File diff 499f18ff623c → 3e20b863e07e
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@@ -51,16 +51,17 @@ INVALID_VALUES = {
    # Names that can be reduced to ASCII should be
    # Producers should change this to Uberentity or Ueberentity
    # I am not wild about this rule and would like to relax it—it's mostly
    # based on an expectation that entities are typed in by a human. That's true
    # less and less and it seems like we should reduce the amount of mangling
    # producers are expected to do. But it's the rule for today.
    # based on an expectation that entities are typed in by an American. That's
    # true less and less and it seems like we should reduce the amount of
    # mangling producers are expected to do. But it's the rule for today.
    # Whitespace is never allowed
    'Alex Smith',
    '田中 流星',
    'スミス ダコタ',
    'Яшин Данила',
    ' ',
    'Alex Smith',
    '田中\u00A0流星',  # Non-breaking space
    # The only punctuation allowed is - and .
    'Яшин—Данила',  # em dash
    # An empty string is not valid