git Use ID
Plugin, library, and reports for reading Conservancy's books
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Brett Smith f7883ac31463
4 years ago
Brett Smith 69f597a47c53
4 years ago
Brett Smith ea69d589577c
4 years ago
Brett Smith 8ec3a12d5af7
4 years ago
Brett Smith db3ba4fd4d85
4 years ago
Brett Smith 56bfbe21c4af
4 years ago
Brett Smith 1cc4e732f4e2
4 years ago
Brett Smith 1fcab6af321b
4 years ago
Brett Smith 404a88de1db0
4 years ago
Brett Smith 5e147dc0b557
4 years ago

Beancount plugin and tools for Conservancy's books


This repository includes code that Software Freedom Conservancy uses to keep its books in Beancount. It includes:

  • A Beancount plugin to validate that transactions are documented according to business rules, and normalize "enum-like" metadata we have defined
  • A set of financial business reports from the books
  • Related tools to help with audit and tax reporting


<tt class="docutils literal">cd</tt> to this directory with your checkout and then run:

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade .

For development, a Python virtual environment may be more appropriate. See the development documentation for details.


<tt class="docutils literal">doc/Development.rst</tt> explains how to work on this code, including an overview of how modules are organized.