File diff d51c41490d1f → 73cd942a4606
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import collections
import configparser
import contextlib
import datetime
import decimal
@@ -7,19 +6,31 @@ import io
import pathlib

import pytest
import yaml
from import2ledger import errors
from import2ledger.hooks import ledger_entry

from . import DATA_DIR, normalize_whitespace
from . import DATA_DIR, normalize_whitespace, Config as BaseConfig

DATE =, 3, 14)
with pathlib.Path(DATA_DIR, 'templates.yml').open() as conffile:
    _config_dict = yaml.load(conffile)

class Config(BaseConfig):
    def __init__(self, options_dict=_config_dict):
        self.stdout = io.StringIO()

config = configparser.ConfigParser(comment_prefixes='#')
with pathlib.Path(DATA_DIR, 'templates.ini').open() as conffile:
    def open_output_file(self):
        yield self.stdout


DATE =, 3, 14)

def template_from(section_name, *args, **kwargs):
    return ledger_entry.Template(config[section_name]['template'], *args, **kwargs)
def template_from(template_name, *args, **kwargs):
    section = Config().get_section('Ledger output')
    template_s = section['{} ledger entry'.format(template_name)]
    return ledger_entry.Template(template_s, *args, **kwargs)

def template_vars(payee, amount, currency='USD', date=DATE, other_vars=None):
    call_vars = {
@@ -27,7 +38,6 @@ def template_vars(payee, amount, currency='USD', date=DATE, other_vars=None):
        'currency': currency,
        'date': date,
        'payee': payee,
        'ledger template': 'template',
    if other_vars is None:
        return call_vars
@@ -204,24 +214,12 @@ def test_bad_amount_expression(amount_expr):
    with pytest.raises(errors.UserInputError):
        ledger_entry.Template(" Income  " + amount_expr)

class Config:
    def __init__(self, use_section):
        self.section_name = use_section
        self.stdout = io.StringIO()

    def open_output_file(self):
        yield self.stdout

    def get_section(self, name=None):
        return config[self.section_name]


def run_hook(entry_data, config_section):
    hook_config = Config(config_section)
    hook = ledger_entry.LedgerEntryHook(hook_config)
def run_hook(entry_data, template_name):
    config = Config()
    entry_data['ledger template'] = '{} ledger entry'.format(template_name)
    hook = ledger_entry.LedgerEntryHook(config)
    assert is None
    stdout = hook_config.stdout.getvalue()
    stdout = config.stdout.getvalue()
    return normalize_whitespace(stdout).splitlines()

def test_hook_renders_template():
@@ -242,3 +240,7 @@ def test_hook_handles_template_undefined():
    entry_data = template_vars('DD', 1)
    assert not run_hook(entry_data, 'Nonexistent')

def test_unconfigured():
    config = Config({})
    with pytest.raises(errors.NotConfiguredError):