Changeset - ab8559c75bdb
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Brett Smith - 5 years ago 2019-08-28 14:22:10
csv: Support importing squared CSV spreadsheets.

See the test comment for more rationale.
5 files changed with 41 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -34,27 +34,35 @@ class CSVImporterBase:
      None, _read_header expects this is the row with column names for the
      real data, and uses it in its return value.
    * Reader: A class that accepts the input source and iterates over rows of
      formatted data.  Default csv.reader.
    * DictReader: A class that accepts the input source and iterates over rows
      of data organized into dictionaries.  Default csv.DictReader.
    ENTRY_SEED = {}
    Reader = csv.reader
    DictReader = csv.DictReader

    def _row_rindex(cls, row, default=None):
        """Return the index of the last cell in the row that has a value."""
        for offset, value in enumerate(reversed(row), 1):
            if value:
                return len(row) - offset
        return default

    def _read_header_row(cls, row):
        return {} if len(row) < cls._HEADER_MAX_LEN else None
        return {} if cls._row_rindex(row, -1) + 1 < cls._HEADER_MAX_LEN else None

    def _read_header(cls, input_file):
        cls._NEEDED_KEYS = cls.NEEDED_FIELDS.union(cls.COPIED_FIELDS)
        cls._HEADER_MAX_LEN = len(cls._NEEDED_KEYS)
        header = {}
        row = None
        for row in cls.Reader(input_file):
            row_data = cls._read_header_row(row)
            if row_data is None:
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@@ -2,28 +2,28 @@ import decimal

from . import _csv
from .. import strparse

ZERO_DECIMAL = decimal.Decimal(0)

class _DonationsImporterBase(_csv.CSVImporterBase):
    NAME_FIELDS = ['Donor First Name', 'Donor Last Name']
    NOT_SHARED = 'Not shared by donor'

    def _read_header_row(cls, row):
        row_len = len(row)
        if row_len > 2:
        row_rindex = cls._row_rindex(row, -1)
        if row_rindex > 1:
            return None
        elif row_len == 2 and row[0] in cls.HEADER_FIELDS:
        elif row_rindex == 1 and row[0] in cls.HEADER_FIELDS:
            return {cls.HEADER_FIELDS[row[0]]: row[1]}
            return {}

    def _read_row(self, row):
        date_s = row.get(self.DATE_FIELD)
        if not date_s:
            return None
        if all(row[key] == self.NOT_SHARED for key in self.NAME_FIELDS):
            payee = 'Anonymous'
            payee = ' '.join(row[key] for key in self.NAME_FIELDS)
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@@ -21,24 +21,24 @@ all_extras_require = [

REQUIREMENTS['extras_require']['all_importers'] = all_extras_require
REQUIREMENTS['tests_require'] = [

    description="Import different sources of financial data to Ledger",
    author='Brett Smith',
    license='GNU AGPLv3+',

    packages=find_packages(include=['import2ledger', 'import2ledger.*']),
        'console_scripts': ['import2ledger = import2ledger.__main__:main'],

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@@ -255,36 +255,40 @@
      ticket_rate: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["42.50"]
      shirts_sold: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["2"]
      shirt_rate: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["25.50"]
      status: Payment
      currency: USD
      invoice_date: !!python/object/ [2017, 9, 5]
      payment_id: ch_daer0ahwoh9oDeiqu2eimoD7
      stripe_id: ch_daer0ahwoh9oDeiqu2eimoD7
      invoice_id: "11"

- source: AmazonAffiliateEarnings.csv
  importer: amazon.EarningsImporter
  header_rows: 1
  header_cols: 12
    - payee: Amazon
      date: !!python/object/ [2016, 12, 20]
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["4.24"]
      currency: USD
    - payee: Amazon
      date: !!python/object/ [2017, 1, 7]
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["-.08"]
      currency: USD

- source: Benevity2018.csv
  importer: benevity.Donations2018Importer
  header_rows: 11
  header_cols: 17
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 10, 28]
      currency: USD
      disbursement_id: ABCDE12345
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      net_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      donation_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      donation_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      merchant_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
@@ -357,24 +361,26 @@
      donation_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      merchant_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      corporation: Company B
      project: ""
      comment: ""
      frequency: Recurring
      transaction_id: 67890TYUIO
      ledger template: benevity donations ledger entry

- source: Benevity2019.csv
  importer: benevity.Donations2019Importer
  header_rows: 11
  header_cols: 21
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 10, 28]
      currency: USD
      disbursement_id: ABCDE12345
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      net_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      donation_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      donation_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      merchant_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      payee: Dakota Smith
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import csv
import datetime
import decimal
import io
import importlib
import itertools
import pathlib
import shutil
import re

import pytest
import yaml
from import2ledger import importers, strparse

from . import DATA_DIR

class TestImporters:
    with pathlib.Path(DATA_DIR, 'imports.yml').open() as yaml_file:
        test_data = yaml.load(yaml_file)
    for test in test_data:
@@ -19,24 +22,43 @@ class TestImporters:

        module_name, class_name = test['importer'].rsplit('.', 1)
        module = importlib.import_module('.' + module_name, 'import2ledger.importers')
        test['importer'] = getattr(module, class_name)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('source_path,importer', [
        (t['source'], t['importer']) for t in test_data
    def test_can_import(self, source_path, importer):
        with as source_file:
            assert importer.can_import(source_file)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('source_path,importer,header_rows,header_cols', [
        (t['source'], t['importer'], t['header_rows'], t['header_cols'])
        for t in test_data if t.get('header_rows')
    def test_can_import_squared_csv(self, source_path, importer, header_rows, header_cols):
        # Sometimes when we munge spreadsheets by hand (e.g., to filter by
        # project) tools like LibreOffice Calc write a "squared" spreadsheet,
        # where every row has the same length.  This test ensures the results
        # are still recognized for import.
        with io.StringIO() as squared_file:
            csv_writer = csv.writer(squared_file)
            with as source_file:
                for row in itertools.islice(csv.reader(source_file), header_rows):
                    padding = [None] * (header_cols - len(row))
                    csv_writer.writerow(row + padding)
                shutil.copyfileobj(source_file, squared_file)
            assert importer.can_import(squared_file)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('source_path,import_class,expect_results', [
        (t['source'], t['importer'], t['expect']) for t in test_data
    def test_import(self, source_path, import_class, expect_results):
        with as source_file:
            importer = import_class(source_file)
            for actual, expected in itertools.zip_longest(importer, expect_results):
                actual['amount'] = strparse.currency_decimal(actual['amount'])
                assert actual == expected

    def test_loader(self):
        all_importers = list(importers.load_all())
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