Changeset - b880115774ac
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Brett Smith - 3 years ago 2021-03-15 17:40:09
query: Refactor DBColumn.

Avoid an issubclass check on every call, and make it easier for subclasses
to override part of the call implementation.
1 file changed with 15 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -148,73 +148,83 @@ class PostingContext:
    posting: Posting
    entry: Transaction
    balance: Inventory
    options_map: OptionsMap
    account_types: Mapping
    open_close_map: Mapping
    commodity_map: Mapping
    price_map: Mapping
    # Dynamically set by execute_query
    store: Store


def ContextMeta(context: PostingContext) -> data.PostingMeta:
    """Build a read-only PostingMeta object from the query context"""
    # We use sys.maxsize as the index because using a constant is fast, and
    # that helps keep the object read-only: if it ever tries to manipulate
    # the transaction, it'll get an IndexError.
    return data.PostingMeta(context.entry, sys.maxsize, context.posting).detached()


class DBColumn(bc_query_compile.EvalColumn):
    _db_cursor: ClassVar[sqlite3.Cursor]
    _db_query: ClassVar[str]
    _dtype: ClassVar[Type] = set
    _return: ClassVar[Callable[['DBColumn'], object]]
    __intypes__ = [Posting]

    def with_db(cls, connection: sqlite3.Connection) -> Type['DBColumn']:
        return type(cls.__name__, (cls,), {'_db_cursor': connection.cursor()})

    def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
        if issubclass(cls._dtype, set):
            cls._return = cls._return_set
            cls._return = cls._return_scalar

    def __init__(self, colname: Optional[str]=None) -> None:
        if not hasattr(self, '_db_cursor'):
            if colname is None:
                colname = type(self).__name__.lower().replace('db', 'db_', 1)
            raise RuntimeError(f"no entity database loaded - {colname} not available")

    def _entity(self, meta: data.PostingMeta) -> str:
        entity = meta.get('entity')
        return entity if isinstance(entity, str) else '\0'

    def _return_scalar(self) -> object:
        row = self._db_cursor.fetchone()
        return self._dtype() if row is None else self._dtype(row[0])

    def _return_set(self) -> object:
        return self._dtype(value for value, in self._db_cursor)

    def __call__(self, context: PostingContext) -> object:
        entity = self._entity(ContextMeta(context))
        self._db_cursor.execute(self._db_query, (entity,))
        if issubclass(self._dtype, set):
            return self._dtype(value for value, in self._db_cursor)
            row = self._db_cursor.fetchone()
            return self._dtype() if row is None else self._dtype(row[0])
        return self._return()


class DBEmail(DBColumn):
    """Look up an entity's email addresses from the database"""
    _db_query = """
SELECT email.email_address
FROM donor
JOIN donor_email_address_mapping map ON = map.donor_id
JOIN email_address email ON map.email_address_id =
WHERE donor.ledger_entity_id = ?


class DBId(DBColumn):
    """Look up an entity's numeric id from the database"""
    _db_query = "SELECT id FROM donor WHERE ledger_entity_id = ?"
    _dtype = int


class DBPostal(DBColumn):
    """Look up an entity's postal addresses from the database"""
    _db_query = """
SELECT postal.formatted_address
FROM donor
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