Changeset - 837fcec8f0db
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Brett Smith - 4 years ago 2020-07-29 21:22:09
reports: Add BaseODS.set_common_properties() method.
3 files changed with 47 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -22,11 +22,15 @@ import enum
import itertools
import operator
import re
import shlex
import sys
import urllib.parse as urlparse

import babel.core  # type:ignore[import]
import babel.numbers  # type:ignore[import]

import git  # type:ignore[import]

import odf.config  # type:ignore[import]
import odf.element  # type:ignore[import]
import odf.meta  # type:ignore[import]
@@ -1052,6 +1056,22 @@ class BaseODS(BaseSpreadsheet[RT, ST], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):

    ### Properties

    def set_common_properties(self,
                              repo: Optional[git.Repo]=None,
                              command: Optional[Sequence[str]]=sys.argv,
    ) -> None:
        if repo is None:
            git_shahex = '<none>'
            git_dirty = True
            git_shahex = repo.head.commit.hexsha
            git_dirty = repo.is_dirty()
        self.set_custom_property('GitSHA', git_shahex)
        self.set_custom_property('GitDirty', git_dirty, 'boolean')
        if command is not None:
            command_s = ' '.join(shlex.quote(s) for s in command)
            self.set_custom_property('ReportCommand', command_s)

    def set_custom_property(self,
                            name: str,
                            value: Any,
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@@ -748,3 +748,21 @@ def test_ods_writer_set_custom_property(ods_writer, value, exptype):
        expected = str(value)
    assert cprop.text == expected

def test_ods_writer_set_common_properties(ods_writer):
    get_child(ods_writer.document.meta, odf.meta.UserDefined, name='ReportCommand')

def test_ods_writer_common_repo_properties(ods_writer):
    repo = testutil.TestRepo('abcd1234', False)
    meta = ods_writer.document.meta
    sha_prop = get_child(meta, odf.meta.UserDefined, name='GitSHA')
    assert sha_prop.text == 'abcd1234'
    dirty_prop = get_child(meta, odf.meta.UserDefined, name='GitDirty')
    assert dirty_prop.text == 'false'

def test_ods_writer_common_command(ods_writer):
    ods_writer.set_common_properties(command=['testcmd', 'testarg*'])
    cmd_prop = get_child(ods_writer.document.meta, odf.meta.UserDefined, name='ReportCommand')
    assert cmd_prop.text == 'testcmd \'testarg*\''
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@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@
import datetime
import itertools
import re
import unittest.mock

import beancount.core.amount as bc_amount
import as bc_data
import beancount.loader as bc_loader
import beancount.parser.options as bc_options

import git
import odf.element
import odf.opendocument
import odf.table
@@ -288,6 +290,13 @@ class TestConfig:
        return self._rt_wrapper


def TestRepo(head_hexsha='abcd1234', dirty=False):
    retval = unittest.mock.Mock(spec=git.Repo)
    retval.is_dirty.return_value = dirty
    retval.head.commit.hexsha = head_hexsha
    return retval


class _TicketBuilder:
        ('(Unnamed)', 'multipart/alternative', '0b'),
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