File diff f0a5db5a2907 → c0b791b30f57
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This module contains the high-level webservice logic such as the Flask setup
and the Flask endpoints.
import sys
import logging
import argparse

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request

@@ -10,34 +14,49 @@ from accounting.exceptions import AccountingException
from accounting.decorators import jsonify_exceptions


app = Flask('accounting')

ledger = Ledger(ledger_file=app.config['LEDGER_FILE'])
ledger = None

def init_ledger():
    :py:meth:`flask.Flask.before_request`-decorated method that initializes an
    :py:class:`accounting.Ledger` object.
    global ledger
    ledger = Ledger(ledger_file=app.config['LEDGER_FILE'])


# These will convert output from our internal classes to JSON and back
app.json_encoder = AccountingEncoder
app.json_decoder = AccountingDecoder


def index():
    ''' Hello World! '''
    return 'Hello World!'


def balance_report():
    ''' Returns the balance report from ledger '''
    Returns the JSON-serialized result of :meth:`accounting.Ledger.bal`
    report_data = ledger.bal()

    return jsonify(balance_report=report_data)

@app.route('/transaction', methods=['GET'])
def transaction_get():
    Returns the JSON-serialized output of :meth:`accounting.Ledger.reg`
    return jsonify(transactions=ledger.reg())

@app.route('/transaction', methods=['POST'])
def transaction_post():
@@ -103,54 +122,58 @@ def parse_json():
    Parses a __type__-annotated JSON payload and debug-logs the decoded version
    of it.


    .. code-block:: bash

        wget -O balance.json
        curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @balance.json \
        # Logging output (linebreaks added for clarity)
        DEBUG:accounting:json data: {'balance_report':
            [<Account "None" [
                <Amount $ 0>, <Amount KARMA 0>]
                [<Account "Assets" [
                    <Amount $ 50>, <Amount KARMA 10>]
                    [<Account "Assets:Checking" [
                        <Amount $ 50>] []>,
                     <Account "Assets:Karma Account" [
                        <Amount KARMA 10>] []>]>,
                 <Account "Expenses" [
                    <Amount $ 500>]
                    [<Account "Expenses:Blah" [
                        <Amount $ 250>]
                        [<Account "Expenses:Blah:Hosting" [
                            <Amount $ 250>] []>]>,
                     <Account "Expenses:Foo" [
                        <Amount $ 250>] [
                        <Account "Expenses:Foo:Hosting" [
                            <Amount $ 250>] []>]>]>,
                 <Account "Income" [
                    <Amount $ -550>,
                    <Amount KARMA -10>]
                    [<Account "Income:Donation" [
                        <Amount $ -50>] []>,
                     <Account "Income:Foo" [
                        <Amount $ -500>]
                        [<Account "Income:Foo:Donation" [
                            <Amount $ -500>] []>]>,
                     <Account "Income:Karma" [
                     <Amount KARMA -10>] []>]>]>]}
        # DEBUG:accounting:json data: {'balance_report':
        #    [<Account "None" [
        #        <Amount $ 0>, <Amount KARMA 0>]
        #        [<Account "Assets" [
        #            <Amount $ 50>, <Amount KARMA 10>]
        #            [<Account "Assets:Checking" [
        #                <Amount $ 50>] []>,
        #             <Account "Assets:Karma Account" [
        #                <Amount KARMA 10>] []>]>,
        #         <Account "Expenses" [
        #            <Amount $ 500>]
        #            [<Account "Expenses:Blah" [
        #                <Amount $ 250>]
        #                [<Account "Expenses:Blah:Hosting" [
        #                    <Amount $ 250>] []>]>,
        #             <Account "Expenses:Foo" [
        #                <Amount $ 250>] [
        #                <Account "Expenses:Foo:Hosting" [
        #                    <Amount $ 250>] []>]>]>,
        #         <Account "Income" [
        #            <Amount $ -550>,
        #            <Amount KARMA -10>]
        #            [<Account "Income:Donation" [
        #                <Amount $ -50>] []>,
        #             <Account "Income:Foo" [
        #                <Amount $ -500>]
        #                [<Account "Income:Foo:Donation" [
        #                    <Amount $ -500>] []>]>,
        #             <Account "Income:Karma" [
        #             <Amount KARMA -10>] []>]>]>]}
    app.logger.debug('json data: %s', request.json)
    return jsonify(foo='bar')


def register_report():
    ''' Returns the register report from ledger '''
    Returns the JSON-serialized output of :py:meth:`accounting.Ledger.reg`
    report_data = ledger.reg()

    return jsonify(register_report=report_data)


def main(argv=None):