out-of-policy and needs preapproval. We can perhaps ignore
this scenario for the first specification of this to avoid
feature-creep, but I wanted to flag it as a potential issue for future.

The work around might be that the Bookkeeper is allowed to move a
request between any state to another, so the work-around in this
specific instance may have to require an out-of-band conversation
between bookkeeper and requestor. That's not disaster.
NPO Accounting Software Project

[Software Freedom Conservancy]( is leading an
[effort to create accounting software for non-profit organizations](

Conservancy welcomes the help of anyone who is interested in this issue to
design and develop this software.  If you want to get involved right now,
look below for [[information about how to get involved with this project|index#howtohelp]].

## Phase 0

Conservancy has done the following:

- [Writing a tutorial on a Ledger-CLI setup for fiscal sponsor 501(c)3 organizations](
- [[Finding and evaluating existing Free Software accounting systems|ExistingProjects]].
- [[Writing use cases for non-profit accounting|UseCases]].

## Phase 1

Phase 1 calls for the project to:

- [Create an REST API for basic double-entry accounting, currently using Ledger-CLI as a backend](
- Add functionality to that API that already exists in the [documented Ledger-CLI setup for NPO's](
- Create various reports using that API, to flush out improvements that are needed.

Learning more about this project

You can learn more about what we done so far on this project by:

- Reading this Wiki!
- Reading the [mailing list archives for this project](
- Reading the [the IRC logs of the #npoacct channel](/irclogs/).

<a id="howtohelp"></a>
Helping and Collaborating on this Project
You can help us and/or collaborate with us on this project by:

  * Editing this Wiki!
  * Submit patches and merge requests to [accounting API repository](
  * Submit patches and merge requests to [npo-accounting Ledger CLI tutorial](
  * Joining the discussion on [the mailing list for this project](
  * Joining the discussion on
    [the IRC channel, #npoacct on](
  * [Donating money to fund this effort!](

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