File diff 1c71d7c6e145 → 9e33b2795ca5
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"""Test Config class"""
# Copyright © 2020  Brett Smith
# License: AGPLv3-or-later WITH Beancount-Plugin-Additional-Permission-1.0
# Full copyright and licensing details can be found at toplevel file
# LICENSE.txt in the repository.

import contextlib
import decimal
import itertools
import operator
import os
import re

import git

from pathlib import Path

import pytest

from . import testutil

@@ -131,24 +132,35 @@ def test_rt_credentials_from_file_and_environment_mixed(rt_environ, index, drop_
    expected[index] = RT_FILE_CREDS[index]
    assert rt_credentials == tuple(expected)

def test_rt_credentials_from_all_sources_mixed(tmp_path):
    server = ''
    with (tmp_path / '.rtrc').open('w') as rtrc_file:
        print('user basemix', 'passwd mixed up', file=rtrc_file, sep='\n')
    with update_environ(HOME=tmp_path, RTSERVER=server, RTUSER='mixedup'):
        config = config_mod.Config()
        rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
    assert rt_credentials == (server, 'mixedup', 'mixed up', 'rt')

def test_rt_credentials_idstr():
    actual = {
        config_mod.RTCredentials(server, user).idstr()
        for server, user in itertools.product(
                [None, ''],
                [None, 'example'],
    assert len(actual) == 4
    for idstr in actual:
        assert '/' not in idstr

def check_rt_client_url(credentials, client):
    pattern = '^{}/?$'.format(re.escape(credentials[0].rstrip('/') + '/REST/1.0'))
    assert re.match(pattern, client.url)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('authmethod', RT_AUTH_METHODS)
def test_rt_client(authmethod):
    rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(auth=authmethod)
    config = config_mod.Config()
    rt_client = config.rt_client(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient)
    check_rt_client_url(RT_GENERIC_CREDS, rt_client)
    assert rt_client.auth_method == ('HTTPBasicAuth' if authmethod == 'basic' else 'login')
    assert rt_client.last_login == (