Changeset - 44762555d5eb
[Not reviewed]
0 3 2
Brett Smith - 6 years ago 2019-02-25 17:39:19
yourcause: New importer.
5 files changed with 211 insertions and 1 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -155,254 +155,295 @@ Benevity

``brightfunds donorreport ledger entry``
  Imports one transaction per row in donor report XLS files that BrightFunds mails each month to recipients.

  This template can use these variables:

  ================ ===========================================================
  Name             Contents
  ================ ===========================================================
  company_name     The company name as reported in the spreadsheet
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  corporation      The company name as detected by the importer (this is
                   usually what you want)
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  donor_name       The donor name as reported in the spreadsheet (usually you
                   want to use ``payee`` instead)
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  donor_email      The donor's e-mail address as reported in the spreadsheet
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  on_behalf_of     From the corresponding spreadsheet column
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  fund             From the corresponding spreadsheet column
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  type             From the corresponding spreadsheet column
  ================ ===========================================================

O'Reilly Media

``oreilly payments ledger entry``
  Imports one transaction per payment.  Generated from CSV export of O'Reilly's payment history.

  This template can use these variables:

  ================ ===========================================================
  Name             Contents
  ================ ===========================================================
  paid_date        From the corresponding spreadsheet column.  This is usually
                   the end of the month, while the actual transaction date
                   might be slightly off.
  ================ ===========================================================

``oreilly royalties ledger entry``
  Imports one transaction per royalty period (usually a month, historically a quarter).  Generated from CSV export of O'Reilly's royalties statement.

  This template can use these variables:

  ================ ===========================================================
  Name             Contents
  ================ ===========================================================
  start_date       From the corresponding spreadsheet column
  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  paid_date        From the corresponding spreadsheet column.  This
                   corresponds to a row in the payment history as well.
  ================ ===========================================================


``patreon income ledger entry``
  Imports one transaction per patron per month.  Generated from Patreon's monthly patron report CSVs.

``patreon payout ledger entry``
  Imports one transaction per month for that month's payout.  Generated from Patreon's payout report CSV.

  This template can use these variables:

  =============== ===========================================================
  Name            Contents
  =============== ===========================================================
  pledges_amount  A decimal with the amount paid out by Patreon to pledges
                  you've made
  --------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  transfer_amount A decimal with the amount paid out by Patreon to your bank
  =============== ===========================================================

``patreon cardfees ledger entry``
  Imports one expense transaction per month for that month's credit card fees.  Generated from Patreon's earnings report CSV.

``patreon servicefees ledger entry``
  Imports one expense transaction per month for that month's Patreon service fees.  Generated from Patreon's earnings report CSV.

``patreon vat ledger entry``
  Imports one transaction per country per month each time Patreon withheld VAT.  Generated from Patreon's VAT report CSV.

  This template can use these variables:

  ============== ============================================================
  Name           Contents
  ============== ============================================================
  country_name   The full name of the country VAT was withheld for
  -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
  country_code   The two-letter ISO country code of the country VAT was
                 withheld for
  ============== ============================================================


``stripe payment ledger entry``
  Imports one transaction per payment.  Generated from Stripe's payments CSV export.

  This template can use these variables:

  ============== ==========================================================
  Name           Contents
  ============== ==========================================================
  customer_id    The id assigned to this customer by Stripe
  -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  customer_email The customer's e-mail address
  -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  description    The description given to the payment when it was created
  -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  fee            The amount of fees charged by Stripe for this payment, as
                 a plain decimal number
  -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  payment_id     The id assigned to this payment by Stripe
  -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  payout_id      The id of the associated Stripe payout
  -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  tax            The amount of tax withheld by Stripe for this payment, as
                 a plain decimal number
  ============== ==========================================================

``stripe payout ledger entry``
  Imports one transaction per payment.  Generated from Stripe's payouts CSV export.

  This template can use these variables:

  ========================== ==============================================
  Name           Contents
  ========================== ==============================================
  adjustment_count           Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  adjustment_gross           Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  adjustment_fees            Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  adjustment_net             Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  balance_txid               Stripe ID of the balance transaction
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  collected_fee_count        Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  collected_fee_gross        Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  collected_fee_refund_count Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  collected_fee_refund_gross Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  destination_id             Stripe ID of the payout destination account
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  failure_txid               Stripe ID of the failure balance transaction
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  payment_count              Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  payment_gross              Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  payment_fees               Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  payment_net                Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  payout_id                  Stripe ID of this payout
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  refund_count               Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  refund_gross               Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  refund_fees                Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  refund_net                 Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  total_count                Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  total_gross                Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  total_fees                 Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  total_net                  Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  validation_count           Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  validation_fees            Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  retried_payout_count       Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
  retried_payout_net         Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  ========================== ==============================================


``yourcause donations ledger entry``
  Imports one transaction per row in YourCause's donations report CSV.

  This template can use these variables:

  ================= ==========================================================
  Name              Contents
  ================= ==========================================================
  comment           The comment from the donor
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  corporation       The name of the participating corporation
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  dedication        Text from the corresponding CSV column
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  dedication_type   Text from the corresponding CSV column
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  designation       Text from the corresponding CSV column
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  donor             Name of the individual who donated
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  donor_amount      The amount donated by the individual donor named
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  match_amount      The amount of the donation match by the participating
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  original_amount   The amount of the original donation in the original
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  original_currency The local currency the original donation was made in
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  payment_id        The ID of the payment from YourCause that includes this
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  received_amount   Decimal from the corresponding CSV column
  ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  transaction_id    The ID of this donation from YourCause
  ================= ==========================================================

Other output options

Various options control how import2ledger formats dates and currency amounts.  Run ``import2ledger --help`` for a full list; they're listed under the "default overrides" section.  You can specify these in your configuration file, too.  Just change any dashes (``-``) in the option name to underscores (``_``), and separate the switch name from your value with ``=``.  For example, add this to your configuration file to use ISO 8601-formatted dates in your Ledger entries::

  date_format = %%Y-%%m-%%d

(``%`` is a special character in the configuration file syntax.  ``%%`` represents a literal percent sign.)

Configuration sections

If you keep different sets of books, it might be helpful to have different configuration settings for each.  For example, you might adjust the templates for each set of books to use different accounts or tags.  Or you might just need to change the formatting of dates or currency amounts.

import2ledger makes this easy by letting you define a new section of options, and then using them all when you import transactions.  For example, say you keep two sets of books, one for US accounts and another for European accounts.  You could write a configuration file like::

  date_format = %%m/%%d/%%Y
  signed_currencies = USD

  date_format = %%d.%%m.%%Y
  signed_currencies = EUR

When you run import2ledger, you can tell it to load options from one of these sections with the option ``--use-config NAME``, or ``-c NAME`` for short.  In this example, ``import2ledger -c eu`` would load the settings for your European books.  import2ledger looks for configuration settings in the following places, and uses the first setting it finds:

1. The configuration section you specify with ``-c``
2. Command-line options
3. The ``[DEFAULT]`` configuration section
4. import2ledger defaults

Running import2ledger

Once you've written a configuration file with your templates and any other configuration you need, you can run it with data to import::

  $ import2ledger [options …] file1.csv [file2.csv …]

import2ledger will read all the data sources and generate bookkeeping entries from them.

import2ledger needs to be able to seek within the source files.  Because of that, your input files need to be normal files, or symlinks to them.  Special files like devices and FIFOs aren't supported by import2ledger.

Exit status

import2ledger reports the following exit codes:

========= =================================================================
Exit code Meaning
========= =================================================================
0         Imported data from all source files
--------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1         Internal error (probably a bug)
--------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
2         Error in the user's settings, such as a formatting error in a
          template or date, or a reference to a nonexistent file or
          configuration file section
--------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
11-99     Failed to import data from at least one source file.  The exit
          code is 10 + the number of files that couldn't be imported, up
          to the maximum exit code of 99.
========= =================================================================
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new file 100644
import decimal

    import enum
except ImportError:
    import enum34 as enum

from . import _csv
from .. import strparse

ZERO_DECIMAL = decimal.Decimal(0)

class _DonorType(enum.Enum):
    Individual = 1
    Company = 2

    def from_donation_type(cls, donation_type):
        if donation_type.startswith('Individual-'):
            return cls.Individual
        elif donation_type.startswith('Employer Match-'):
            return cls.Company
            raise ValueError("unknown donation type {!r}".format(donation_type))


class DonationsImporter(_csv.CSVImporterBase):
    ANONYMOUS = "Anonymous"
    DATE_FMT = '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'
    DONATION_TYPE_FIELD = 'Donation Type'
    ENTRY_SEED = {
        'currency': 'USD',
        'donor_amount': ZERO_DECIMAL,
        'match_amount': ZERO_DECIMAL,
        'Local Currency Receipt Amount': 'original_amount',
        'Received Amount': 'received_amount',
        'Transaction Amount': 'amount',
    NEEDED_FIELDS = frozenset([
        'Donor First Name',
        'Donor Last Name',
        'Match Donor First Name',
        'Match Donor Last Name',
        'Company_Name': 'corporation',
        'Dedication Type': 'dedication_type',
        'Dedication': 'dedication',
        'Designation': 'designation',
        'Local Currency Type': 'original_currency',
        'Payment ID': 'payment_id',
        'Transaction_ID': 'transaction_id',

    def _donor_name(self, row, *keys):
        names = [row[key] for key in keys]
        if any(s and s != self.ANONYMOUS for s in names):
            return ' '.join(names).strip()
            return self.ANONYMOUS

    def _read_row(self, row):
        donor_type = _DonorType.from_donation_type(row[self.DONATION_TYPE_FIELD])
        retval = {retkey: strparse.currency_decimal(row[rowkey])
                  for rowkey, retkey in self.DECIMAL_FIELDS.items()}
        retval['date'] =['Donation_Date'], self.DATE_FMT)
        if donor_type is _DonorType.Individual:
            retval['donor'] = self._donor_name(row, 'Donor First Name', 'Donor Last Name')
            retval['donor_amount'] = retval['amount']
            retval['payee'] = retval['donor']
            retval['donor'] = self._donor_name(row, 'Match Donor First Name', 'Match Donor Last Name')
            retval['match_amount'] = retval['amount']
            retval['payee'] = row['Company_Name']
        return retval
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

    'install_requires': [
    'setup_requires': ['pytest-runner'],
    'extras_require': {
        'brightfunds': ['xlrd'],
        'nbpy2017': ['beautifulsoup4', 'html5lib'],

all_extras_require = [
    req for reqlist in REQUIREMENTS['extras_require'].values() for req in reqlist

REQUIREMENTS['extras_require']['all_importers'] = all_extras_require
REQUIREMENTS['tests_require'] = [

    description="Import different sources of financial data to Ledger",
    author='Brett Smith',
    license='GNU AGPLv3+',

    packages=find_packages(include=['import2ledger', 'import2ledger.*']),
        'console_scripts': ['import2ledger = import2ledger.__main__:main'],

Show inline comments
new file 100644
Donation_Date,Company_Name,Transaction_ID,Donation Type,Transaction Amount,Received Amount,Is Disbursed?,Payment ID,Payment Create Date,Payment Status Date,Payment Status,Donor Type,Donor ID,Donor First Name,Donor Last Name,Donor Full Name,Donor Email Address,Donor Address,Donor Address2,Donor City,Donor State/Province/Region,Donor Postal Code,Donor Country,Match Donor ID,Match Donor First Name,Match Donor Last Name,Dedication Type,Dedication,Designation,Registration ID,Designated Charity Name,Donation Status,Alternate Recognition Name,Segment Name,Local Currency Receipt Amount,Local Currency Type
12/20/2018 1:13:00 PM,Company A,2-34567891,Individual-Credit Card,12,12,TRUE,10006789,01/22/2019 5:46:00 PM,,Outstanding,Individual,E1,Dakota,Smith,Dakota Smith,,123 Any Street,,Anytown,Maine,01234,US,,,,,,Note,410123456,Test Charity,Disbursed,,US Segment,12,USD
12/31/2018 10:17:00 PM,Company B,2-34567893,Individual-Credit Card,14,14,TRUE,10006789,01/22/2019 5:46:00 PM,,Outstanding,Individual,E2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,410123456,Test Charity,Disbursed,,US Segment,14,USD
12/20/2018 1:13:00 PM,Company A,2-34567895,Employer Match-Credit Card Match,12,12,TRUE,10006789,01/22/2019 5:46:00 PM,,Outstanding,Company,C1,,,Company A,,,,,,,,E1,Dakota,Smith,,,Note,410123456,Test Charity,Disbursed,,US Segment,12,USD
12/31/2018 10:17:00 PM,Company B,2-34567897,Employer Match-Credit Card,14,14,TRUE,10006789,01/22/2019 5:46:00 PM,,Outstanding,Individual,E2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,410123456,Test Charity,Disbursed,,US Segment,14,USD
12/15/2018 10:17:00 AM,Company C,2-34567899,Individual-Credit Card,12.50000,12.50000,TRUE,10006789,01/22/2019 5:46:00 PM,,Outstanding,Individual,E3,Alex,Jones,Alex Jones,,,,,,,,,,,,,,410123456,Test Charity,Disbursed,,US Segment,10,GBP
Show inline comments
@@ -405,192 +405,276 @@
      currency: USD
      disbursement_id: ABCDE12345
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [10]
      net_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [10]
      donation_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [10]
      donation_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      merchant_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      payee: Anonymous
      corporation: Company B
      project: ""
      comment: ""
      frequency: Unknown
      transaction_id: 67890ERTYU
      ledger template: benevity donations ledger entry
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 10, 19]
      currency: USD
      disbursement_id: ABCDE12345
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      net_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      donation_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      donation_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      merchant_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      payee: Anonymous
      corporation: Company B
      project: ""
      comment: ""
      frequency: Unknown
      transaction_id: 67890RTYUI
      ledger template: benevity donations ledger entry
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 10, 19]
      currency: USD
      disbursement_id: ABCDE12345
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [30]
      net_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [30]
      donation_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [30]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      donation_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      merchant_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      payee: Anonymous
      corporation: Company B
      project: ""
      comment: ""
      frequency: Recurring
      transaction_id: 67890TYUIO
      ledger template: benevity donations ledger entry
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 10, 18]
      currency: USD
      disbursement_id: ABCDE12345
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      net_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["19.55"]
      donation_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [10]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [10]
      donation_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [".1"]
      match_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [".2"]
      merchant_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [".15"]
      payee: Anonymous
      corporation: Company C
      project: ""
      comment: ""
      frequency: Unknown
      transaction_id: 67890YUIOP
      ledger template: benevity donations ledger entry
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 10, 21]
      currency: USD
      disbursement_id: ABCDE12345
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [20]
      net_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["19.55"]
      donation_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [10]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [10]
      donation_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [".1"]
      match_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [".2"]
      merchant_fee: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [".15"]
      payee: Anonymous
      corporation: Company C
      project: ""
      comment: ""
      frequency: Unknown
      transaction_id: 67890ASDFG
      ledger template: benevity donations ledger entry

- source: BrightFunds.xls
  importer: brightfunds.DonorReportImporter
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 10, 20]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [120]
      payee: Dakota Smith
      corporation: Company
      company_name: ""
      designation: ""
      donor_name: Company
      donor_email: ""
      fund: ""
      on_behalf_of: Dakota Smith
      type: Matched Donation

- source: OReillyRoyalties.csv
  importer: oreilly.RoyaltiesImporter
    - date: !!python/object/ [2018, 3, 31]
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2018, 3, 1]
      paid_date: null
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["11.96"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2018, 2, 28]
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2018, 2, 1]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2018, 3, 29]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["20.83"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2018, 1, 31]
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2018, 1, 1]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2018, 3, 29]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["8.51"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 3, 31]
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2017, 3, 1]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2017, 4, 28]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["26.91"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 1, 31]
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2017, 1, 1]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2017, 4, 28]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["12.33"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2016, 12, 31]
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2016, 12, 1]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2017, 4, 28]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["9.15"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2016, 9, 30]
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2016, 9, 1]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2016, 12, 16]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["26.19"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2016, 8, 31]
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2016, 8, 1]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2016, 11, 30]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["27.58"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2010, 3, 31]
      start_date: !!python/object/ [2010, 1, 1]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2010, 3, 31]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["73.85"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."

- source: OReillyPayments.csv
  importer: oreilly.PaymentsImporter
    - date: !!python/object/ [2018, 3, 29]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2018, 3, 29]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["29.34"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 4, 27]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2017, 4, 28]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["26.91"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2017, 4, 24]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2017, 4, 28]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["21.48"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2016, 12, 16]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2016, 12, 16]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["26.19"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2016, 11, 29]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2016, 11, 30]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["27.58"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
    - date: !!python/object/ [2010, 3, 31]
      paid_date: !!python/object/ [2010, 3, 31]
      currency: USD
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["73.85"]
      payee: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."

- source: YourCause.csv
  importer: yourcause.DonationsImporter
    - date: !!python/object/ [2018, 12, 20]
      currency: USD
      original_currency: USD
      payment_id: "10006789"
      transaction_id: 2-34567891
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [12]
      original_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [12]
      received_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [12]
      donor_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [12]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      dedication_type: ""
      dedication: ""
      designation: Note
      payee: Dakota Smith
      donor: Dakota Smith
      corporation: Company A
    - date: !!python/object/ [2018, 12, 31]
      currency: USD
      original_currency: USD
      payment_id: "10006789"
      transaction_id: 2-34567893
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [14]
      original_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [14]
      received_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [14]
      donor_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [14]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      dedication_type: ""
      dedication: ""
      designation: ""
      payee: Anonymous
      donor: Anonymous
      corporation: Company B
    - date: !!python/object/ [2018, 12, 20]
      currency: USD
      original_currency: USD
      payment_id: "10006789"
      transaction_id: 2-34567895
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [12]
      original_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [12]
      received_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [12]
      donor_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [12]
      dedication_type: ""
      dedication: ""
      designation: Note
      payee: Company A
      donor: Dakota Smith
      corporation: Company A
    - date: !!python/object/ [2018, 12, 31]
      currency: USD
      original_currency: USD
      payment_id: "10006789"
      transaction_id: 2-34567897
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [14]
      original_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [14]
      received_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [14]
      donor_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [14]
      dedication_type: ""
      dedication: ""
      designation: ""
      payee: Company B
      donor: Anonymous
      corporation: Company B
    - date: !!python/object/ [2018, 12, 15]
      currency: USD
      original_currency: GBP
      payment_id: "10006789"
      transaction_id: 2-34567899
      amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["12.50"]
      original_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [10]
      received_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["12.50"]
      donor_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal ["12.50"]
      match_amount: !!python/object/apply:decimal.Decimal [0]
      dedication_type: ""
      dedication: ""
      designation: ""
      payee: Alex Jones
      donor: Alex Jones
      corporation: Company C
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