Changeset - 7335282e5a64
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Brett Smith - 3 years ago 2021-03-11 18:52:31
rtutil: Add RTDateTime class.

See comments for rationale.
3 files changed with 58 insertions and 0 deletions:
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"""RT client utilities"""
# Copyright © 2020  Brett Smith
# License: AGPLv3-or-later WITH Beancount-Plugin-Additional-Permission-1.0
# Full copyright and licensing details can be found at toplevel file
# LICENSE.txt in the repository.

import datetime
import functools
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import sqlite3
import urllib.parse as urlparse

import dateutil.parser
import rt

from pathlib import Path

from . import data
from beancount.core import data as bc_data

from typing import (
from .beancount_types import (

RTId = Union[int, str]
TicketAttachmentIds = Tuple[str, Optional[str]]
_LinkCache = MutableMapping[TicketAttachmentIds, Optional[str]]
_URLLookup = Callable[..., Optional[str]]

class RTDateTime(datetime.datetime):
    """Construct datetime objects from strings returned by RT

    Typical usage looks like::

        ticket = rt_client.get_ticket(...)
        created = RTDateTime(ticket.get('Created'))
    # Normally I'd just write a function to do this, but having a dedicated
    # class helps support query-report: the class can pull double duty to both
    # parse the data from RT, and determine proper output formatting.
    # The RT REST API returns datetimes in the user's configured timezone, and
    # there doesn't seem to be any API call that tells you what that is. You
    # have to live with the object being timezone-naive.
    def __new__(cls, source: str) -> 'RTDateTime':
        if not source or source == 'Not set':
            retval = datetime.datetime.min
            retval = dateutil.parser.parse(source)
        return cast(RTDateTime, retval)


class RTLinkCache(_LinkCache):
    """Cache RT links to disk

    This class provides a dict-like interface to a cache of RT links.
    Once an object is in RT, a link to it should never change.
    The only exception is when objects get shredded, and those objects
    shouldn't be referenced in books anyway.

    This implementation is backed by a sqlite database. You can call::

        db = RTLinkCache.setup(path)

    This method will try to open a sqlite database at the given path,
    and set up necessary tables, etc.
    If it succeeds, it returns a database connection you can use to
    initialize the cache.
    If it fails, it returns None, and the caller should use some other
    dict-like object (like a normal dict) for caching.
    You can give the result to the RT utility class either way,
    and it will do the right thing for itself::

        rt = RT(rt_client, db)
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

from setuptools import setup

    description="Plugin, library, and reports for reading Conservancy's books",
    author='Software Freedom Conservancy',
    license='GNU AGPLv3+',

        'babel>=2.6',  # Debian:python3-babel
        'beancount>=2.2',  # Debian:beancount
        'GitPython>=2.0',  # Debian:python3-git
        # 1.4.1 crashes when trying to save some documents.
        'odfpy>=1.4.0,!=1.4.1',  # Debian:python3-odf
        'python-dateutil>=2.7',  # Debian:python3-dateutil
        'PyYAML>=3.0',  # Debian:python3-yaml
        'regex',  # Debian:python3-regex
        'pytest-runner',  # Debian:python3-pytest-runner
        'mypy>=0.770',  # Debian:python3-mypy
        'pytest',  # Debian:python3-pytest

        'console_scripts': [
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"""Test RT integration"""
# Copyright © 2020  Brett Smith
# License: AGPLv3-or-later WITH Beancount-Plugin-Additional-Permission-1.0
# Full copyright and licensing details can be found at toplevel file
# LICENSE.txt in the repository.

import contextlib
import datetime
import itertools
import logging
import re

import pytest

from . import testutil

from conservancy_beancount import rtutil

DEFAULT_RT_URL = testutil.RTClient.DEFAULT_URL[:-9]

    (1, None, 'Ticket/Display.html?id=1'),
    (1, 2, 'Ticket/Display.html?id=1#txn-1'),
    (1, 4, 'Ticket/Attachment/1/4/Forwarded%20Message.eml'),
    (1, 99, None),
    (2, 1, None),
    (2, 10, 'Ticket/Attachment/7/10/Company_invoice-2020030405_as-sent.pdf'),
    (2, 13, 'Ticket/Display.html?id=2#txn-11'),
    (2, 14, 'Ticket/Display.html?id=2#txn-11'),  # statement.txt
    (3, None, 'Ticket/Display.html?id=3'),
    (9, None, None),
@@ -266,24 +267,55 @@ def test_txn_with_urls(rt):
    assert actual.postings[1].meta['receipt'].startswith('cash.png ')
    # Check the original transaction is unchanged
    for key, expected in txn_meta.items():
        assert txn.meta[key] == expected
    assert txn.postings[0].meta['receipt'] == 'rt:2/13 donation.txt'
    assert txn.postings[1].meta['receipt'] == 'cash.png rt:2/14'

def test_txn_with_urls_with_fmts(rt):
    txn_meta = {
        'rt-id': 'rt:1',
        'contract': 'RepoLink.pdf',
        'statement': 'rt:1/99 rt:1/4 stmt.txt',
    txn = testutil.Transaction(**txn_meta)
    actual = rt.txn_with_urls(txn, '<{}>', '[{}]', '({})')
    rt_id_path = EXPECTED_URLS_MAP[(1, None)]
    assert actual.meta['rt-id'] == f'<{DEFAULT_RT_URL}{rt_id_path}>'
    assert actual.meta['contract'] == '[RepoLink.pdf]'
    statement_path = EXPECTED_URLS_MAP[(1, 4)]
    assert actual.meta['statement'] == ' '.join([

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg,exp_num,exp_offset', [
    # These correspond to the different datetime formats available through
    # RT's user settings.
    ('Mon Mar 1 01:01:01 2021', 1, None),
    ('2021-03-02 02:02:02', 2, None),
    ('2021-03-03T03:03:03-0500', 3, -18000),
    ('Thu, 4 Mar 2021 04:04:04 -0600', 4, -21600),
    ('Fri, 5 Mar 2021 05:05:05 GMT', 5, 0),
    ('20210306T060606Z', 6, 0),
    ('Sun, Mar 7, 2021 07:07:07 AM', 7, None),
    ('Sun, Mar 14, 2021 02:14:14 PM', 14, None),
def test_rt_datetime(arg, exp_num, exp_offset):
    actual = rtutil.RTDateTime(arg)
    assert actual.year == 2021
    assert actual.month == 3
    assert == exp_num
    assert actual.hour == exp_num
    assert actual.minute == exp_num
    assert actual.second == exp_num
    if exp_offset is None:
        assert actual.tzinfo is None
        assert actual.tzinfo.utcoffset(None).total_seconds() == exp_offset

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ['Not set', '', None])
def test_rt_datetime_empty(arg):
    actual = rtutil.RTDateTime(arg)
    assert actual == datetime.datetime.min
    assert actual.tzinfo is None
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