Changeset - f52ad4fbc1cc
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Brett Smith - 4 years ago 2020-06-11 17:07:14
reports: Add RelatedPostings.first_meta_links() method.

Basically moving this from AccrualPostings into the superclass.
3 files changed with 33 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -184,47 +184,44 @@ class AccrualPostings(core.RelatedPostings):
        # The following type declarations tell mypy about values set in the for
        # loop that are important enough to be referenced directly elsewhere.
        self.account = self._single_item(post.account for post in self)
        if isinstance(self.account, Sentinel):
            self.accrual_type: Optional[AccrualAccount] = None
            norm_func: Callable[[T], T] = lambda x: x
            entity_pred: Callable[[data.Posting], bool] = bool
            self.accrual_type = AccrualAccount.by_account(self.account)
            norm_func = self.accrual_type.normalize_amount
            entity_pred = lambda post: norm_func(post.units).number > 0
        self.entity = self._single_item(self.entities(entity_pred))
        self.invoice = self._single_item(self.first_links('invoice'))
        self.invoice = self._single_item(self.first_meta_links('invoice', None))
        self.end_balance = norm_func(self.balance_at_cost())

    def _single_item(self, seq: Iterable[T]) -> Union[T, Sentinel]:
        items = iter(seq)
            item1 = next(items)
        except StopIteration:
            all_same = False
            all_same = all(item == item1 for item in items)
        return item1 if all_same else self.INCONSISTENT

    def entities(self, pred: Callable[[data.Posting], bool]=bool) -> Iterator[MetaValue]:
        return filters.iter_unique(
            for post in self
            if pred(post) and 'entity' in post.meta

    def first_links(self, key: MetaKey, default: Optional[str]=None) -> Iterator[Optional[str]]:
        return (post.meta.first_link(key, default) for post in self)

    def make_consistent(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[MetaValue, 'AccrualPostings']]:
        account_ok = isinstance(self.account, str)
        entity_ok = isinstance(self.entity, str)
        # `'/' in self.invoice` is just our heuristic to ensure that the
        # invoice metadata is "unique enough," and not just a placeholder
        # value like "FIXME". It can be refined if needed.
        invoice_ok = isinstance(self.invoice, str) and '/' in self.invoice
        if account_ok and entity_ok and invoice_ok:
            yield (self.invoice, self)
        groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for post in self:
@@ -497,25 +494,25 @@ class BalanceReport(BaseReport):
            yield ""
        yield f"{posts.invoice}:"
        yield f"  {posts.balance_at_cost()} outstanding since {date_s}"


class OutgoingReport(BaseReport):
    def __init__(self, rt_client: rt.Rt, out_file: TextIO) -> None:
        self.rt_client = rt_client
        self.rt_wrapper = rtutil.RT(rt_client)

    def _primary_rt_id(self, posts: AccrualPostings) -> rtutil.TicketAttachmentIds:
        rt_ids = {url for url in posts.first_links('rt-id') if url is not None}
        rt_ids = list(posts.first_meta_links('rt-id'))
        rt_ids_count = len(rt_ids)
        if rt_ids_count != 1:
            raise ValueError(f"{rt_ids_count} rt-id links found")
        parsed = rtutil.RT.parse(rt_ids.pop())
        if parsed is None:
            raise ValueError("rt-id is not a valid RT reference")
            return parsed

    def _report(self, posts: AccrualPostings, index: int) -> Iterable[str]:
        posts = posts.since_last_nonzero()
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@@ -295,24 +295,41 @@ class RelatedPostings(Sequence[data.Posting]):
        return len(self._postings)

    def _all_meta_links(self, key: MetaKey) -> Iterator[str]:
        for post in self:
                yield from post.meta.get_links(key)
            except TypeError:

    def all_meta_links(self, key: MetaKey) -> Iterator[str]:
        return filters.iter_unique(self._all_meta_links(key))

    def first_meta_links(self, key: MetaKey, default: str='') -> Iterator[str]: ...

    def first_meta_links(self, key: MetaKey, default: None) -> Iterator[Optional[str]]: ...

    def first_meta_links(self,
                         key: MetaKey,
                         default: Optional[str]='',
    ) -> Iterator[Optional[str]]:
        retval = filters.iter_unique(
            post.meta.first_link(key, default) for post in self
        if default == '':
            retval = (s for s in retval if s)
        return retval

    def iter_with_balance(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[data.Posting, Balance]]:
        balance = MutableBalance()
        for post in self:
            balance += post.units
            yield post, balance

    def balance(self) -> Balance:
        for _, balance in self.iter_with_balance():
            return balance
        except NameError:
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@@ -266,24 +266,38 @@ def test_all_meta_links_singletons():
def test_all_meta_links_multiples():
    related = core.RelatedPostings(testutil.Posting(
        'Income:Donations', -10, approval=' '.join(value), _meta_type=data.Metadata,
    ) for value in itertools.permutations(testutil.LINK_METADATA_STRINGS, 2))
    assert set(related.all_meta_links('approval')) == testutil.LINK_METADATA_STRINGS

def test_all_meta_links_preserves_order():
    related = core.RelatedPostings(testutil.Posting(
        'Income:Donations', -10, approval=c, _meta_type=data.Metadata,
    ) for c in '121323')
    assert list(related.all_meta_links('approval')) == list('123')

def test_first_meta_links():
    related = core.RelatedPostings(testutil.Posting(
        'Assets:Cash', 10, contract=value, _meta_type=data.Metadata,
    ) for value in ['1 2', '', '1 3', testutil.PAST_DATE, '2 3', None])
    del related[-1].meta['contract']
    assert list(related.first_meta_links('contract')) == list('12')

def test_first_meta_links_fallback():
    related = core.RelatedPostings(testutil.Posting(
        'Assets:Cash', 10, contract=value, _meta_type=data.Metadata,
    ) for value in ['1 2', testutil.PAST_DATE, '1 3', None, '2 3'])
    del related[-2].meta['contract']
    assert list(related.first_meta_links('contract', None)) == ['1', None, '2']

def test_group_by_meta_zero():
    assert not list(core.RelatedPostings.group_by_meta([], 'metacurrency'))

def test_group_by_meta_one(credit_card_cycle):
    posting = next(post for post in data.Posting.from_entries(credit_card_cycle)
                   if post.account.is_credit_card())
    actual = core.RelatedPostings.group_by_meta([posting], 'metacurrency')
    assert set(key for key, _ in actual) == {'USD'}

def test_group_by_meta_many(two_accruals_three_payments):
    postings = [post for post in data.Posting.from_entries(two_accruals_three_payments)
                if post.account == 'Assets:Receivable:Accounts']
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