Changeset - cc8c03ab626a
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Brett Smith - 6 years ago 2017-12-19 14:13:44
main: Provide template variables about the file being imported.
5 files changed with 55 insertions and 18 deletions:
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@@ -55,48 +55,55 @@ import2ledger templates have access to a few variables for each transaction that

  template patreon income =
    {date}  Patreon payment from {payee}
    Income:Patreon  -{amount}
    ;Payee: {payee}
    Accrued:Accounts Receivable:Patreon  {amount}
    ;Payee: Patreon

Templates automatically detect whether or not you have a custom payee line by checking if the first line begins with a date variable.  If it does, it's assumed to be your payee line.  Otherwise, the template uses a default payee line of ``{date} {payee}``.

Every template can use the following variables:

================== ==========================================================
Name               Contents
================== ==========================================================
amount             The total amount of the transaction, as a simple decimal
                   number (not currency-formatted)
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
currency           The three-letter code for the transaction currency
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
date               The date of the transaction, in your configured output
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
payee              The name of the transaction payee
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
source_abspath     The absolute path of the file being imported
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
source_name        The filename of the file being imported
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
source_path        The path of the file being imported, as specified on the
                   command line
================== ==========================================================

Specific importers and hooks may provide additional variables.

Supported templates

You can define the following templates.


``template patreon income``
  Imports one transaction per patron per month.  Generated from Patreon's monthly patron report CSVs.

``template patreon cardfees``
  Imports one expense transaction per month for that month's credit card fees.  Generated from Patreon's earnings report CSV.

``template patreon svcfees``
  Imports one expense transaction per month for that month's Patreon service fees.  Generated from Patreon's earnings report CSV.

``template patreon vat``
  Imports one transaction per country per month each time Patreon withheld VAT.  Generated from Patreon's VAT report CSV.

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import collections
import contextlib
import logging
import sys

from . import config, errors, hooks, importers

logger = logging.getLogger('import2ledger')

class FileImporter:
    def __init__(self, config, stdout):
        self.config = config
        self.importers = list(importers.load_all())
        self.hooks = [hook(config) for hook in hooks.load_all()]
        self.stdout = stdout

    def import_file(self, in_file):
    def import_file(self, in_file, in_path=None):
        if in_path is None:
            in_path = pathlib.Path(
        importers = []
        for importer in self.importers:
            if importer.can_import(in_file):
                    template = self.config.get_template(importer.TEMPLATE_KEY)
                except errors.UserInputConfigurationError as error:
                    if error.strerror.startswith('template not defined '):
                        have_template = False
                    have_template = not template.is_empty()
                if have_template:
                    importers.append((importer, template))
        if not importers:
            raise errors.UserInputFileError("no importers available",
        source_vars = {
            'source_abspath': in_path.absolute().as_posix(),
            'source_path': in_path.as_posix(),
        with contextlib.ExitStack() as exit_stack:
            output_path = self.config.get_output_path()
            if output_path is None:
                out_file = self.stdout
                out_file = exit_stack.enter_context('a'))
            for importer, template in importers:
                default_date = self.config.get_default_date()
                for entry_data in importer(in_file):
                    entry_data['_hook_cancel'] = False
                    for hook in self.hooks:
                        if entry_data['_hook_cancel']:
                        del entry_data['_hook_cancel']
                        print(template.render(**entry_data), file=out_file, end='')
                        render_vars = collections.ChainMap(entry_data, source_vars)
                        print(template.render(render_vars), file=out_file, end='')

    def import_path(self, in_path):
        if in_path is None:
            raise errors.UserInputFileError("only seekable files are supported", '<stdin>')
        with'replace') as in_file:
            if not in_file.seekable():
                raise errors.UserInputFileError("only seekable files are supported", in_path)
            return self.import_file(in_file)
            return self.import_file(in_file, in_path)

    def import_paths(self, path_seq):
        for in_path in path_seq:
                retval = self.import_path(in_path)
            except (OSError, errors.UserInputError) as error:
                yield in_path, error
                yield in_path, retval


def setup_logger(logger, main_config, stream):
    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
    handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream)

def main(arglist=None, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr):
        my_config = config.Configuration(arglist)
    except errors.UserInputError as error:
        my_config.error("{}: {!r}".format(error.strerror, error.user_input))
        return 3
    setup_logger(logger, my_config, stderr)
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default_date = 2016/04/04
loglevel = critical
signed_currencies = USD

template patreon cardfees =
 Accrued:Accounts Receivable  -{amount}
 Expenses:Fees:Credit Card  {amount}
template patreon svcfees =
 ;SourcePath: {source_abspath}
 ;SourceName: {source_name}
 Accrued:Accounts Receivable  -{amount}
 Expenses:Fundraising  {amount}
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2017/09/01 Patreon
  Accrued:Accounts Receivable  $-52.47
  Expenses:Fees:Credit Card  $52.47

2017/09/01 Patreon
  Accrued:Accounts Receivable  $-61.73
  Expenses:Fundraising  $61.73

2017/10/01 Patreon
  Accrued:Accounts Receivable  $-99.47
  Expenses:Fees:Credit Card  $99.47

2017/09/01 Patreon
  ;SourcePath: {source_abspath}
  ;SourceName: {source_name}
  Accrued:Accounts Receivable  $-61.73
  Expenses:Fundraising  $61.73

2017/10/01 Patreon
  ;SourcePath: {source_abspath}
  ;SourceName: {source_name}
  Accrued:Accounts Receivable  $-117.03
  Expenses:Fundraising  $117.03
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@@ -9,56 +9,71 @@ from import2ledger import __main__ as i2lmain
    '-C', (DATA_DIR / 'test_main.ini').as_posix(),

def run_main(arglist):
    stdout = io.StringIO()
    stderr = io.StringIO()
    exitcode = i2lmain.main(arglist, stdout, stderr)
    return exitcode, stdout, stderr

def iter_entries(in_file):
    lines = []
    for line in in_file:
        if line == '\n':
            if lines:
                yield ''.join(lines)
            lines = []
    if lines:
        yield ''.join(lines)

def entries2set(in_file):
    return set(normalize_whitespace(e) for e in iter_entries(in_file))
def format_entry(entry_s, format_vars):
    return normalize_whitespace(entry_s).format_map(format_vars)

def expected_entries(path):
def format_entries(source, format_vars=None):
    if format_vars is None:
        format_vars = {}
    return (format_entry(e, format_vars) for e in iter_entries(source))

def expected_entries(path, format_vars=None):
    path = pathlib.Path(path)
    if not path.is_absolute():
        path = DATA_DIR / path
    with as in_file:
        return entries2set(in_file)
        return list(format_entries(in_file, format_vars))

def path_vars(path):
    return {
        'source_abspath': str(path),
        'source_path': str(path),

def test_fees_import():
    source_path = pathlib.Path(DATA_DIR, 'PatreonEarnings.csv')
    arglist = ARGLIST + [
        '-c', 'One',
        pathlib.Path(DATA_DIR, 'PatreonEarnings.csv').as_posix(),
    exitcode, stdout, _ = run_main(arglist)
    assert exitcode == 0
    actual = entries2set(stdout)
    assert actual == expected_entries('test_main_fees_import.ledger')
    actual = list(format_entries(stdout))
    expected = expected_entries('test_main_fees_import.ledger', path_vars(source_path))
    assert actual == expected

def test_date_range_import():
    source_path = pathlib.Path(DATA_DIR, 'PatreonEarnings.csv')
    arglist = ARGLIST + [
        '-c', 'One',
        '--date-range', '2017/10/01-',
        pathlib.Path(DATA_DIR, 'PatreonEarnings.csv').as_posix(),
    exitcode, stdout, _ = run_main(arglist)
    assert exitcode == 0
    actual = entries2set(stdout)
    expected = {entry for entry in expected_entries('test_main_fees_import.ledger')
                if entry.startswith('2017/10/')}
    actual = list(format_entries(stdout))
    valid = expected_entries('test_main_fees_import.ledger', path_vars(source_path))
    expected = [entry for entry in valid if entry.startswith('2017/10/')]
    assert actual == expected
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