File diff fdd067b10e48 → bd00822b8f43
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@@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ from conservancy_beancount.reports import core
def accruals_and_payments(acct, src_acct, dst_acct, start_date, *amounts):
    dates = testutil.date_seq(start_date)
    for amt, currency in amounts:
        post_meta = {'metanumber': amt, 'metacurrency': currency}
        yield testutil.Transaction(date=next(dates), postings=[
            (acct, amt, currency),
            (dst_acct if amt < 0 else src_acct, -amt, currency),
            (acct, amt, currency, post_meta),
            (dst_acct if amt < 0 else src_acct, -amt, currency, post_meta),

@@ -174,3 +175,33 @@ def test_meta_values_many_types():
    for index, value in enumerate(expected):
        related.add(testutil.Posting('Income:Donations', -index, key=value))
    assert related.meta_values('key') == expected

def test_group_by_meta_zero():
    assert len(core.RelatedPostings.group_by_meta([], 'metacurrency')) == 0

def test_group_by_meta_key_error():
    # Make sure the return value doesn't act like a defaultdict.
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        core.RelatedPostings.group_by_meta([], 'metakey')['metavalue']

def test_group_by_meta_one(credit_card_cycle):
    posting = next(post for post in data.Posting.from_entries(credit_card_cycle)
                   if post.account.is_credit_card())
    actual = core.RelatedPostings.group_by_meta([posting], 'metacurrency')
    assert set(actual) == {'USD'}

def test_group_by_meta_many(two_accruals_three_payments):
    postings = [post for post in data.Posting.from_entries(two_accruals_three_payments)
                if post.account == 'Assets:Receivable:Accounts']
    actual = core.RelatedPostings.group_by_meta(postings, 'metacurrency')
    assert set(actual) == {'USD', 'EUR'}
    for key, group in actual.items():
        assert 2 <= len(group) <= 3
        assert group.balance().is_zero()

def test_group_by_meta_many_single_posts(two_accruals_three_payments):
    postings = [post for post in data.Posting.from_entries(two_accruals_three_payments)
                if post.account == 'Assets:Receivable:Accounts']
    actual = core.RelatedPostings.group_by_meta(postings, 'metanumber')
    assert set(actual) == {post.units.number for post in postings}
    assert len(actual) == len(postings)