File diff 176aac35ed9b → 1aeffa31c569
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@@ -62,12 +62,41 @@ Patreon
``template patreon cardfees``
  Imports one expense transaction per month for that month's credit card fees.  Generated from Patreon's earnings report CSV.

``template patreon svcfees``
  Imports one expense transaction per month for that month's Patreon service fees.  Generated from Patreon's earnings report CSV.

Template variables

import2ledger templates have access to a few variables for each transaction that can be included in the output entry using `Python's format string syntax <>`_.  For most uses, all you need to do is write ``{variable_name}`` in the template, and the variable's value will be filled in there.  For example, this template sets different payees for each side of the transaction::

  template patreon income =
    Income:Patreon  -100%%
    ;Payee: {payee}
    Accrued:Accounts Receivable:Patreon  100%%
    ;Payee: Patreon

You can use the following variables:

================== ==========================================================
Name               Contents
================== ==========================================================
amount             The total amount of the transaction, as a simple decimal
                   number (not currency-formatted)
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
currency           The three-letter code for the transaction currency
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
date               The date of the transaction, in your configured output
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
payee              The name of the transaction payee
================== ==========================================================

Custom hooks may add more template variables.

Other output options

Various options control how import2ledger formats dates and currency amounts.  Run ``import2ledger --help`` for a full list; they're listed under the "default overrides" section.  You can specify these in your configuration file, too.  Just change any dashes (``-``) in the option name to underscores (``_``), and separate the switch name from your value with ``=``.  For example, add this to your configuration file to use ISO 8601-formatted dates in your Ledger entries::

  date_format = %%Y-%%m-%%d