Changeset - fcd14f3c4466
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Brett Smith - 4 years ago 2020-10-05 17:41:27
github: Update to match fiscal host reporting.

In general the fiscal host reporting isn't as nice as the project reporting,
so I hope someday we can revert this change, but until then that's what
we're using.
4 files changed with 22 insertions and 33 deletions:
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@@ -232,23 +232,19 @@ GitHub

``github sponsors ledger entry``
  Imports one transaction per processed sponsorship.  Generated from CSV export of GitHub Sponsors report.
  Imports one transaction per processed sponsorship.  Generated from CSV export of GitHub Sponsors report for fiscal hosts (NOTE: Not the project reports!)

  This template can use these variables.  Note that name and email may both be empty if the sponsor chooses not to make that information public.

  ================ ===========================================================
  Name             Contents
  ================ ===========================================================
  email            From the ``Sponsor Public Email`` column
  email            From the ``sponsor email`` column
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  handle           From the ``Sponsor Handle`` column, their username on
  handle           From the ``sponsor handle`` column, their username on
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  name             From the ``Sponsor Public Name`` column
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  start_date       A date, from the ``Sponsorship Started On`` column
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  transaction_id   From the ``Transaction ID`` column
  transaction_id   From the ``transaction id`` column
  ================ ===========================================================

O'Reilly Media
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@@ -6,25 +6,24 @@ from .. import strparse
class SponsorsImporter(_csv.CSVImporterBase):
    DATE_FMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z'
    NEEDED_FIELDS = frozenset([
        'Processed Amount',
        'Transaction Date',
        'processed amount',
        'transaction date',
        'Sponsor Handle': 'handle',
        'Sponsor Profile Name': 'name',
        'Sponsor Public Email': 'email',
        'Transaction ID': 'transaction_id',
        'sponsor handle': 'handle',
        # 'sponsor profile name': 'name',
        'sponsor email': 'email',
        'transaction id': 'transaction_id',
    ENTRY_SEED = {'currency': 'USD'}

    def _read_row(self, row):
        amount = strparse.currency_decimal(row['Processed Amount'])
        if (not amount) or row['Status'] != 'settled':
        amount = strparse.currency_decimal(row['processed amount'])
        if (not amount) or row['status'] != 'settled':
            return None
        return {
            'amount': amount,
            'date':['Transaction Date'], self.DATE_FMT),
            'payee': row['Sponsor Profile Name'] or row['Sponsor Handle'],
            'start_date':['Sponsorship Started On'], self.DATE_FMT),
            'date':['transaction date'], self.DATE_FMT),
            'payee': row.get('sponsor profile name') or row['sponsor handle'],
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Sponsor Handle,Sponsor Profile Name,Sponsor Public Email,Sponsorship Started On,Is Public?,Is Yearly?,Transaction ID,Tier Name,Tier Monthly Amount,Processed Amount,Is Prorated?,Status,Transaction Date
exampleA,Alex Jones,,2019-10-01 10:00:00 -0400,TRUE,FALSE,ch_1Gabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv,$1/month,$1.00,$1.00,FALSE,settled,2020-01-02 14:02:00 -0500
exampleB,,,2019-11-01 11:00:00 -0400,FALSE,FALSE,1023ABCD5678EFGHI,$10/month,$10.00,$10.00,FALSE,settled,2020-01-03 15:03:00 -0500
exampleC,Example Co,,2019-12-01 12:00:00 -0500,TRUE,TRUE,ch_1Gabcdefghijklmnopqrstuw,$10/month,$10.00,$120.00,FALSE,settled,2020-01-04 16:04:00 -0500
exampleD,Declined Smith,,2020-01-01 01:00:00 -0500,TRUE,FALSE,1023ABCD5678EFGHJ,$1/month,$1.00,$1.00,FALSE,processor_declined,2020-01-05 17:05:00 -0500
sponsor handle,sponsor email,sponsorship started on,is public?,is yearly?,transaction id,tier name,tier monthly amount,processed amount,is prorated?,status,transaction date
exampleA,,2019-10-01 10:00:00 -0400,TRUE,FALSE,ch_1Gabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv,$1/month,$1.00,$1.00,FALSE,settled,2020-01-02 14:02:00 -0500
exampleB,,2019-11-01 11:00:00 -0400,FALSE,FALSE,1023ABCD5678EFGHI,$10/month,$10.00,$10.00,FALSE,settled,2020-01-03 15:03:00 -0500
exampleC,,2019-12-01 12:00:00 -0500,TRUE,TRUE,ch_1Gabcdefghijklmnopqrstuw,$10/month,$10.00,$120.00,FALSE,settled,2020-01-04 16:04:00 -0500
exampleD,,2020-01-01 01:00:00 -0500,TRUE,FALSE,1023ABCD5678EFGHJ,$1/month,$1.00,$1.00,FALSE,processor_declined,2020-01-05 17:05:00 -0500
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@@ -927,29 +927,23 @@
  importer: github.SponsorsImporter
    - date: !!python/object/ [2020, 1, 2]
      payee: Alex Jones
      payee: exampleA
      handle: exampleA
      name: Alex Jones
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2019, 10, 1]
      transaction_id: ch_1Gabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["1"]
      currency: USD
    - date: !!python/object/ [2020, 1, 3]
      payee: exampleB
      handle: exampleB
      name: ""
      email: ""
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2019, 11, 1]
      transaction_id: 1023ABCD5678EFGHI
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["10"]
      currency: USD
    - date: !!python/object/ [2020, 1, 4]
      payee: Example Co
      payee: exampleC
      handle: exampleC
      name: Example Co
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2019, 12, 1]
      transaction_id: ch_1Gabcdefghijklmnopqrstuw
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["120"]
      currency: USD
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