Changeset - 71f50a6cf864
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Brett Smith - 4 years ago 2020-12-29 17:20:53
data: Bugfix is_opening_balance_txn() for donations from equity. RT#13516

Opening balance transactions should only include opening equity
accounts and non-equity accounts. Reflect that in the test.
4 files changed with 21 insertions and 6 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -306,391 +306,391 @@ class Account(str):

          Account('Expenses:Tax').is_under('Exp') # returns None
        for prefix in acct_seq:
            if self.startswith(prefix) and (
                or self == prefix
                or self[len(prefix)] == self.SEP
                return prefix
        return None

    def keeps_balance(self) -> bool:
        return self.is_under(
        ) is not None

    def _find_part_slice(self, index: int) -> slice:
        if index < 0:
            raise ValueError(f"bad part index {index!r}")
        start = 0
        for _ in range(index):
                start = self.index(self.SEP, start) + 1
            except ValueError:
                raise IndexError("part index {index!r} out of range") from None
            stop = self.index(self.SEP, start + 1)
        except ValueError:
            stop = len(self)
        return slice(start, stop)

    def count_parts(self) -> int:
        return self.count(self.SEP) + 1

    def slice_parts(self, start: None=None, stop: None=None) -> Sequence[str]: ...

    def slice_parts(self, start: slice, stop: None=None) -> Sequence[str]: ...

    def slice_parts(self, start: int, stop: int) -> Sequence[str]: ...

    def slice_parts(self, start: int, stop: None=None) -> str: ...

    def slice_parts(self,
                    start: Optional[Union[int, slice]]=None,
                    stop: Optional[int]=None,
    ) -> Sequence[str]:
        """Slice the account parts like they were a list

        Given a single index, return that part of the account name as a string.
        Otherwise, return a list of part names sliced according to the arguments.
        if start is None:
            part_slice = slice(None)
        elif isinstance(start, slice):
            part_slice = start
        elif stop is None:
            return self[self._find_part_slice(start)]
            part_slice = slice(start, stop)
        return self.split(self.SEP)[part_slice]

    def root_part(self, count: int=1) -> str:
        """Return the first part(s) of the account name as a string"""
            stop = self._find_part_slice(count - 1).stop
        except IndexError:
            return self
            return self[:stop]


class Amount(bc_amount.Amount):
    """Beancount amount after processing

    Beancount's native Amount class declares number to be Optional[Decimal],
    because the number is None when Beancount first parses a posting that does
    not have an amount, because the user wants it to be automatically balanced.

    As part of the loading process, Beancount replaces those None numbers
    with the calculated amount, so it will always be a Decimal. This class
    overrides the type declaration accordingly, so the type checker knows
    that our code doesn't have to consider the possibility that number is
    number: decimal.Decimal

    # beancount.core._Amount is the plain namedtuple.
    # beancore.core.Amount adds instance methods to it.
    # b.c.Amount.__New__ calls `b.c._Amount.__new__`, which confuses type
    # checking. See <>.
    # It works fine if you use super(), which is better practice anyway.
    # So we override __new__ just to call _Amount.__new__ this way.
    def __new__(cls, number: decimal.Decimal, currency: str) -> 'Amount':
        return super(bc_amount.Amount, Amount).__new__(cls, number, currency)


class Metadata(MutableMapping[MetaKey, MetaValue]):
    """Transaction or posting metadata

    This class wraps a Beancount metadata dictionary with additional methods
    for common parsing and query tasks.
    __slots__ = ('meta',)
    _HUMAN_NAMES: MutableMapping[MetaKey, str] = {
        # Initialize this dict with special cases.
        # We use it as a cache for other metadata names as they're queried.
        'check-id': 'Check Number',
        'paypal-id': 'PayPal ID',
        'rt-id': 'Ticket',

    def __init__(self, source: MutableMapping[MetaKey, MetaValue]) -> None:
        self.meta = source

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[MetaKey]:
        return iter(self.meta)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.meta)

    def __getitem__(self, key: MetaKey) -> MetaValue:
        return self.meta[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key: MetaKey, value: MetaValue) -> None:
        self.meta[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key: MetaKey) -> None:
        del self.meta[key]

    def get_links(self, key: MetaKey) -> Sequence[str]:
            value = self.meta[key]
        except KeyError:
            return ()
        if isinstance(value, str):
            return value.split()
            raise TypeError("{} metadata is a {}, not str".format(
                key, type(value).__name__,

    def report_links(self, key: MetaKey) -> Sequence[str]:
        """Return a sequence of link strings under the named metadata key

        get_links raises a TypeError if the metadata is not a string.
        This method simply returns the empty sequence.
        Validation code (like in the plugin) usually uses get_links()
        while reporting code uses report_links().
            return self.get_links(key)
        except TypeError:
            return ()

    def first_link(self, key: MetaKey, default: None=None) -> Optional[str]: ...

    def first_link(self, key: MetaKey, default: str) -> str: ...

    def first_link(self, key: MetaKey, default: Optional[str]=None) -> Optional[str]:
            return self.get_links(key)[0]
        except (IndexError, TypeError):
            return default

    def human_name(cls, key: MetaKey) -> str:
        """Return the "human" version of a metadata name

        This is usually the metadata key with punctuation replaced with spaces,
        and then titlecased, with a few special cases. The return value is
        suitable for using in reports.
            retval = cls._HUMAN_NAMES[key]
        except KeyError:
            retval = key.replace('-', ' ').title()
            retval = re.sub(r'\bId$', 'ID', retval)
            cls._HUMAN_NAMES[key] = retval
        return retval


class PostingMeta(Metadata):
    """Combined access to posting metadata with its parent transaction metadata

    This lets you access posting metadata through a single dict-like object.
    If you try to look up metadata that doesn't exist on the posting, it will
    look for the value in the parent transaction metadata instead.

    You can set and delete metadata as well. Changes only affect the metadata
    of the posting, never the transaction. Changes are propagated to the
    underlying Beancount data structures.

    Functionally, you can think of this as identical to:

      collections.ChainMap(post.meta, txn.meta)

    Under the hood, this class does a little extra work to avoid creating
    posting metadata if it doesn't have to.
    __slots__ = ('txn', 'index', 'post')

    def __init__(self,
                 txn: Transaction,
                 index: int,
                 post: Optional[BasePosting]=None,
    ) -> None:
        if post is None:
            post = txn.postings[index]
        self.txn = txn
        self.index = index
 = post
        self.meta: collections.ChainMap = collections.ChainMap(txn.meta)
        if post.meta is not None:
            self.meta = self.meta.new_child(post.meta)

    def __getitem__(self, key: MetaKey) -> MetaValue:
            return super().__getitem__(key)
        except KeyError:
            if key == 'entity' and self.txn.payee is not None:
                return self.txn.payee

    def __setitem__(self, key: MetaKey, value: MetaValue) -> None:
        if len(self.meta.maps) == 1:
   ={key: value})
            assert is not None
            self.txn.postings[self.index] =
            self.meta = self.meta.new_child(
            super().__setitem__(key, value)

    def __delitem__(self, key: MetaKey) -> None:
        if len(self.meta.maps) == 1:
            raise KeyError(key)

    # This is arguably cheating a litttle bit, but I'd argue the date of
    # the parent transaction still qualifies as posting metadata, and
    # it's something we want to access so often it's good to have it
    # within easy reach.
    def date(self) ->

    def detached(self) -> 'PostingMeta':
        """Create a copy of this PostingMeta detached from the original post

        Changes you make to the detached copy will not propagate to the
        underlying data structures. This is mostly useful for reporting code
        that may want to "split" and manipulate the metadata multiple times.
        retval = type(self)(self.txn, self.index,
        retval.meta = self.meta.new_child()
        return retval


class Posting(BasePosting):
    """Enhanced Posting objects

    This class is a subclass of Beancount's native Posting class where
    specific fields are replaced with enhanced versions:

    * The `account` field is an Account object
    * The `units` field is our Amount object (which simply declares that the
      number is always a Decimal—see that docstring for details)
    * The `meta` field is a PostingMeta object
    __slots__ = ()

    account: Account
    units: Amount
    cost: Optional[bc_position.Cost]
    # mypy correctly complains that our MutableMapping is not compatible
    # with Beancount's meta type declaration of Optional[Dict]. IMO
    # Beancount's type declaration is a smidge too specific: I think its type
    # declaration should also use MutableMapping, because it would be very
    # unusual for code to specifically require a Dict over that.
    # If it did, this declaration would pass without issue.
    meta: PostingMeta  # type:ignore[assignment]

    def from_beancount(cls,
                       txn: Transaction,
                       index: int,
                       post: Optional[BasePosting]=None,
    ) -> 'Posting':
        if post is None:
            post = txn.postings[index]
        return cls(
            # see rationale above about Posting.meta
            PostingMeta(txn, index, post), # type:ignore[arg-type]

    def from_txn(cls, txn: Transaction) -> Iterator['Posting']:
        """Yield an enhanced Posting object for every posting in the transaction"""
        for index, post in enumerate(txn.postings):
            yield cls.from_beancount(txn, index, post)

    def from_entries(cls, entries: Iterable[Directive]) -> Iterator['Posting']:
        """Yield an enhanced Posting object for every posting in these entries"""
        for entry in entries:
            # Because Beancount's own Transaction class isn't type-checkable,
            # we can't statically check this. Might as well rely on duck
            # typing while we're at it: just try to yield postings from
            # everything, and ignore entries that lack a postings attribute.
                yield from cls.from_txn(entry)  # type:ignore[arg-type]
            except AttributeError:

    def at_cost(self) -> Amount:
        if self.cost is None:
            return self.units
            return Amount(self.units.number * self.cost.number, self.cost.currency)


_KT = TypeVar('_KT', bound=Hashable)
_VT = TypeVar('_VT')
class _SizedDict(collections.OrderedDict, MutableMapping[_KT, _VT]):
    def __init__(self, maxsize: int=128) -> None:
        self.maxsize = maxsize

    def __setitem__(self, key: _KT, value: _VT) -> None:
        super().__setitem__(key, value)
        for _ in range(self.maxsize, len(self)):


def balance_of(txn: Transaction,
               *preds: Callable[[Account], Optional[bool]],
) -> Amount:
    """Return the balance of specified postings in a transaction.

    Given a transaction and a series of account predicates, balance_of
    returns the balance of the amounts of all postings with accounts that
    match any of the predicates.

    balance_of uses the "weight" of each posting, so the return value will
    use the currency of the postings' cost when available.
    match_posts = [post for post in Posting.from_txn(txn)
                   if any(pred(post.account) for pred in preds)]
    number = decimal.Decimal(0)
    if not match_posts:
        currency = ''
        weights: Sequence[Amount] = [
            bc_convert.get_weight(post) for post in match_posts
        number = sum((wt.number for wt in weights), number)
        currency = weights[0].currency
    return Amount(number, currency)

_opening_balance_cache: MutableMapping[str, bool] = _SizedDict()
def is_opening_balance_txn(txn: Transaction) -> bool:
    key = '\0'.join(
        f'{post.account}={post.units}' for post in txn.postings
        return _opening_balance_cache[key]
    except KeyError:
    opening_equity = balance_of(txn, Account.is_opening_equity)
    if not opening_equity.currency:
        retval = False
        rest = balance_of(txn, lambda acct: not acct.is_opening_equity())
        if not rest.currency:
            retval = False
            retval = abs(opening_equity.number + rest.number) < decimal.Decimal('.01')
        rest = balance_of(txn, lambda acct: not acct.is_under(*EQUITY_ACCOUNTS))
        retval = (
            opening_equity.currency == rest.currency
            and abs(opening_equity.number + rest.number) < decimal.Decimal('.01')
    _opening_balance_cache[key] = retval
    return retval
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

from setuptools import setup

    description="Plugin, library, and reports for reading Conservancy's books",
    author='Software Freedom Conservancy',
    license='GNU AGPLv3+',

        'babel>=2.6',  # Debian:python3-babel
        'beancount>=2.2',  # Debian:beancount
        'GitPython>=2.0',  # Debian:python3-git
        # 1.4.1 crashes when trying to save some documents.
        'odfpy>=1.4.0,!=1.4.1',  # Debian:python3-odf
        'PyYAML>=3.0',  # Debian:python3-yaml
        'regex',  # Debian:python3-regex
        'pytest-runner',  # Debian:python3-pytest-runner
        'mypy>=0.770',  # Debian:python3-mypy
        'pytest',  # Debian:python3-pytest

        'console_scripts': [
            'accrual-report = conservancy_beancount.reports.accrual:entry_point',
            'assemble-audit-reports =',
            'balance-sheet-report = conservancy_beancount.reports.balance_sheet:entry_point',
            'budget-report = conservancy_beancount.reports.budget:entry_point',
            'bean-sort =',
            'extract-odf-links =',
            'fund-report =',
            'ledger-report = conservancy_beancount.reports.ledger:entry_point',
            'opening-balances =',
            'split-ods-links =',
Show inline comments
"""Test data.is_opening_balance_txn function"""
# Copyright © 2020  Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from decimal import Decimal

import pytest

from . import testutil

from conservancy_beancount import data

def test_typical_opening():
    txn = testutil.OpeningBalance()
    assert data.is_opening_balance_txn(txn)

def test_multiacct_opening():
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        ('Assets:Receivable:Accounts', 100),
        (next(testutil.OPENING_EQUITY_ACCOUNTS), -100),
        ('Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', -150),
        (next(testutil.OPENING_EQUITY_ACCOUNTS), 150),
    assert data.is_opening_balance_txn(txn)

def test_opening_with_fx():
    txn = testutil.OpeningBalance()
    equity_post = txn.postings[-1]
    txn.postings[-1] = equity_post._replace(
        units=testutil.Amount(equity_post.units.number * Decimal('.9'), 'EUR'),
    assert data.is_opening_balance_txn(txn)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct1,acct2,number', [
    ('Assets:Receivable:Accounts', 'Income:Donations', 100),
    ('Expenses:Other', 'Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', 200),
    ('Expenses:Other', 'Equity:Retained:Costs', 300),
    # Release from restriction
    ('Equity:Funds:Unrestricted', 'Equity:Funds:Restricted', 400),
    # Donation from project fund
    ('Equity:Funds:Restricted', 'Income:Donations', 500),
def test_not_opening_balance(acct1, acct2, number):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        (acct1, number),
        (acct2, -number),
    assert not data.is_opening_balance_txn(txn)
Show inline comments
"""Test validation of entity metadata"""
# Copyright © 2020  Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import pytest

from . import testutil

from conservancy_beancount.plugin import meta_entity

    # Classic entity: LastName-FirstName
    # Various people and companies have one-word names
    # Digits are allowed, as part of a name or standalone
    # No case requirements
    # No limit on the number of parts of the name
    # Names that have no ASCII are allowed, with or without dash separators
    # Governments, using : as a hierarchy separator
    # The PayPal importer allows ASCII punctuation in entity metadata
    # import2ledger produces entities that end with -
    # That's probably a bug, but allow it for now.

    # Starting with a - is not allowed
    # Names that can be reduced to ASCII should be
    # Producers should change this to Uberentity or Ueberentity
    # I am not wild about this rule and would like to relax it—it's mostly
    # based on an expectation that entities are typed in by an American. That's
    # true less and less and it seems like we should reduce the amount of
    # mangling producers are expected to do. But it's the rule for today.
    # Whitespace is never allowed
    'Alex Smith',
    '田中\u00A0流星',  # Non-breaking space
    # Non-ASCII punctuation is not allowed
    'Яшин—Данила',  # em dash
    'O’Malley-Thomas',  # Right-angled apostrophe
    'Du-Bois-W。-E。-B。',  # Japanese period

    # Values produced by various importers that should be translated to
    # Anonymous.
    ' ',
    ' _ ',

TEST_KEY = 'entity'

def hook():
    config = testutil.TestConfig()
    return meta_entity.MetaEntity(config)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', VALID_VALUES)
def test_valid_values_on_postings(hook, src_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', -25),
        ('Expenses:General', 25, {TEST_KEY: src_value}),
    assert not any(

@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', ANONYMOUS_VALUES)
def test_anonymous_values_on_postings(hook, src_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', -25),
        ('Expenses:General', 25, {TEST_KEY: src_value}),
    assert not any(
    assert txn.postings[-1].meta[TEST_KEY] == 'Anonymous'

@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', INVALID_VALUES)
def test_invalid_values_on_postings(hook, src_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', -25),
        ('Expenses:General', 25, {TEST_KEY: src_value}),
    errors = list(
    assert len(errors) == 1
    assert errors[0].message == "Expenses:General has invalid entity: {}".format(src_value)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', VALID_VALUES)
def test_valid_values_on_transactions(hook, src_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(payee='Payee', **{TEST_KEY: src_value}, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', -25),
        ('Expenses:General', 25),
    assert not any(
    # Make sure payee doesn't overwrite metadata. See payee test below.
    assert txn.meta[TEST_KEY] == src_value

@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', ANONYMOUS_VALUES)
def test_anonymous_values_on_transactions(hook, src_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(**{TEST_KEY: src_value}, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', -25),
        ('Expenses:General', 25),
    assert not any(
    assert txn.meta[TEST_KEY] == 'Anonymous'

@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', INVALID_VALUES)
def test_invalid_values_on_transactions(hook, src_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(**{TEST_KEY: src_value}, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', -25),
        ('Expenses:General', 25),
    errors = list(
    assert 1 <= len(errors) <= 2
    assert all(error.message == "transaction has invalid entity: {}".format(src_value)
               for error in

@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', VALID_VALUES)
def test_valid_values_on_payee(hook, src_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(payee=src_value, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', -25),
        ('Expenses:General', 25),
    assert not any(
    # In this case, we want the hook to set metadata to make it easier to
    # write bean-queries.
    assert txn.meta[TEST_KEY] == src_value

@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', ANONYMOUS_VALUES)
def test_anonymous_values_on_payee(hook, src_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(payee=src_value, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', -25),
        ('Expenses:General', 25),
    assert not any(
    assert txn.meta[TEST_KEY] == 'Anonymous'

@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', INVALID_VALUES)
def test_invalid_values_on_payee(hook, src_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(payee=src_value, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', -25),
        ('Expenses:General', 25),
    errors = list(
    assert 1 <= len(errors) <= 2
    assert all(error.message == "transaction has invalid entity: {}".format(src_value)
               for error in

@pytest.mark.parametrize('payee,src_value', testutil.combine_values(
def test_invalid_payee_but_valid_metadata(hook, payee, src_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(**{'payee': payee, TEST_KEY: src_value}, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', -25),
        ('Expenses:Other', 25),
    assert not any(

def test_mixed_sources(hook):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(payee='Payee', postings=[
        ('Income:Donations', -5),
        ('Equity:Funds:Restricted', 5, {TEST_KEY: 'Entity'}),
    assert not any(
    assert txn.postings[-1].meta[TEST_KEY] == 'Entity'
    assert txn.meta[TEST_KEY] == 'Payee'
        assert txn.postings[0].meta[TEST_KEY] == 'Payee'
    except (KeyError, TypeError):

@pytest.mark.parametrize('account,required', [
    ('Assets:Bank:Checking', False),
    ('Assets:Cash', False),
    ('Assets:Receivable:Accounts', True),
    ('Assets:Receivable:Loans', True),
    ('Equity:OpeningBalances', False),
    ('Expenses:General', True),
    ('Income:Donations', True),
    ('Liabilities:CreditCard', False),
    ('Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', True),
    ('Liabilities:Payable:Vacation', True),
    ('Liabilities:UnearnedIncome:Donations', False),
def test_which_accounts_required_on(hook, account, required):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        ('Assets:Checking', -25),
        (account, 25),
    errors = list(
    if not required:
        assert not errors
        assert errors
        assert any(error.message == "{} missing entity".format(account)
                   for error in errors)

def test_dont_set_entity_none(hook):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        ('Expenses:Other', 5),
        ('Assets:Cash', -5),
    assert any(
    assert 'entity' not in txn.meta
    for post in txn.postings:
        assert post.meta is None or 'entity' not in post.meta

def test_not_required_on_opening(hook):
    txn = testutil.OpeningBalance()
    assert not list(

@pytest.mark.parametrize('date,need_value', [
    (testutil.EXTREME_FUTURE_DATE, False),
    (testutil.FUTURE_DATE, True),
    (testutil.FY_START_DATE, True),
    (testutil.FY_MID_DATE, True),
    (testutil.PAST_DATE, False),
def test_required_by_date(hook, date, need_value):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[
        ('Income:Donations', -10),
        ('Assets:Checking', 10),
    assert any( == need_value

def test_still_required_on_flagged(hook):
    txn = testutil.Transaction(flag='!', postings=[
        ('Income:Donations', -10),
        ('Assets:Checking', 10),
    assert list(
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