Changeset - a5b3dc146351
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Brett Smith - 4 years ago 2020-07-01 13:50:20
accrual: AccrualPostings.make_consistent() groups accruals by date.

This accommodates cases of contracts without separate invoices,
where a series of payments are scheduled over time.

The dance we used to do of group-by-invoice, then make consistent was
already suspect. It was originally motivated by the consistency checks that
are now gone. Use this opportunity to clean up and just make make_consistent
a classmethod.
4 files changed with 213 insertions and 62 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""accrual-report - Status reports for accruals

accrual-report checks accruals (postings under Assets:Receivable and
Liabilities:Payable) for errors and metadata consistency, and reports any
problems on stderr. Then it writes a report about the status of those

If you run it with no arguments, it will generate an aging report in ODS format.

Otherwise, the typical way to run it is to pass an RT ticket number or
invoice link as an argument, to report about accruals that match those

    # Report all accruals associated with RT#1230:
    accrual-report 1230
    # Report all accruals with the invoice link rt:45/670.
    accrual-report 45/670
    # Report all accruals with the invoice link Invoice980.pdf.
    accrual-report Invoice980.pdf

By default, to stay fast, accrual-report only looks at unaudited books. You
can search further back in history by passing the ``--since`` argument. The
argument can be a fiscal year, or a negative number of how many years back
to search::

    # Search for accruals since 2016
    accrual-report --since 2016 [search terms …]
    # Search for accruals from the beginning of three fiscal years ago
    accrual-report --since -3 [search terms …]

If you want to further limit what accruals are reported, you can match on
other metadata by passing additional arguments in ``name=value`` format.
You can pass any number of search terms. For example::

    # Report accruals associated with RT#1230 and Jane Doe
    accrual-report 1230 entity=Doe-Jane

accrual-report will automatically decide what kind of report to generate
from the search terms you provide and the results they return. If you
searched on an RT ticket or invoice that returned a single outstanding
payable, it writes an outgoing approval report. If you searched on RT ticket
or invoice that returned other results, it writes a balance
report. Otherwise, it writes an aging report. You can specify what report
type you want with the ``--report-type`` option::

    # Write an outgoing approval report for all outstanding payables for
    # Jane Doe, even if there's more than one
    accrual-report --report-type outgoing entity=Doe-Jane
    # Write an aging report for a single RT invoice (this can be helpful when
    # one invoice covers multiple parties)
    accrual-report --report-type aging 12/345
# Copyright © 2020  Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import argparse
import collections
import datetime
import enum
import logging
import re
import sys

from pathlib import Path

from typing import (
from ..beancount_types import (

import  # type:ignore[import]
import odf.table  # type:ignore[import]
import rt

from beancount.parser import printer as bc_printer

from . import core
from .. import books
from .. import cliutil
from .. import config as configmod
from .. import data
from .. import filters
from .. import rtutil

PROGNAME = 'accrual-report'

PostGroups = Mapping[Optional[str], 'AccrualPostings']
PostGroups = Mapping[Optional[Hashable], 'AccrualPostings']
T = TypeVar('T')

logger = logging.getLogger('conservancy_beancount.reports.accrual')

class Sentinel:


class Account(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    aging_thresholds: Sequence[int]


class AccrualAccount(enum.Enum):
    # Note the aging report uses the same order accounts are defined here.
    # See AgingODS.start_spreadsheet().
    RECEIVABLE = Account('Assets:Receivable', [365, 120, 90, 60])
    PAYABLE = Account('Liabilities:Payable', [365, 90, 60, 30])

    def account_names(cls) -> Iterator[str]:
        return ( for acct in cls)

    def by_account(cls, name: data.Account) -> 'AccrualAccount':
        for account in cls:
            if name.is_under(
                return account
        raise ValueError(f"unrecognized account {name!r}")

    def classify(cls, related: core.RelatedPostings) -> 'AccrualAccount':
        for account in cls:
            account_name =
            if all(post.account.is_under(account_name) for post in related):
                return account
        raise ValueError("unrecognized account set in related postings")

    def normalize_amount(self) -> Callable[[T], T]:
        return core.normalize_amount_func(


class AccrualPostings(core.RelatedPostings):
    __slots__ = (
    INCONSISTENT = Sentinel()

    def __init__(self,
                 source: Iterable[data.Posting]=(),
                 _can_own: bool=False,
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(source, _can_own=_can_own)
        self.account = self._single_item(post.account for post in self)
        if isinstance(self.account, Sentinel):
            self.accrual_type: Optional[AccrualAccount] = None
            norm_func: Callable[[T], T] = lambda x: x
            entity_pred: Callable[[data.Posting], bool] = bool
            accrual_pred: Callable[[data.Posting], bool] = bool
            self.accrual_type = AccrualAccount.by_account(self.account)
            norm_func = self.accrual_type.normalize_amount
            entity_pred = lambda post: norm_func(post.units).number > 0
        self.entity = self._single_item(self.entities(entity_pred))
            accrual_pred = lambda post: norm_func(post.units).number > 0
            if not any(accrual_pred(post) for post in self):
                accrual_pred = bool
 = self._single_item(self.dates(accrual_pred))
        self.entity = self._single_item(self.entities(accrual_pred))
        self.invoice = self._single_item(self.first_meta_links('invoice', None))
        self.end_balance = norm_func(self.balance_at_cost())

    def _single_item(self, seq: Iterable[T]) -> Union[T, Sentinel]:
        items = iter(seq)
            item1 = next(items)
        except StopIteration:
            all_same = False
            all_same = all(item == item1 for item in items)
        return item1 if all_same else self.INCONSISTENT

    def dates(self, pred: Callable[[data.Posting], bool]=bool) -> Iterator[]:
        return filters.iter_unique( for post in self if pred(post))

    def entities(self, pred: Callable[[data.Posting], bool]=bool) -> Iterator[MetaValue]:
        return filters.iter_unique(
            for post in self
            if pred(post) and 'entity' in post.meta

    def make_consistent(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, 'AccrualPostings']]:
        account_ok = isinstance(self.account, str)
        entity_ok = isinstance(self.entity, str)
        # `'/' in self.invoice` is just our heuristic to ensure that the
        # invoice metadata is "unique enough," and not just a placeholder
        # value like "FIXME". It can be refined if needed.
        invoice_ok = isinstance(self.invoice, str) and '/' in self.invoice
        if account_ok and entity_ok and invoice_ok:
            # type ignore for <>
            yield (self.invoice, self)  # type:ignore[misc]
        groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for post in self:
            post_invoice = self.invoice if invoice_ok else (
                post.meta.get('invoice') or 'BlankInvoice'
            post_entity = self.entity if entity_ok else (
                post.meta.get('entity') or 'BlankEntity'
            groups[f'{post.account} {post_invoice} {post_entity}'].append(post)
        type_self = type(self)
        for group_key, posts in groups.items():
            yield group_key, type_self(posts, _can_own=True)
    def make_consistent(cls,
                        postings: Iterable[data.Posting],
    ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Hashable, 'AccrualPostings']]:
        accruals: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], List[data.Posting]] = collections.defaultdict(list)
        payments: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], Deque[data.Posting]] = collections.defaultdict(Deque)
        key: Tuple[str, ...]
        for post in postings:
            norm_func = core.normalize_amount_func(post.account)
            invoice = str(post.meta.get('invoice', 'BlankInvoice'))
            if norm_func(post.units.number) >= 0:
                entity = str(post.meta.get('entity', 'BlankEntity'))
                key = (, entity, invoice, post.account)
                key = (invoice, post.account)

        for key, acc_posts in accruals.items():
            pay_posts = payments[key[2:]]
            if not pay_posts:
            norm_func = core.normalize_amount_func(key[-1])
            balance = norm_func(core.MutableBalance(post.at_cost() for post in acc_posts))
            while pay_posts and not balance.le_zero():
                pay_post = pay_posts.popleft()
                balance += norm_func(pay_post.at_cost())
            if balance.le_zero() and not balance.is_zero():
                # pay_post causes the accrual to be overpaid. Split it into two
                # synthesized postings: one that causes the accrual to be
                # exactly zero, and one with the remainder back in payments.
                post_cost = pay_post.at_cost()
                # Calling norm_func() reverses the call in the while loop to add
                # the amount to the balance.
                overpayment = norm_func(balance[post_cost.currency])
                amt_to_zero = post_cost._replace(number=post_cost.number - overpayment.number)
                acc_posts[-1] = pay_post._replace(units=amt_to_zero, cost=None, price=None)
                pay_posts.appendleft(pay_post._replace(units=overpayment, cost=None, price=None))
            acc_posts.sort(key=lambda post:

        for key, acc_posts in accruals.items():
            yield key, cls(acc_posts, _can_own=True)
        for key, pay_posts in payments.items():
            if pay_posts:
                yield key, cls(pay_posts, _can_own=True)

    def is_paid(self, default: Optional[bool]=None) -> Optional[bool]:
        if self.accrual_type is None:
            return default
            return self.end_balance.le_zero()

    def is_zero(self, default: Optional[bool]=None) -> Optional[bool]:
        if self.accrual_type is None:
            return default
            return self.end_balance.is_zero()

    def since_last_nonzero(self) -> 'AccrualPostings':
        for index, (post, balance) in enumerate(self.iter_with_balance()):
            if balance.is_zero():
                start_index = index
            empty = start_index == index
        except NameError:
            empty = True
        return self if empty else self[start_index + 1:]

    def rt_id(self) -> Union[str, None, Sentinel]:
        return self._single_item(self.first_meta_links('rt-id', None))


class BaseReport:
    def __init__(self, out_file: TextIO) -> None:
        self.out_file = out_file
        self.logger = logger.getChild(type(self).__name__)

    def _report(self, posts: AccrualPostings, index: int) -> Iterable[str]:
        raise NotImplementedError("BaseReport._report")

    def run(self, groups: PostGroups) -> None:
        for index, invoice in enumerate(groups):
            for line in self._report(groups[invoice], index):
                print(line, file=self.out_file)


class AgingODS(core.BaseODS[AccrualPostings, Optional[data.Account]]):
    COLUMNS = [
        'Invoice Amount',
        'Booked Amount',
        *(data.Metadata.human_name(key) for key in DOC_COLUMNS),

    def __init__(self,
                 rt_wrapper: rtutil.RT,
                 logger: logging.Logger,
    ) -> None:
 = date
        self.logger = logger

    def section_key(self, row: AccrualPostings) -> Optional[data.Account]:
        if isinstance(row.account, str):
            return row.account
            return None

    def start_spreadsheet(self) -> None:
        for accrual_type in AccrualAccount:
            for index in range(self.COL_COUNT):
                if index == 0:
                    style: Union[str,] = ''
                elif index < 6:
                    style = self.column_style(1.2)
                    style = self.column_style(1.5)
                self.string_cell(name, stylename=self.style_bold)
                for name in self.COLUMNS

    def start_section(self, key: Optional[data.Account]) -> None:
        if key is None:
        self.age_thresholds = list(AccrualAccount.by_account(key).value.aging_thresholds)
@@ -646,157 +679,151 @@ class ReturnFlag(enum.IntFlag):


def filter_search(postings: Iterable[data.Posting],
                  search_terms: Iterable[cliutil.SearchTerm],
) -> Iterable[data.Posting]:
    accounts = tuple(AccrualAccount.account_names())
    postings = (post for post in postings if post.account.is_under(*accounts))
    for query in search_terms:
        postings = query.filter_postings(postings)
    return postings

def parse_arguments(arglist: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None) -> argparse.Namespace:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=PROGNAME)
        '--report-type', '-t',
        help="""The type of report to generate, one of `aging`, `balance`, or
`outgoing`. If not specified, the default is `aging` when no search terms are
given, `outgoing` for search terms that return a single outstanding payable,
and `balance` any other time.
        help="""How far back to search the books for related transactions.
You can either specify a fiscal year, or a negative offset from the current
fiscal year, to start loading entries from. The default is to load the current,
unaudited books.
        '--output-file', '-O',
        help="""Write the report to this file, or stdout when PATH is `-`.
The default is stdout for the balance and outgoing reports, and a generated
filename for other reports.
        type=cliutil.SearchTerm.arg_parser('invoice', 'rt-id'),
        help="""Report on accruals that match this criteria. The format is
NAME=TERM. TERM is a link or word that must exist in a posting's NAME
metadata to match. A single ticket number is a shortcut for
`rt-id=rt:NUMBER`. Any other link, including an RT attachment link in
`TIK/ATT` format, is a shortcut for `invoice=LINK`.
    args = parser.parse_args(arglist)
    if args.report_type is None and not any(
            term.meta_key == 'invoice' or term.meta_key == 'rt-id'
            for term in args.search_terms
        args.report_type = ReportType.AGING
    return args

def main(arglist: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None,
         stdout: TextIO=sys.stdout,
         stderr: TextIO=sys.stderr,
         config: Optional[configmod.Config]=None,
) -> int:
    args = parse_arguments(arglist)
    cliutil.set_loglevel(logger, args.loglevel)
    if config is None:
        config = configmod.Config()

    returncode = 0
    books_loader = config.books_loader()
    if books_loader is None:
        entries, load_errors, _ = books.Loader.load_none(config.config_file_path())
        load_since = None if args.report_type == ReportType.AGING else args.since
        entries, load_errors, _ = books_loader.load_all(load_since)
    for error in load_errors:
        bc_printer.print_error(error, file=stderr)
        returncode |= ReturnFlag.LOAD_ERRORS

    postings = list(filter_search(
        data.Posting.from_entries(entries), args.search_terms,
    if not postings:
        logger.warning("no matching entries found to report")
        returncode |= ReturnFlag.NOTHING_TO_REPORT
    # groups is a mapping of metadata value strings to AccrualPostings.
    # The keys are basically arbitrary, the report classes don't rely on them,
    # but they do help symbolize what's being grouped.
    # For the outgoing approval report, groups maps rt-id link strings to
    # associated accruals.
    # For all other reports, groups starts by grouping postings together by
    # invoice link string, then uses AccrualReport.make_consistent() to split
    # out groups that need it.
    # For all other reports, groups comes from AccrualReport.make_consistent().
    groups: PostGroups
    if args.report_type is None or args.report_type is ReportType.OUTGOING:
        groups = dict(AccrualPostings.group_by_first_meta_link(postings, 'rt-id'))
        if (args.report_type is None
            and len(groups) == 1
            and all(group.accrual_type is AccrualAccount.PAYABLE
                    and not group.is_paid()
                    and key  # Make sure we have a usable rt-id
                    for key, group in groups.items())
            args.report_type = ReportType.OUTGOING
    if args.report_type is not ReportType.OUTGOING:
        groups = {
            key: group
            for _, source in AccrualPostings.group_by_first_meta_link(postings, 'invoice')
            for key, group in source.make_consistent()
        groups = dict(AccrualPostings.make_consistent(postings))
    if args.report_type is not ReportType.AGING:
        groups = {
            key: posts for key, posts in groups.items() if not posts.is_paid()
        } or groups
    del postings

    report: Optional[BaseReport] = None
    output_path: Optional[Path] = None
    if args.report_type is ReportType.AGING:
        rt_wrapper = config.rt_wrapper()
        if rt_wrapper is None:
            logger.error("unable to generate aging report: RT client is required")
            now =
            if args.output_file is None:
                out_dir_path = config.repository_path() or Path()
                args.output_file = out_dir_path / now.strftime('AgingReport_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M.ods')
      "Writing report to %s", args.output_file)
            out_bin = cliutil.bytes_output(args.output_file, stdout)
            report = AgingReport(rt_wrapper, out_bin)
    elif args.report_type is ReportType.OUTGOING:
        rt_wrapper = config.rt_wrapper()
        if rt_wrapper is None:
            logger.error("unable to generate outgoing report: RT client is required")
            out_file = cliutil.text_output(args.output_file, stdout)
            report = OutgoingReport(rt_wrapper, out_file)
        out_file = cliutil.text_output(args.output_file, stdout)
        report = BalanceReport(out_file)

    if report is None:
        returncode |= ReturnFlag.REPORT_ERRORS

    return 0 if returncode == 0 else 16 + returncode

entry_point = cliutil.make_entry_point(__name__, PROGNAME)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Show inline comments
@@ -179,194 +179,194 @@ class Balance(Mapping[str, data.Amount]):

    def clean_copy(self: BalanceType, tolerance: Optional[Decimal]=None) -> BalanceType:
        if tolerance is None:
            tolerance = self.tolerance
        return type(self)(
            (amount for amount in self.values() if abs(amount.number) >= tolerance),

    def within_tolerance(dec: DecimalCompat, tolerance: DecimalCompat) -> bool:
        dec = cast(Decimal, dec)
        return abs(dec) < tolerance

    def eq_zero(self) -> bool:
        """Returns true if all amounts in the balance == 0, within tolerance."""
        return self._all_amounts(self.within_tolerance, self.tolerance)

    is_zero = eq_zero

    def ge_zero(self) -> bool:
        """Returns true if all amounts in the balance >= 0, within tolerance."""
        op_func = if self.tolerance else
        return self._all_amounts(op_func, -self.tolerance)

    def le_zero(self) -> bool:
        """Returns true if all amounts in the balance <= 0, within tolerance."""
        op_func = if self.tolerance else operator.le
        return self._all_amounts(op_func, self.tolerance)

    def format(self,
               fmt: Optional[str]='#,##0.00 ¤¤',
               sep: str=', ',
               empty: str="Zero balance",
               zero: Optional[str]=None,
               tolerance: Optional[Decimal]=None,
    ) -> str:
        """Formats the balance as a string with the given parameters

        If the balance is completely empty, return ``empty``.
        If the balance is zero (within tolerance) and ``zero`` is specified,
        return ``zero``.
        Otherwise, return a string with each amount in the balance formatted
        as ``fmt``, separated by ``sep``.

        If you set ``fmt`` to None, amounts will be formatted according to the
        user's locale. The default format is Beancount's input format.
        balance = self.clean_copy(tolerance) or self.copy(tolerance)
        if not balance:
            return empty
        elif zero is not None and balance.is_zero():
            return zero
            amounts = list(balance.values())
            amounts.sort(key=lambda amt: (-abs(amt.number), amt.currency))
            return sep.join(
                    amt.number, amt.currency, fmt, format_type='accounting',
                ) for amt in amounts


class MutableBalance(Balance):
    __slots__ = ()

    def __iadd__(self: BalanceType, other: Union[data.Amount, Balance]) -> BalanceType:
        self._add_other(self._currency_map, other)
        return self

    def __isub__(self: BalanceType, other: Union[data.Amount, Balance]) -> BalanceType:
        self._add_other(self._currency_map, -other)
        return self


class RelatedPostings(Sequence[data.Posting]):
    """Collect and query related postings

    This class provides common functionality for collecting related postings
    and running queries on them: iterating over them, tallying their balance,

    This class doesn't know anything about how the postings are related. That's
    entirely up to the caller.

    A common pattern is to use this class with collections.defaultdict
    to organize postings based on some key. See the group_by_meta classmethod
    for an example.
    __slots__ = ('_postings',)

    def __init__(self,
                 source: Iterable[data.Posting]=(),
                 _can_own: bool=False,
    ) -> None:
        self._postings: List[data.Posting]
        if _can_own and isinstance(source, list):
        self._postings: Sequence[data.Posting]
        if _can_own and isinstance(source, Sequence):
            self._postings = source
            self._postings = list(source)

    def _group_by(cls: Type[RelatedType],
                  postings: Iterable[data.Posting],
                  key: Callable[[data.Posting], T],
    ) -> Iterator[Tuple[T, RelatedType]]:
        mapping: Dict[T, List[data.Posting]] = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for post in postings:
        for value, posts in mapping.items():
            yield value, cls(posts, _can_own=True)

    def group_by_account(cls: Type[RelatedType],
                         postings: Iterable[data.Posting],
    ) -> Iterator[Tuple[data.Account, RelatedType]]:
        return cls._group_by(postings, operator.attrgetter('account'))

    def group_by_meta(cls: Type[RelatedType],
                      postings: Iterable[data.Posting],
                      key: MetaKey,
                      default: Optional[MetaValue]=None,
    ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Optional[MetaValue], RelatedType]]:
        """Relate postings by metadata value

        This method takes an iterable of postings and returns a mapping.
        The keys of the mapping are the values of post.meta.get(key, default).
        The values are RelatedPostings instances that contain all the postings
        that had that same metadata value.
        def key_func(post: data.Posting) -> Optional[MetaValue]:
            return post.meta.get(key, default)
        return cls._group_by(postings, key_func)

    def group_by_first_meta_link(
            cls: Type[RelatedType],
            postings: Iterable[data.Posting],
            key: MetaKey,
    ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Optional[str], RelatedType]]:
        """Relate postings by the first link in metadata

        This method takes an iterable of postings and returns a mapping.
        The keys of the mapping are the values of
        post.meta.first_link(key, None).
        The values are RelatedPostings instances that contain all the postings
        that had that same first metadata link.
        def key_func(post: data.Posting) -> Optional[MetaValue]:
            return post.meta.first_link(key, None)
        return cls._group_by(postings, key_func)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'<{type(self).__name__} {self._postings!r}>'

    def __getitem__(self: RelatedType, index: int) -> data.Posting: ...

    def __getitem__(self: RelatedType, s: slice) -> RelatedType: ...

    def __getitem__(self: RelatedType,
                    index: Union[int, slice],
    ) -> Union[data.Posting, RelatedType]:
        if isinstance(index, slice):
            return type(self)(self._postings[index], _can_own=True)
            return self._postings[index]

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self._postings)

    def all_meta_links(self, key: MetaKey) -> Iterator[str]:
        return filters.iter_unique(
            link for post in self for link in post.meta.report_links(key)

    def first_meta_links(self, key: MetaKey, default: str='') -> Iterator[str]: ...

    def first_meta_links(self, key: MetaKey, default: None) -> Iterator[Optional[str]]: ...

    def first_meta_links(self,
                         key: MetaKey,
                         default: Optional[str]='',
    ) -> Iterator[Optional[str]]:
        retval = filters.iter_unique(
            post.meta.first_link(key, default) for post in self
        if default == '':
            retval = (s for s in retval if s)
Show inline comments
@@ -46,136 +46,136 @@
  project: "Conservancy"
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  -75 USD
  Expenses:Travel  75 USD

2010-04-15 * "Multiparty invoice"
  rt-id: "rt:480"
  invoice: "rt:480/4800"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Expenses:Travel  250 USD
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  -125 USD
  entity: "MultiPartyA"
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  -125 USD
  entity: "MultiPartyB"

2010-04-18 * "MultiPartyA" "Payment for 480"
  rt-id: "rt:480"
  invoice: "rt:480/4800"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  125 USD
  Assets:Checking  -125 USD

2010-04-20 * "MultiPartyB" "Payment for 480"
  rt-id: "rt:480"
  invoice: "rt:480/4800"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  125 USD
  Assets:Checking  -125 USD

2010-04-25 ! "Vendor" "First trip travel reimbursement"
  rt-id: "rt:310"
  contract: "rt:310/3100"
  invoice: "FIXME"  ; still waiting on them to send it
  project: "Conservancy"
  payment-method: "USD USWire"
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  -200 USD
  Expenses:Travel  200 USD

2010-04-30 * "Vendor" "Second trip travel reimbursement"
  rt-id: "rt:310"
  contract: "rt:310/3100"
  invoice: "rt:310/3120"
  project: "Conservancy"
  payment-method: "USD Check"
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  -220 USD
  Expenses:Travel  220 USD

2010-05-05 * "DonorA" "Donation pledge"
  rt-id: "rt:505"
  invoice: "rt:505/5050"
  approval: "rt:505/5040"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Income:Donations  -2,500 EUR {1.100 USD}
  Assets:Receivable:Accounts  2,500 EUR {1.100 USD}

2010-05-10 * "Lawyer" "April legal services"
  rt-id: "rt:510"
  invoice: "rt:510/5100"
  contract: "rt:510/4000"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Expenses:Services:Legal  200.00 USD
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  -200.00 USD
  payment-method: "USD ACH"

2010-05-15 * "MatchingProgram" "May matched donations"
  invoice: "rt://ticket/515/attachments/5150"
  approval: "rt://ticket/515/attachments/5140"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Income:Donations  -1500.00 USD
  Assets:Receivable:Accounts  1500.00 USD

2010-05-20 * "DonorA" "Donation made"
  rt-id: "rt:505"
  invoice: "rt:505/5050"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Assets:Receivable:Accounts  -2,750.00 USD
  Assets:Checking  2,750.00 USD
  receipt: "DonorAWire.pdf"

2010-05-25 * "Lawyer" "May payment"
  rt-id: "rt:510"
  invoice: "rt:510/5100"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  200.00 USD
  contract: "rt:510/4000"
  Assets:Checking  -200.00 USD
  receipt: "rt:510/5105"

2010-06-10 * "Lawyer" "May legal services"
  rt-id: "rt:510"
  invoice: "rt:510/6100"
  contract: "rt:510/4000"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Expenses:Services:Legal  220.00 USD
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  -220.00 USD
  payment-method: "USD ACH"

2010-06-12 * "Lawyer" "Additional legal fees for May"
2010-06-10 * "Lawyer" "Additional legal fees for May"
  rt-id: "rt:510"
  invoice: "rt:510/6100"
  contract: "rt:510/4000"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Expenses:FilingFees  60.00 USD
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  -60.00 USD
  payment-method: "USD ACH"

2010-06-15 * "GrantCo" "2010Q2 grant"
  rt-id: "rt:470"
  invoice: "rt:470/4700"
  project: "Development Grant"
  Assets:Receivable:Accounts  5500 USD
  Income:Donations           -5500 USD

2010-06-18 * "EuroGov" "European legal fees"
  ; Multiple rt-ids are used to test proper handling for both
  ; searching and generating the outgoing report.
  rt-id: "rt:520 rt:525"
  invoice: "rt:520/5200"
  contract: "rt:520/5220"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  -1,000 EUR {1.100 USD}
  payment-method: "eur fxwire"
  Expenses:FilingFees  1,000 EUR {1.100 USD}

2010-06-20 * "StateGov" "Business registration"
  ; Intentionally has no rt-id
  invoice: "Invoices/2010StateRegistration.pdf"
  project: "Conservancy"
  Liabilities:Payable:Accounts  -50 USD
  Expenses:FilingFees  50 USD

2010-09-15 * "GrantCo" "2010Q3 grant"
  rt-id: "rt:470"
  invoice: "rt:470/4700"
  project: "Development Grant"
  Assets:Receivable:Accounts  6000 USD
  Income:Donations           -6000 USD
Show inline comments
@@ -23,193 +23,195 @@ import operator
import re

import babel.numbers
import odf.opendocument
import odf.table
import odf.text

import pytest

from . import testutil

from decimal import Decimal
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence

from beancount.core import data as bc_data
from beancount import loader as bc_loader
from conservancy_beancount import cliutil
from conservancy_beancount import data
from conservancy_beancount import rtutil
from conservancy_beancount.reports import accrual

_accruals_load = bc_loader.load_file(testutil.test_path('books/accruals.beancount'))
    entry for entry in _accruals_load[0]
    if hasattr(entry, 'narration')
    and entry.narration != 'Opening balances'
    for txn in ACCRUAL_TXNS
    for post in txn.postings
    if post.account.startswith(('Assets:Receivable:', 'Liabilities:Payable:'))


class AgingRow(NamedTuple):
    entity: Sequence[str]
    amount: Optional[Sequence[bc_data.Amount]]
    at_cost: bc_data.Amount
    rt_id: Sequence[str]
    invoice: Sequence[str]
    project: Sequence[str]

    def make_simple(cls, date, entity, at_cost, invoice,
                    rt_id=None, orig_amount=None, project='Conservancy'):
        if isinstance(date, str):
            date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
        if not isinstance(at_cost, tuple):
            at_cost = testutil.Amount(at_cost)
        if rt_id is None and invoice.startswith('rt:'):
            rt_id, _, _ = invoice.partition('/')
        return cls(date, [entity], orig_amount, at_cost, [rt_id], [invoice], [project])

    def check_row_match(self, sheet_row):
        cells = testutil.ODSCell.from_row(sheet_row)
        assert len(cells) >= len(self)
        cells = iter(cells)
        assert next(cells).value ==
        assert next(cells).text == '\0'.join(self.entity)
        assert next(cells).text == '\0'.join(
            babel.numbers.format_currency(number, currency, format_type='accounting')
            for number, currency in self.amount or ()
        usd_cell = next(cells)
        assert usd_cell.value_type == 'currency'
        assert usd_cell.value == self.at_cost.number
        assert next(cells).text == '\0'.join(self.project)
        for index, cell in enumerate(cells):
            links = cell.getElementsByType(odf.text.A)
            assert len(links) == len(cell.childNodes)
        assert index >= 1


    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-03-06', 'EarlyBird', -125, 'rt:44/440'),
    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-03-30', 'EarlyBird', 75, 'rt:490/4900'),
    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-25', 'Vendor', 200, 'FIXME'),
    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-30', 'Vendor', 220, 'rt:310/3120'),
    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-10', 'Lawyer', 280, 'rt:510/6100'),
    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-18', 'EuroGov', 1100, 'rt:520/5200',
                         orig_amount=[testutil.Amount(1000, 'EUR')]),
    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-20', 'StateGov', 50, 'Invoices/2010StateRegistration.pdf'),

    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-03-05', 'EarlyBird', -500, 'rt:40/400'),
    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-05-15', 'MatchingProgram', 1500,
    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-15', 'GrantCo', 11500, 'rt:470/4700',
    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-15', 'GrantCo', 5500, 'rt:470/4700',
                         project='Development Grant'),
    AgingRow.make_simple('2010-09-15', 'GrantCo', 6000, 'rt:470/4700',
                         project='Development Grant'),

class RTClient(testutil.RTClient):
        '40': [
            ('400', 'invoice feb.csv', 'text/csv', '40.4k'),
        '44': [
            ('440', 'invoice feb.csv', 'text/csv', '40.4k'),
        '310': [
            ('3100', 'VendorContract.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.7m'),
            ('3120', 'VendorInvoiceB.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.8m'),
        '490': [],
        '505': [],
        '510': [
            ('4000', 'contract.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.4m'),
            ('5100', 'invoice april.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.5m'),
            ('5105', 'payment.png', 'image/png', '51.5k'),
            ('6100', 'invoice may.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.6m'),
        '515': [],
        '520': [],


def accrual_postings():
    return data.Posting.from_entries(copy.deepcopy(ACCRUAL_TXNS))

def accruals_by_meta(postings, value, key='invoice', wrap_type=iter):
    return wrap_type(
        post for post in postings
        if post.meta.get(key) == value
        and post.account.is_under('Assets:Receivable', 'Liabilities:Payable')

def find_row_by_text(row_source, want_text):
    for row in row_source:
            found_row = row.childNodes[0].text == want_text
        except IndexError:
            found_row = False
        if found_row:
            return row
    return None

def check_aging_sheet(sheet, aging_rows, date, accrue_date):
    if not aging_rows:
    if isinstance(accrue_date, int):
        accrue_date = date + datetime.timedelta(days=accrue_date)
    rows = iter(sheet.getElementsByType(odf.table.TableRow))
    for row in rows:
        if "Aging Report" in row.text:
        assert None, "Header row not found"
    assert f"Accrued by {accrue_date.isoformat()}" in row.text
    assert f"Unpaid by {date.isoformat()}" in row.text
    expect_rows = iter(aging_rows)
    row0 = find_row_by_text(rows, aging_rows[0].date.isoformat())
    for actual, expected in zip(rows, expect_rows):
    for row in rows:
        if row.text.startswith("Total Aged "):
        assert None, "Totals rows not found"
    actual_sum = Decimal(row.childNodes[-1].value)
    for row in rows:
        if row.text.startswith("Total Aged "):
            actual_sum += Decimal(row.childNodes[-1].value)
    assert actual_sum == sum(
        for row in aging_rows
        if <= accrue_date
        and row.at_cost.number > 0

def check_aging_ods(ods_file,
    if date is None:
        date =
    ods = odf.opendocument.load(ods_file)
    sheets = ods.spreadsheet.getElementsByType(odf.table.Table)
    assert len(sheets) == 2
@@ -250,415 +252,537 @@ def test_report_type_by_name(arg, expected):
    assert accrual.ReportType.by_name(arg.lower()).value is expected
    assert accrual.ReportType.by_name(arg.title()).value is expected
    assert accrual.ReportType.by_name(arg.upper()).value is expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', [
def test_report_type_by_unknown_name(arg):
    # Raising ValueError helps argparse generate good messages.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct_name', ACCOUNTS)
def test_accrual_postings_consistent_account(acct_name):
    meta = {'invoice': '{acct_name} invoice.pdf'}
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        (acct_name, 50, meta),
        (acct_name, 25, meta),
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    assert related.account == acct_name

def test_accrual_postings_entity():
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        (ACCOUNTS[0], 25, {'entity': 'Accruee'}),
        (ACCOUNTS[0], -15, {'entity': 'Payee15'}),
        (ACCOUNTS[0], -10, {'entity': 'Payee10'}),
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    assert related.entity == 'Accruee'
    assert set(related.entities()) == {'Accruee', 'Payee10', 'Payee15'}

def test_accrual_postings_entities():
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        (ACCOUNTS[0], 25, {'entity': 'Accruee'}),
        (ACCOUNTS[0], -15, {'entity': 'Payee15'}),
        (ACCOUNTS[0], -10, {'entity': 'Payee10'}),
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    actual = related.entities()
    assert next(actual, None) == 'Accruee'
    assert set(actual) == {'Payee10', 'Payee15'}

def test_accrual_postings_entities_no_duplicates():
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        (ACCOUNTS[0], 25, {'entity': 'Accruee'}),
        (ACCOUNTS[0], -15, {'entity': 'Accruee'}),
        (ACCOUNTS[0], -10, {'entity': 'Other'}),
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    actual = related.entities()
    assert next(actual, None) == 'Accruee'
    assert next(actual, None) == 'Other'
    assert next(actual, None) is None

def test_accrual_postings_inconsistent_account():
    meta = {'invoice': 'invoice.pdf'}
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        (acct_name, index, meta)
        for index, acct_name in enumerate(ACCOUNTS)
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    assert related.account is related.INCONSISTENT

def test_accrual_postings_rt_id():
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        (ACCOUNTS[0], 10, {'rt-id': 'rt:90'}),
        (ACCOUNTS[0], 10, {'rt-id': 'rt:90 rt:92'}),
        (ACCOUNTS[0], 10, {'rt-id': 'rt:90 rt:94 rt:92'}),
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    assert related.rt_id == 'rt:90'

def test_accrual_postings_rt_id_inconsistent():
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        (ACCOUNTS[0], 10, {'rt-id': 'rt:96'}),
        (ACCOUNTS[0], 10, {'rt-id': 'rt:98 rt:96'}),
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    assert related.rt_id is related.INCONSISTENT

def test_accrual_postings_rt_id_none():
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        (ACCOUNTS[0], 10),
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    assert related.rt_id is None

@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct_name,invoice,day', testutil.combine_values(
    ['FIXME', '', None, *testutil.NON_STRING_METADATA_VALUES],
def test_make_consistent_bad_invoice(acct_name, invoice, day):
    if acct_name.startswith('Assets:'):
        mult = 10
        mult = -10
    txn = testutil.Transaction(, 1, day), postings=[
        (acct_name, index * 10, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': f'BadInvoice{day}'})
        (acct_name, index * mult, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': f'BadInvoice{day}'})
        for index in range(1, 4)
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    consistent = dict(related.make_consistent())
    consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(data.Posting.from_txn(txn)))
    assert len(consistent) == 1
    key = next(iter(consistent))
    assert acct_name in key
    if invoice:
        assert str(invoice) in key
    actual = consistent[key]
    assert actual
    assert len(actual) == 3
    for act_post, exp_post in zip(actual, txn.postings):
        assert act_post.units == exp_post.units
        assert act_post.meta.get('invoice') == invoice

def test_make_consistent_across_accounts():
    invoice = 'Invoices/CrossAccount.pdf'
    txn = testutil.Transaction(, 2, 1), postings=[
        (acct_name, 100, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': 'CrossAccount'})
        for acct_name in ACCOUNTS
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    consistent = dict(related.make_consistent())
    consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(data.Posting.from_txn(txn)))
    assert len(consistent) == len(ACCOUNTS)
    for key, posts in consistent.items():
        assert len(posts) == 1
        assert posts.account in key

def test_make_consistent_both_invoice_and_account():
    txn = testutil.Transaction(, 2, 2), postings=[
        (acct_name, 150) for acct_name in ACCOUNTS
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    consistent = dict(related.make_consistent())
    consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(data.Posting.from_txn(txn)))
    assert len(consistent) == len(ACCOUNTS)
    for key, posts in consistent.items():
        assert len(posts) == 1
        assert posts.account in key

@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct_name', ACCOUNTS)
def test_make_consistent_across_entity(acct_name):
    amt_sign = operator.pos if acct_name.startswith('Assets') else operator.neg
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        (acct_name, amt_sign(n), {'invoice': 'Inv/1.pdf', 'entity': f'Entity{n}'})
        for n in range(1, 4)
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    consistent = dict(related.make_consistent())
    consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(data.Posting.from_txn(txn)))
    assert len(consistent) == 3
    for key, posts in consistent.items():
        assert len(posts) == 1
        entities = posts.entities()
        assert next(entities, None) == posts.entity
        assert next(entities, None) is None
        assert posts.entity in key

@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct_name', ACCOUNTS)
def test_make_consistent_entity_differs_accrual_payment(acct_name):
    invoice = 'Invoices/DifferPay.pdf'
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        # Depending on the account, the order of the accrual and payment might
        # be swapped here, but that shouldn't matter.
        (acct_name, 125, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': 'Positive'}),
        (acct_name, -125, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': 'Negative'}),
    related = accrual.AccrualPostings(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    consistent = related.make_consistent()
    related = list(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
    consistent = accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(related)
    _, actual = next(consistent)
    assert actual is related
    assert len(actual) == len(related)
    assert all(post in actual for post in related)
    assert next(consistent, None) is None

def test_make_consistent_by_date_accruals_differ():
    meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/2', 'entity': 'MultiDate'}
    entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[
        ('Assets:Receivable:Accounts', * 100, meta),
    ]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
    actual = [group for _, group in
    assert len(actual) == 3
    assert {post.units.number for group in actual for post in group} == {100, 200, 300}

def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_exact_payment():
    meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/3', 'entity': 'OnePayment'}
    entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
        35 * (1 if % 2 else -1),
    )]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
    actual = [group for _, group in
    assert len(actual) == 2
    assert actual[0].is_zero()
    assert len(actual[1]) == 1
    assert actual[1][0] == 3

def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_underpayment():
    meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/4', 'entity': 'UnderPayment'}
    entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
        40 * (1 if % 2 else -.5),
    )]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
    actual = [group for _, group in
    assert len(actual) == 2
    assert len(actual[0]) == 2
    assert actual[0][0].units.number == 40
    assert actual[0][1].units.number == -20
    assert len(actual[1]) == 1
    assert actual[1][0] == 3

def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_overpayment():
    meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/5', 'entity': 'OverPayment'}
    entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
        50 * (1 if % 2 else -1.5),
    )]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
    actual = [group for _, group in
    assert len(actual) == 2
    assert actual[0].is_zero()
    assert len(actual[1]) == 2
    assert actual[1][0] == 2
    assert actual[1][0].units.number == -25
    assert actual[1][1] == 3

def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_late_payment():
    meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/6', 'entity': 'LatePayment'}
    entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
        60 * (-1 if > 2 else 1),
    )]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
    actual = [group for _, group in
    assert len(actual) == 2
    assert len(actual[0]) == 2
    assert actual[0][0] == 1
    assert actual[0][1] == 3
    assert len(actual[1]) == 1
    assert actual[1][0] == 2

def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_split_payments():
    meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/7', 'entity': 'SplitPayments'}
    entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
        'Assets:Receivable:Accounts', amount, meta,
    )]) for date, amount in zip(testutil.date_seq(), [70, 80, -50, -100])]
    actual = [group for _, group in
    assert len(actual) == 2
    assert [post.units.number for post in actual[0]] == [70, -50, -20]
    assert [post.units.number for post in actual[1]] == [80, -80]

@pytest.mark.parametrize('account,day', itertools.product(
    [1, 10, 20, 30],
def test_make_consistent_with_three_one_split(account, day):
    meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/8', 'entity': '3Split'}
    entries = [testutil.Transaction(, 5, dd), postings=[(
        account, dd, meta,
    )]) for dd in [5, 15, 25]]
    meta['entity'] = '1Split'
    entries.insert(day // 10, testutil.Transaction(
, 5, day),
        postings=[(account, -45, meta)],
    postings = data.Posting.from_entries(entries)
    actual = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(iter(postings)))
    if account.startswith('Assets:'):
        group_count = 3
        post_count = 2
        group_count = 1
        post_count = 4
    assert len(actual) == group_count
    for related in actual.values():
        assert len(related) == post_count
        assert sum(post.units.number for post in related) == 0
        assert all(post.meta['invoice'] == meta['invoice'] for post in related)
        assert {post.meta['entity'] for post in related} == {'1Split', '3Split'}

@pytest.mark.parametrize('account', ACCOUNTS)
def test_make_consistent_with_three_two_split(account):
    meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/9'}
    entries = [testutil.Transaction(, 5, day), postings=[(
        account, day * (1 if day % 10 else -1.5), meta,
    )]) for day in range(5, 30, 5)]
    postings = data.Posting.from_entries(entries)
    actual = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(iter(postings)))
    if account.startswith('Assets:'):
        group_count = 3
        group_count = 2
    assert len(actual) == group_count
    for related in actual.values():
        assert len(related) >= 2
        assert sum(post.units.number for post in related) == 0
        assert all(post.meta['invoice'] == meta['invoice'] for post in related)

def check_output(output, expect_patterns):
    testutil.check_lines_match(iter(output), expect_patterns)

def run_outgoing(rt_id, postings, rt_client=None):
    if rt_client is None:
        rt_client = RTClient()
    rt_wrapper = rtutil.RT(rt_client)
    if not isinstance(postings, accrual.AccrualPostings):
        postings = accruals_by_meta(postings, rt_id, 'rt-id', wrap_type=accrual.AccrualPostings)
    output = io.StringIO()
    report = accrual.OutgoingReport(rt_wrapper, output){rt_id: postings})
    return output

@pytest.mark.parametrize('invoice,expected', [
    ('rt:505/5050', "Zero balance outstanding since 2010-05-05"),
    ('rt:510/5100', "Zero balance outstanding since 2010-05-10"),
    ('rt:510/6100', "-280.00 USD outstanding since 2010-06-10"),
    ('rt://ticket/515/attachments/5150', "1,500.00 USD outstanding since 2010-05-15",),
def test_balance_report(accrual_postings, invoice, expected, caplog):
    related = accruals_by_meta(accrual_postings, invoice, wrap_type=accrual.AccrualPostings)
    output = io.StringIO()
    report = accrual.BalanceReport(output){invoice: related})
    assert not caplog.records
    check_output(output, [invoice, expected])

def test_outgoing_report(accrual_postings, caplog):
    rt_client = RTClient()
    output = run_outgoing('rt:510', accrual_postings, rt_client)
    rt_url = RTClient.DEFAULT_URL[:-9]
    rt_id_url = rf'\b{re.escape(f"{rt_url}Ticket/Display.html?id=510")}\b'
    contract_url = rf'\b{re.escape(f"{rt_url}Ticket/Attachment/4000/4000/contract.pdf")}\b'
    assert not caplog.records
    check_output(output, [
        r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 510 <mx510@example\.org>$',
        r'^PAYMENT TO: Hon\. Mx\. 510$',
        r'^TOTAL TO PAY: \$280\.00$',
        fr'^AGREEMENT: {contract_url}',
        r'^BEANCOUNT ENTRIES:$',
        # For each transaction, check for the date line, a metadata, and the
        # Expenses posting.
        fr'^\s+rt-id: "{rt_id_url}"$',
        r'^\s+Expenses:Services:Legal\s+220\.00 USD$',
        fr'^\s+contract: "{contract_url}"$',
        r'^\s+Expenses:FilingFees\s+60\.00 USD$',
    assert rt_client.edits == {'510': {
        'CF_payment-amount': 'USD 280.00',
        'CF_payment-method': 'USD ACH',
    assert 'payment-method:' not in output.getvalue()

def test_outgoing_report_custom_field_fallbacks(accrual_postings, caplog):
    rt_client = RTClient(want_cfs=False)
    output = run_outgoing('rt:510', accrual_postings, rt_client)
    assert not caplog.records
    check_output(output, [
        r'^REQUESTOR: <mx510@example\.org>$',
        r'^PAYMENT TO:\s*$',

def test_outgoing_report_fx_amounts(accrual_postings, caplog):
    rt_client = RTClient()
    output = run_outgoing('rt:520 rt:525', accrual_postings, rt_client)
    assert not caplog.records
    check_output(output, [
        r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 520 <mx520@example\.org>$',
        r'^TOTAL TO PAY: 1,000\.00 EUR \(\$1,100.00\)$',
    assert rt_client.edits == {'520': {
        'CF_payment-amount': 'EUR 1,000.00 ($1,100.00)',
        'CF_payment-method': 'EUR International Wire',
    assert 'payment-method:' not in output.getvalue()

def test_outgoing_report_multi_invoice(accrual_postings, caplog):
    rt_client = RTClient()
    output = run_outgoing('rt:310', accrual_postings, rt_client)
    log, = caplog.records
    assert log.levelname == 'WARNING'
    assert log.message.startswith('cannot set payment-method for rt:310: ')
    check_output(output, [
        r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 310 <mx310@example\.org>$',
        r'^TOTAL TO PAY: \$420.00$',
    assert rt_client.edits == {'310': {
        'CF_payment-amount': 'USD 420.00',
    assert 'payment-method:' not in output.getvalue()

def test_outgoing_report_without_rt_id(accrual_postings, caplog):
    invoice = 'rt://ticket/515/attachments/5150'
    related = accruals_by_meta(
        accrual_postings, invoice, wrap_type=accrual.AccrualPostings,
    output = run_outgoing(None, related)
    assert caplog.records
    log = caplog.records[0]
    assert log.message.startswith(
        f"can't generate outgoings report for {invoice} because no RT ticket available:",
    assert not output.getvalue()

def run_aging_report(postings, today=None):
    if today is None:
        today =
    postings = (
        post for post in postings
        if post.account.is_under('Assets:Receivable', 'Liabilities:Payable')
    groups = {
        key: group
        for _, related in accrual.AccrualPostings.group_by_meta(postings, 'invoice')
        for key, group in related.make_consistent()
    groups = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(postings))
    output = io.BytesIO()
    rt_wrapper = rtutil.RT(RTClient())
    report = accrual.AgingReport(rt_wrapper, output, today)
    return output

def test_aging_report(accrual_postings):
    output = run_aging_report(accrual_postings)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('date,recv_end,pay_end', [
    # Both these dates are chosen for their off-by-one potential:
    # the first is exactly 30 days after the 2010-06-10 payable;
    # the second is exactly 60 days after the 2010-05-15 receivable.
    (, 7, 10), 1, 5),
    (, 7, 14), 2, 5),
def test_aging_report_date_cutoffs(accrual_postings, date, recv_end, pay_end):
    expect_recv = AGING_AR[:recv_end]
    expect_pay = AGING_AP[:pay_end]
    if 10 <= < 12:
        # Take the 60 USD posting out of the invoice 510/6100 payable.
        expect_pay[-1] = expect_pay[-1]._replace(
            at_cost=testutil.Amount(expect_pay[-1].at_cost.number - 60),
    output = run_aging_report(accrual_postings, date)
    check_aging_ods(output, date, expect_recv, expect_pay)

def test_aging_report_entity_consistency(accrual_postings):
    output = run_aging_report((
        post for post in accrual_postings
        if post.meta.get('rt-id') == 'rt:480'
        and post.units.number < 0
    check_aging_ods(output, None, [], [
        AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-15', 'MultiPartyA', 125, 'rt:480/4800'),
        AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-15', 'MultiPartyB', 125, 'rt:480/4800'),

def test_aging_report_does_not_include_too_recent_postings(accrual_postings):
    # This date is after the Q3 posting, but too soon after for that to be
    # included in the aging report.
    date =, 10, 1)
    output = run_aging_report((
        post for post in accrual_postings
        if post.meta.get('rt-id') == 'rt:470'
    ), date)
    # Date+amount are both from the Q2 posting only.
    check_aging_ods(output, date, [
        AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-15', 'GrantCo', 5500, 'rt:470/4700',
                             project='Development Grant'),
    ], [])

def run_main(arglist, config=None, out_type=io.StringIO):
    if config is None:
        config = testutil.TestConfig(
    if out_type is io.BytesIO:
        arglist.insert(0, '--output-file=-')
    output = out_type()
    errors = io.StringIO()
    retcode = accrual.main(arglist, output, errors, config)
    return retcode, output, errors

def check_main_fails(arglist, config, error_flags):
    retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist, config)
    assert retcode > 16
    assert (retcode - 16) & error_flags
    assert not output.getvalue()
    return errors

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
    ['--report-type=balance', 'entity=EarlyBird'],
    ['--report-type=outgoing', 'entity=EarlyBird'],
def test_output_excludes_payments(arglist):
    retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
    assert not errors.getvalue()
    assert retcode == 0
    for line in output:
        assert not re.match(r'\brt:4\d\b', line)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist,expect_invoice', [
    (['40'], 'rt:40/400'),
    (['44/440'], 'rt:44/440'),
def test_output_payments_when_only_match(arglist, expect_invoice):
    retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
    assert not errors.getvalue()
    assert retcode == 0
    check_output(output, [
        r' outstanding since ',

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist,expect_amount', [
    (['310'], 420),
    (['310/3120'], 220),
    (['-t', 'out', 'entity=Vendor'], 420),
def test_main_outgoing_report(arglist, expect_amount):
    retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
    assert not errors.getvalue()
    assert retcode == 0
    rt_url = RTClient.DEFAULT_URL[:-9]
    rt_id_url = re.escape(f'<{rt_url}Ticket/Display.html?id=310>')
    contract_url = re.escape(f'<{rt_url}Ticket/Attachment/3120/3120/VendorContract.pdf>')
    check_output(output, [
        r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 310 <mx310@example\.org>$',
        rf'^TOTAL TO PAY: \${expect_amount}\.00$',
        r'^\s+Expenses:Travel\s+220 USD$',

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
    ['-t', 'balance'],
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)